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The article titled “Tertiary Education Should Be Made Free for All Students”
focuses on how students would benefit from free university education. Therefore, the
author is optimistic and advocates his reasons that every university should provide
free education because education is an essential part of life.

First and foremost, the author illustrates that making university education
free is to advocate equality. This is because bright students cannot attend university
due to their poverty, while at the same time, wealthy people can do so because their
parents can afford to cover their tuition. As we reviewed, the author has also
mentioned that all students should be able to attend universities if the tuition is free
and admissions are determined by grade rather than income.

Moreover, the author mentions that graduation obstacles would be

removed if higher education were free. On top of that, fewer students would not drop
to part-time status or quit their studies for financial reasons. In addition, the author
stated that students who made loans for education were quite risky as they may not
be able to repay their loans once they graduate, and those who do not get a loan for
education may fail to graduate.

The author also further highlights that in the United States, higher
education is seen as an asset in and of itself and a pathway to more excellent
financial stability and the main lever of economic mobility. This perspective on
student loans underscores the long-term, unpredictable, and occasionally hidden
effects of student loan dependency, raising the stakes for contemplating alternative
methods of financing higher education.

In addition, graduating debt-free may enhance people's skills for earning,

saving as well as spending and the development of the economy is supported by
this. As a result, a beneficial economic cycle forms and students who fear being in
debt might decide to skip school entirely. The younger generation would be far more
motivated to attend school if the debt were not an issue.
Finally, we agree with the author's view. This is because the higher
education enables student to do more than just solve issues more effectively with
greater understanding. Higher education should be made free as it will boost up the
logical and critical thinking among students. Besides, when the financial burden is
gone students are free to concentrate on their academics and invest their energy in
their education.

To conclude, free tertiary education will help students to be more creative

and innovative in solving problems and students will also be more focus on pursuing
their higher education. So, we emphasised that higher education should be free for
all students as education is vital for our success and the country's economy.

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