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Comparing the political activism of Afghanistan to Turkey

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In Afghanistan as well as Turkey, there is a long history of political involvement. Street

protests and more conventional political organization and campaigning are just a few of the

various forms that this activity may take. The voices of activists in both nations have recently

benefited greatly from social media's amplification power. The political environments of Turkey

and Afghanistan share a lot in common. Various factions have been striving for dominance in

both nations' long-running conflicts. Political activism has increased recently in both nations as

people grow more disenchanted with the existing quo.

The Taliban have been a significant source of unrest and bloodshed in Afghanistan.

Attacks by the gang against both civilians and government targets have terrified the populace.

Afghan activists have planned protests and marches in reaction, demanding an end to the

Taliban's terror rule (Olesen, 2013). They have also pressed their administration for greater

democracy and openness.

The Justice and Development Party (AKP), which is now in power in Turkey, has long

dominated politics. 2013 saw a spike in protests when the AKP was charged with corruption and

authoritarianism. Turkish activists have also demanded more democracy and an end to violations

of human rights. Similar to their Afghan colleagues, they have encountered enormous obstacles

in their drive for reform.

Although Turkey and Afghanistan have many similarities, there are also some significant

distinctions. Turkey has a far higher overall level of living than Afghanistan and is more

developed. This indicates that campaigners in Turkey often have more liberties than their Afghan

counterparts. Turkish activists have had better success attaining their objectives because the

Turkish administration is more receptive to public pressure than the Afghan government.
The political environments of Turkey and Afghanistan are generally similar and

dissimilar. Political activism has increased in both nations recently as a result of growing

discontent with the current quo. However, compared to the Afghan government, the Turkish

government typically responds to public pressure better, which means Turkish activists have had

more success attaining their objectives.

Turkish activists have succeeded in accomplishing their objectives as a result of

the Turkish government's receptivity to popular pressure. Turkish activists have had greater

success attaining their objectives since the Turkish government normally responds to public

pressure more favorably than the Afghan administration (Aras et al., 2009). This is because

Turkey has a higher level of life generally than Afghanistan and is a more developed nation. This

indicates that campaigners in Turkey often have more liberties than their Afghan counterparts.

Turkish activists have had better success attaining their objectives because the Turkish

administration is more receptive to public pressure than the Afghan government.

Recent years have seen religious discrimination in both Afghanistan and Turkey. Both

Muslims and non-Muslims have been targets of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Attacks by the gang

against both civilians and government targets have terrified the populace. Afghan activists have

planned protests and marches in reaction, demanding an end to the Taliban's terror rule. They

have also pressed their administration for greater democracy and openness.

The Afghan people should continue to advocate for change through political activity for a

variety of reasons. Afghanistan as a whole is beset by unrest and instability. For years, the

Taliban has frightened the populace by attacking both government and civilian targets. Afghan

activists have planned protests and marches in reaction, demanding an end to the Taliban's terror

rule (Orfan, 2021). They have also pressed their administration for greater democracy and
openness. Afghans may benefit from Turkish activists' triumphs by studying them to replicate

such outcomes in their nation. They can bring about the urgently required reforms in Afghanistan

by continuing to press for change via political activity.


Aras, B., Dağci, K., & Çaman, M. E. (2009). Turkey's New Activism in Asia. Alternatives:

Turkish Journal of International Relations, 8(2).

Olesen, A. (2013). Islam & Politics Afghanistan N. Routledge.

Orfan, S. N. (2021). Political participation of Afghan Youths on Facebook: A case study of

Northeastern Afghanistan. Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1), 1857916.

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