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Midterms Reviewer



1. The following are the characteristics of Renaissance Period in art except:

o time of rebirth
o expansion of religious interpretation
o scientific discoveries and exploration of new lands
o none of the above

2. The following are recognizable artists in the renaissance except:

o Michelangelo
o Rafael
o Leonardo Da Vinci
o Peter Paul Rubens

3. All of the following are example of artworks during Renaissance except:

o The Last Supper
o Massacre of the Innocents
o The Holy Trinity
o Creation of Adam

4. All of the following are example of artworks in Baroque era except:

o Massacre of the Innocents
o The Conversion of St. Paul
o The Adoration of the Golden Cow
o None of the above

5. It is based on the principle of simplicity and symmetry which were seen as the virtues of the arts
of Rome and ancient Greece.
o Neo-classicism
o Realism
o Romanticism
o Expressionism
*for you to be able to review this topics, just find the definitions of these four.

6. The following are the famous painters in Baroque arts except:

o Paul Rubens
o Rembrandt
o El Greco
o None of the Above

7. All the following are true on the Pantheon, except:

o It was dedicated to the Goddess Athena
o It was built of concrete and brick
o It’s dome has oculus open to the weather
o It was a temple to all Roman Gods

8. What was the common feature of the sculptures in the Greek Archaic period?
o Subjects stoods stiffly with the arms on their sides
o People were shown in action scenes
o They were of common people and children

9. During what period did Greek artists begin to sculpt people in more relaxed poses and action
o Classical period
o Hellenistic period
o Roman period
o Greek Archaic period

10. On what type of art did some Greek paintings survived?

Midterms Reviewer

o Pottery
o Sculptures
o Clothing
o Columns

11. A nude standing figure of a young man is known in Greek art as:
o Kouroi - i2 ata ang sagot sabi ni gugul
o Entasis
o Lapith
o Occorus - *not sure if tama spelling HAHA

12. The General who commissioned the Parthenon was _____.

o Pericles – i2 ang sagot sabi ni gugul

13. The statue of Athena in Parthenon was made of ____.

o Marble and Bronze
o Ivory and Bronze
o Gold and Ivory
o Ivory and Marble

14. Which city was buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?

o Pompeii – i2 ang sagot sabi ni gugul

15. A structure such as Pont du Gard, which was use the channel water long distances, is an___.
o Dome
o Insula
o Voussoir
o Aqueduct

16. Another distinctive sculpture in Louvre depicts the winged swept goddess of victory, what is
her name in Greek?
o Aphrodite
o Nike
o Athena

17. What type of sculpture was of only a person’s head?

o Bust / Portrait Bust – i2 sagot sabi ni gugul

18. What type of sculpture was part of a wall?

o Relief Sculpture – i2 sabi ni gugul

19. Which was least likely to be in the Roman forum?

o Public trials
o Public Address
o Markets
o Baths – i2 sabi ni quizlet

20. Where is the cave painting discovered accidentally by four boys?

o Altamira
o Lascaux
o Chauvet
o None of the Above

21. Which of the following is not a description of Stonehenge?

o It is a big astronomical calendar
o It is a work of architecture
o It is located in England
Midterms Reviewer

o None of the Above

22. It is a vault of even curvature on a circular base.

o Arch
o Post
o Column
o Dome

23. The Colosseum is an amphitheater.

o True
o False

24. Which of the following statement is false?

o The Romans were imitator
o The Romans were more realistic compare to Greeks
o The Baths located in England were the influence of Rome
o None of the above

25. Which of the following is not an example of Medieval Art?

o Pantocrator
o Book of Durrow
o Courroux

26. Who moved the capital of Christianity from Rome to Byzantium?

o Nero
o Constantine
o Claudius Aurelius
o Julius Caesar

27. What is the present name of Byzantium?

o Istanbul
o Turkey
o Athens
o Pompeii

28. Which is not a true about the Medieval art?

o Most figures are realistically done
o Islamic arts also gained prominence during the Medieval Period
o People did not make free standing sculpture

29. Which is the most important Byzantine architectural work?

o Cathedral of Pisa
o Hagia Sophia
o Notre Dame Cathedral
o Jesus Mosaic

*There is a given picture, then identify if it’s baroque, gothic, romanisc, or renaissance.
*Look for the definition of the Byzantine Art, Carolingian Art, Ottonian Art, and --- art.

