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40% of grade 11 STEM students were affected much on the expenses of school projects.

30% were affected moderately. 20% of them were affected very much. Less affected were 2%.

There are 36% of students who where affected much on the load expenses. Followed by 34%

who where affected moderately. 20% were very much affected and 2% who where less affected.


Most of the students were affected moderately with a 34% percentage of 34 in the distance

of their location. 34% of students were moderately affected, 28% were affected very much and 12% were

less affected.

There are 38% who were affected much in their environment. 30% were affected moderately

and 18% who were very much affected. Lastly 14% of the students were less affected.

In accessibility under library 48% of the students says that the library has moderately affected

their performance. 28% says their performance were less affected. 8% says that it affect much and 4% says

it has less effect.

Under internet 92% of the students says that internet have moderately affect to their academic

performance. 34% of them says that internet has moderately affect them. 16% says that internet has a

very much effect and 8% says it has less effect.

Under gadget 46% says that gadget has much affect to their academic performance. 20% of them

says it has a moderately effect and 20% also says a moderately effect. 14% of them sait that it has less effect.


48% were affected in their time management. 30% were very much affected. 16% were moderately

affected and 16% were moderately affected and 6% were less affected.

42% were much affected in the given deadline. 32% of them were very much affected and 26% were

affected much. 2% were less affected.

38% of the students said that the number of activities has moderately affect and 38% also said that

has very much affect on their academic performance. 24% says it has moderately affect.

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