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Guico, Jem Mariel S.


2nd Year – BS Psychology Ms. Amy Baclagan

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sometimes referred to as the Global Goals,
were enacted by the United Nations in 2015 as a global call to action to eradicate poverty,
safeguard the environment, and guarantee that by the year 2030, peace and prosperity will be
experienced by everyone. The 17 SDGs understand that development must balance social,
economic, and environmental sustainability and that actions in one area will have an impact on
results in others. Countries have agreed to give those who are falling behind the most priority
while making progress. The SDGs aim to eradicate AIDS, hunger, poverty, and prejudice against
women and girls. The SDGs must be achieved in every setting, and this requires the creativity,
knowledge, technology, and financial resources of the entire population.

I looked for an article that is related to the two Sustainable Development Goals which is
Gender Equality and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. The article is entitled, “Special
Issue on Women in Chemical Engineering”. It was written by Meenesh R. Singh and Diana
Azevedo. This article focuses on proving that women can also do the job that men do, such as
Chemical Engineering. Before, and even up until this day, many people believe that the job and
title of an engineer is only fit for men, but this article shows and proves that women can also do
that job and can earn that title.

In nations like Argentina, Portugal, and Poland, it has almost attained parity in the field
of chemical engineering (Jayabalasingham, 2022). However, the average number of publications
per woman still lags behind that of men in the USA and EU, falling to 0.57 in Greece and Japan.
According to a recent study conducted by Elsevier, (De Klejin et al., 2020) men are more highly
presented among authors with long publication history, while women are highly represented
among authors with short publication history. This proves that there is a shift towards a more
gender-balanced research landscape.
Leading women scientists, who on average produce 23% fewer articles than men under
the condition of the corresponding author, are featured in this special edition of Chemical
Engineering. Outstanding women scientists were encouraged to contribute publications to the
journal showcasing the most current development in their areas of expertise. In the fields of
Catalysis Science and Engineering, Separation Science and Engineering, Process Systems
Engineering, Pharmaceutical Science and Engineering, and Energy and Environmental
Engineering, we have assembled a singular collection of 17 contributions from around the globe.

This article was published by Chemical Engineering Research and Design to recognize
and showcase the top women researchers across the globe. These women have different stages in
the careers and are conducting pioneer research in their field of study. It has 17 contributions
from the women researchers in areas of catalysis, process systems, pharmaceuticals, energy, and
engineering. In the introductory part of the article, the authors mentioned about how men are
dominating their field of study because they publishing research in with a long publication
history, while women are publishing research with a short publication history. This shows the
gender inequality happening in our society, specially, in their field of study. Despite those
discriminations, these outstanding women proves that their gender is not a hindrance to create a
high-quality work of research in the field of their study. Which makes the company even more
proud when this article, “Special Issue on Women in Chemical Engineering” was published.

This is under the Sustainable Development Goals because gender equality, specially in
terms of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure has a huge impact in developing our world. Not
only it gives opportunity to the women, but it also improves the quality of work in the industry
because the work is not only limited to men who is dominating for many years. Women has so
much power and contribution in terms of these things which will benefit our contemporary
The women in the photo below are the outstanding women scientists across the globe who are
making an impact in chemical engineering research and education.

Bordawekar et al., (2021). Positioning for a sustainable future — role of chemical engineers in
transforming pharmaceutical process development. Wiley Online Library.

Chen et al., (2018). Process optimization with consideration of uncertainties – an overview.

Science direct.

De Klejin et al., (2020). The Researcher Journey Through a Gender Lens: An Examination of
Research Participation, Career Progression and Perceptions Across the Globe.

Jayabalasingham, (2021, 2022). Author gender statistics. Comparing across countries within a
selected subject. Public tableau.

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