30. Which of the following is not a subject matter of Renaissance art?

o Mythology
o Portraits of Individuals
o Historical subjects
o Daily life – feel ko i2 kase for realism ata i2

31. What artistic technique that blurred the lines between subject, was used by Leonardo da Vinci
in the Mona Lisa?
Midterms Reviewer

o Foreshortening
o Sfumato
o Balance
o Perspective
*find the definition of these four

32. Humanism is _____.

o Study of humanities
o Study of human behavior
o Putting importance to human capability and fulfillment
o The study of human anatomy when rendering it in painting

33. Which of these is not a Renaissance artist?

o Leonardo da Vinci
o Rafael
o Medici
o Titian

34. Which construction led the protestant revolt?

o Florence Cathedral
o St. Peter’s Basilica
o Durham Cathedral
o Notre Dame Cathedral – not sure HAHAH

35. Where was the birthplace of the Renaissance?

o Florence
o Rome
o Vatican
o Milan

36. Who is the father of Renaissance Architecture?

o Filippo Brunelleshci

37. The family became the greatest patron of the arts during the Renaissance.
o Medici Family

*Look for the definition of Sfumato, Linear Perspective, Red Figure Perspective, and Fresco Painting

38. What innovation was introduced in Renaissance painting?

o Tempera
o Fresco
o Acrylic
o Oil

39. Which of the following is not a feature of Renaissance Architecture?

o Dome
o Round Arc
o Spires
o Vaulted Ceiling

40. Who is the famous artist who works as an architect on the Basilica of St. Peter?
o Michelangelo

41. What is the common feature of Last Supper, Holy Trinity, and School of Athens?
o Sfumato
o Contrapposto
o Linear Perspective
Midterms Reviewer

o Fresco


42 – 46. Name:
o The Oath of the Horatii
o Jean Jacques-Louis David
Style of Movement or Art or Period:
o Neo-classical Art
Type of Balance:
o Symmetrical Balance
Type of Perspective:
o Linear Perspective

47 – 51. Name:
o The Conversion of St. Paul
o Caravaggio
Style of Movement or Art or Period:
o Baroque Art
Type of Balance:
o Asymmetrical Balance
Which is not a characteristic of this painting?
o The focus on the natural light

52 – 57. Name:
o Raft of the Medusa
o Theodore Gericault
Method used in this Painting:
o Romanticism
The following characteristics are evident in this
painting except:
o The use of formal balance

Which of the following is true in relation to the painting?

o It is based on a real events

What is the nationality of the painter of this painting?

o French

58 – 61.
Midterms Reviewer

The title of the painting is?

o The Creation of Adam

The painting belongs to what era of art?

o Renaissance Art

It is creation of _____.
o Michelangelo

Who took the picture of this painting in the ceiling of Sistine Chapel? – ing damongkal ayni
eke knows
o Paul Rubens
o Rembrandt
o Angelica Kauffman
o Diego Velasquez

62 - 65. Name:
o Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love
with Paris (Roman Mythology)
o Angelica Kauffman
Equivalent of Paris in Greek Mythology:
o Adonis – sabi ni gugul HAHA
The scene in the painting is taken from the
ancient Greek story of ___.
o Trojan War

66. Jean Millet and Gustave Courbet are famous artist of the movement _____.
o Baroque
o Neo-classicism
o Realism
o Romanticism

67. This is the 19th century artistic movement that appeals to emotion rather than reason.
o Baroque
o Neo-classicism
o Realism
o Romanticism

68. The 19th century artistic movement which writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather
than life as it should be.
o Baroque
o Neo-classicism
o Realism
Midterms Reviewer

o Romanticism

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