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Miguel Narciso

Geraldine Santos
CJ Chan

Discussions keep repeating on the topic “classes”
G: Classes end at 12:30 today
C: today is a thursday
G: thursday is going to be a good day
C: day 1 of classes i am excited
G: Excited am I for my next class

Repeating words
G: Nice to meet you also
C: Also, nice to meet you

Talking about classes is something that they have a lot to talk about because both of them are
It can be easier to work together if only 2 in a group

What did you have to do to make this exercise work?
● Sticking to the same topic makes it easy for the conversation to continue and still have
sense. Additionally, our conversations consisted of simple words and were kept short in
order to avoid complexity.
Did you conversation make sense?
● It made sense since the topic of the conversation was consistent throughout, however,
some words became repetitive in order to stay within the context.
Did anyone end with an easy or tough word?
● Easy - nouns like thursday, day, or class made it easy to start a sentence
● Difficult - adjectives like excited OR reflexive pronouns which are normally used in the
end of middle of sentences like oneself or myself became difficult to begin a sentence
What did you learn about listening from the activity?
● We have to listen carefully and intently in order to understand what someone was saying
and to also make sure that our responses also made sense or was connected to the
What kinds of things do we miss if we don’t listen to the end?
● We don’t usually focus on the words at the end, but rather in the beginning or middle.
From the conversation we observed, the thought process of the speaker was to answer
and make the conversation make sense in the beginning but around the end of the
sentence, the focus shifted to ending at a word that can be easily used as the first word
of the next sentence

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