Iflex Training On Job Appreciation Focusing On Flexibility

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Training Title: iFlex

Training on Job Appreciation focusing on Flexibility

Participants: All associates under the Research and Development (RnD) Department

Facilitator: Kristine Pacoy

Training and Development Assistant
PEOPLE – Make Em Better


Any qualified associates of Training and Development Office

Training Objectives: At the end of the three-month period, the participants shall be able to:
1. Identify different approach in dealing with clients;
2. Respond appropriately in dealing with clients;
3. Display appropriate attitude in dynamic work conditions.

Time Frame: 7 hours

Module Description:

This module is designed to address the needs of the Research and Development Department. This
module discusses Job Appreciation focusing on flexibility.

Session 1

Aims/Objective: 1. To welcome the participants;

2. To present the objective of this training;
3. To allow participants introduce themselves;
4. To know the participants expectation for the
5. To establish the training norms that must be

Instructional Aid: Projected material, name tags, markers, double-sided tape, manila paper

Training Approach: Sharing/Group Discussion

Session Flow:

Welcoming of The session will start with a prayer in a form of an AVP. After the prayer, the
Participants facilitator will welcome the participants and introduce himself/herself. He/she
Duration: 5 minutes will also ask the participants on how was their day as part of the rapport
Norms Setting The facilitators will now establish the norms set to be observed throughout
Duration: 5 minutes the training.
Objective Setting The facilitator will present the objectives of the training. The facilitator may
Duration: 5 minutes entertain questions or clarifications from the participants.
Getting to Know The facilitator will give the direction for the game. It will be an activity for the
Activity participants to get to know each other well before the training starts. This will
Duration: 20 minutes be followed by another activity entitled “What about this”.

Title: Sinetch Itey?

Duration: 20 minutes

1. The group will be divided into two teams.
2. Each person will be given a blank piece of card.
3. The participants will be asked to write five little known facts about
themselves on their card. (For example, I have a pet iguana, I was
born in Iceland, my favourite food is spinach, my grandmother is
called Doris and my favourite colour is vermillion.)
4. The facilitator will collect the cards into two team piles.
5. The facilitator will draw one card from the opposing team pile. Each
team will try to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five
points if they get it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with
the most points wins.

Expectation Setting The facilitator will give instruction to start the short activity. The activity will
Duration: 15 minutes set the expectations of the participants about the training they are attending.
After the activity, the facilitator will go through the expectations written by
the participants.

Title: What about this?

Duration: 15 minutes

1. The participants will be asked to write a word/phrase about their
2. Participants will be asked to post it at the manila paper in front.
3. After everyone was able to post their expectations, the facilitator will
go through the expectations of the participants.

1. To review the nature of their job;

2. To draw out the different working conditions;
Aims/Objective: 3. To allow participants recognize and
appreciate these different conditions as part
of their job.

Instructional Aid: Projected materials, marker, manila paper

Training Approach: Group Activity, Group Sharing, and Lecture


The session will start with an activity

entitled “Word Factory”. The activity will be
an avenue for participants to recall their
duties and responsibilities and performance
expectations as per their Job Description.
The said activity will be followed by the
“What I know and What I do not Know”
activity. This activity will be a checklist
activity wherein the facilitator will distribute
checklist of the participant’s respective job
description. The said activity will be linked to
the review with regards to the function of an
associate under the RnD department.
After reviewing the nature of their
job, another game will be facilitated. The
game is called “Maze Runner”. The team has
to come to a battle field that has been laid
with mines. One blindfolded person at a
time must attempt to cross the battlefield
without stepping on a mine. Once a team
member steps on a mine, they must return
back to the start. The direction will be given
by the team members of the player. Guide
questions are to be used during the
processing. Processing will be done through
group sharing, where they will be relating
the experience of the blindfolded player
traversing the field and their function in the
workplace. This will put emphasis to the
participant’s different working conditions
and the obstacles that they have to pass
through without touching together with the
help of their team members’ guide. The
processing will also guide the participants in
appreciation to the oddities of their
The activity will be linked to the next
topic, “Evolution in the Workplace”. A brief
discussion of the history of the workplace
leading to changes/evolution will be given. It
will include the challenges in the workplace
and different working conditions as part of
their job.
Reviewing Title: Word Factory
Duration: 20 minutes
Duration: 25 Objective: To list duties and responsibilities
and performance expectation as many as
you can.

1. The participants will be divided into
two groups.
2. The team will choose the first player
and the 2nd player up to the last.
3. The players will be competing by
4. The facilitator will ask the
participants to list in two categories
(duties and responsibilities and
performance expectations) as many
as they can in 30 seconds.
5. After the time expires, next player
will continue up to the last player.
The game will end after the last
6. Same answers will be
crushed-out. Scoring will be
based on the correct answer
that the team has and others
don’t have.
7. The team with the highest number of
uncrushed correct answers will win
the game.
Duration: 30
minutes This is a review of the department’s job
I. Research definition, duties and
and responsibilities/accountabilities, and
Development’s Job performance
Description expectation/opportunities/limitations.
Drawing out Title: Maze Runner
the different Duration: 20 minutes (estimated)
condition Objective: To cross the field blindfolded
without touching the mines laid in the
Duration: 25 field.
1. The game will be played by group.
There will be two teams.
2. The group will choose the first
player who will go through the
field that has been laid with
mines (obstacles).
3. The player will be blindfolded.
4. The player can begin by
trying to cross the field by
themselves without
stepping on a mine.
5. Team members of the player will be
asked to help the player traverse
the field by "talking" them through
the field.
6. It will go through the same
process until the last player.
The first group to finish will
win the game.

Note: Once a team member steps on a mine,

they must return back to the start.
Processing Guide Process Questions:
1. What was the activity all about?
Duration: 20 2. How was the activity? Was it hard? Or
minutes was it easy?
3. What makes it hard? What makes it
4. How do you feel as the one traversing
the field?
5. How can you relate it with your
job/work as an associate of RnD?
6. What are your realizations while
doing the activity?
Duration: 20
minutes This will discuss the history of the workplace.
II. Evolution in the It will include the challenges in the
Workplace workplace and different working conditions
as part of their job.

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