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Dragonfly & Damselfly survey

S.V.Ravindi Diwyanjalee
Name: S.V.Ravindi Diwyanjalee
Index number: BS/2019/207

Weather conditions
General: Cloudy
Precipitation: < 0.01mm
Wind: 2-14 Km/h
Date: 21/03/2023
% cloud cover: 75%
Time: 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.
Air Temp: 27 0C – 28 0C
Location: Thawalama
Recent weather events: flood
Lat/Long, UTM coordinate or Legal
location: 6.3347 0N, 80.3422 0E

Aquatic Habitat
Natural Built (reservoir, farm pond, garden pool)
Pond Small lake Large lake Headwater stream Small river Large river Bog
Marsh Swamp Other …………………………………………………………………
Flowing Standing Temporary Permanent Water color: No color
Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Dystrophic Water depth: 50 cm pH: 7 Flow rate: 4m/min
Bottom or substrate: Rock Sand Silt Clay Mix
Evidence of site disturbance: Cleaning vegetation
Other ecological notes: It is used for anthropogenic requirements such as farming

Terrestrial Vegetation
Open field or cultivated or meadow Recently cleared
Grasses Shrubs Small Trees Mature Trees Old Growth Forest
Open Occasional Trees Open Canopy Closed Canopy
Understory Layers: grasses, shrubs, soft stemmed plants, short species of trees Canopy Layers: broken
Aquatic Vegetation
Shoreline: Open Moss Herbaceous Grasses Shrubs Trees
Water: Open Substrate Submerged Floating Emergent
Dominanat plant type: trees , shrubs
Width of vegetated zone: 2m
Natural Managed Recently Disturbed Other:
Drawings of prominent features

Scientific name : Lathrecista asiatica Scientific name : Orthetrum triangulare

Common name : Asiatic Blood Tail Common name : Blue-tailed Forest Hawk

Scientific name : Pantala flavescens Scientific name : Aethriamanta brevipennis

Common name : Wandering Glider Common name : Scarlet marsh hawk

Scientific name : Orthetrum sabina Scientific name : Neurothemis tullia

Common name : Green Marsh Hawk Common name : Pied Paddy Skimmer
Scientific name : Lathrecista asiatica Scientific name : Orthetrum triangulare
Common name : Asiatic Blood Tail Common name : Blue-tailed Forest Hawk

Scientific name : Pantala flavescens

Common name : Wandering Glider Scientific name : Aethriamanta brevipennis
Common name : Scarlet marsh hawk

Scientific name : Orthetrum sabina Scientific name : Neurothemis tullia

Common name : Green Marsh Hawk Common name : Pied Paddy Skimmer
Survey site

Threats dragonflies face in the above habitat

➢ Add pollutants to the river and shoreline area as well as pesticides that are added to paddy
fields and farms can be toxic to the dragonflies.

➢ Cleaning vegetation can disturb their habitats.

➢ Irregular weather conditions such as rain, draught, flood disturb their habitats and habits.

➢ There are many non- native vegetations can be seen in this habitat it can be harmful to

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