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The Partition of Bengal and the formation of the All India Muslim League

The partition of Bengal:

Bengal was divided into two parts by the British iin 1905. One of the reasons of its partition was that by
dividing it could by better administered because it was big to administer as a whole. Another reason why
the brtish decided to divide was to weaken the indian congress as in one division, Muslims would be a
majority while hindus in the other. the muslims benefited because they were a majority in eastern
Bengal and could progress and prosper without the interference of wealthy hindu landlords and
buisinmess men which led to western buisinesses suffering. It led to a protest supported by hindus
which involved boycotting british goods. This eventually led to formation of Muslim league as Muslims,
who were educucationally and economaically backward when compared to the hindus, realized after
being a mahjority in Bengal that the united numerical strength of Muslims could lead to great prosperity
and they realized that the Indian Congress supported mosly hindus and did not care with muslim
matters. The partition created a lot of discontent among hindus. The british, after being threatned by
Indian protests supported by hindus, reversed the partition which made the muslims question the brtish
and become suspicous of them.

Muslim league;

The all india muslim leugue was formed in 1906 in Dacca and was led by Newab Salimullah of Decca,
Newab Moshin ul Mulk, and Mazhar ul Haq. after the Muslims stared questioning their once friendly
relationship after seeing that the British were willing to support the Hindus after they became aggressive
and did not mind taking away the beenfts muslims were getting from the partition. Their main
objectives were to create a sense loyalty among muslims and british, to support Muslim interests and to
help other communities better understand muslims.

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