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July 11th No.

and 35 week: two in the third quarter role: secretary

Description: Today was a very good day because we do something different we are starting to make presentations in English and it was most good because they felt sorry and although there were some that did not work out was fun. We already knew we had to introduce for this reason we had to study and review for us not matter what happened to many who did not appear. For the next class we will continue with presentations so we have to study and review. Comment: We believe to be the premier presentation many of us were afraid to go out and many said no, but all ways if there was much irresponsibility regarding the behavior was good because we believe that activity is very good Objectives: For the next class which presented will try to do better and we will not do and went out without penalty. Keywords: Endeavor: esfuerzo Someone: alguien As we do not make the blog in class does not have very clear what the words but for the next whether they will complete all July 15th No. Agenda: Week: Role: There were no classes because the teachers had meeting Leidy Johana mazo Mara Fernanda Acosta Lpez Juan camilo blandn Hernndez ngela mara mazo Cristian David Ocampo Grupo: 9-3 Equipo: 2

22th Class: 22, 23 Week from: Role: secretary Lesson plan: Attendance General instructions Reading plan Individual and pair work Individual oral presentations.

Started this class when the teacher called ready Then gave instructions to continue working with the reader plan Then start with the reader being able to finish plan that lasted an hour In the second hour we have staged Did not make enough, on my computer did all but gave corduroy Angela. We already knew we were going work the reader plan and we played presentation And we plan to finish the reader

was not all work as a team because as it was we were different from each reader plan a couple and others are played alone to touch you with Santiago, mafe and worked very well because they were next to me I can not remember which was the book that I play but it's good because they were very happy. Angela yeral you play with and the book is called the fox, of which not a lot because they play in the other table, No se Christian or with whom you play good when we finished the presentations begin This time it was about famous people I did it on because I love Enrique Iglesias, Madonna mafe on, Christian on Leonardo DiCaprio. One that was nothing but hard as fifteen seconds, And look that most of the presentations were good, nothing more of Daniel and Salome met two minutes, but beyond that no one did'm missing many of us twenty seconds to two minutes to reach. We also noticed a lot of irresponsibility and it is the same as always they never do anything.

Our goal is to make the presentation with the exact time and if we can longer

Alone: Sola, solamente, to leave sb: dejar a uno en paz Beyond: Ms all de: adems de, fuera de, superior a, mas all , ms lejos,DOUBT: fuera de toda duda Missing: Que falta, desaparecido, perdido, ausente, extraviado Same: 1. Adjetivo: mismo, igual, idntico 2. Adverbio: de la misma forma 3. Pronombre: l mismo

Equipo 2 9-3 Mara Fernanda Acosta Lpez Leidy Johana Mazo M Cristian David Ocampo ngela Mara Mazo

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