Analytical Exposition (Mawar & Dike)

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1. Find 3 texts of analytical exposition……….

 TEXT 1 : The Importance Of Having Breakfast
TEXT 2 : Students Should not Do Cramming
TEXT 3 : Online Wanting

2. Put one of 3 titles and get then point which point at thesis, argument and reiretation…….

Students Should not Do Cramming

 Thesis
o The way students study before the test comes varies. Some of them start to
prepare for the test weeks or months before, and some others study in the last
hours before the test begins. It is great if they start studying weeks or months
before the test, yet if the students study all the material in the last hours or
minutes, it is terrible for them. This is what we call cramming.
 Argument 1
o Cramming is the situation when students stay up all night to study before the test
begins. This habit brings negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is it
bothers the regular sleep cycle. Less sleep can make students could not
concentrate in the class. In addition, cramming leaves students with a memory
about something that they have seen before. However, recognizing something is
not the same as recalling it.
 Argument 2
o Besides that, each student has their different sleeping time, so some of them often
may use a stimulant for cramming. Additionally, the stimulant such as coffee also
gives bad effects to its consumers. It causes many problems such as Caffeine
Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on.
 Reiteration
o In conclusion, cramming is terrible because it bothers our regular sleep cycle. It
also causes a nuisance in concentrating and can lead us to consume stimulants
which are not good for our health.

3. Highlight the linguistic features in the text……..

 Present Tense
Example : Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study
before their test
 Conjunction
Example : the first reason, additionally, furthermore, and thus.
 Evaluative Words
Example : bad, great, good, and negatif.
 causal conjunctions
Example : because it bothers our regular sleep cycle

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