Management Communication - Sample Persuasive Message

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To: Mr Chan Sing <

From: Eira Shah <>
Date: 21 September 2022
Subject: Drive to Securing a Sustainable Future for Singapore

Dear Mr Chan,
As a resident of one of Singapore’s thriving HDB towns of Punggol, I have first-hand
experienced the Housing Development Board’s leading role in promoting the vision for a sustainable
future in Singapore. The HDB Green Towns Programme has been immensely successful in pioneering
the change that Singapore aims to achieve through pilot programmes such as SolarNova and
UrbanWater Harvesting System. This commitment is matched by Singaporeans, which according to a
survey by Mediacorp, confirms that 9 in 10 Singaporean millennials are concerned about climate
change and are actively willing to play their role to address the problem. 1

Through my module on Sustainability in SMU, I recently undertook a research project on Electric

Vehicles in the future and despite fruitful prospects for them in Singapore, we fail to see too many
such vehicles on the roads around us. A study conducted by the Electric Vehicle Association of
Singapore, however, states that it garnered an 86% positive response on the attitude of
Singaporeans willing to transition to Electric Vehicles. 2 This has led me to deduce that lack of
awareness is the core issue that needs to be addressed. Therefore, I am appealing to you to run an
awareness campaign in the HDB estates for faster adoption of Electric Vehicles in Singapore which
could have the following benefits:

1. Environmental Benefits

Electric Vehicles are undoubtedly a quite, cleaner and greener substitute to petrol or diesel cars as
their overall lifecycle is sustainable. Research by the European Energy Agency has confirmed this fact
by claiming that carbon emissions from such vehicles are 17-30% lower than those of the petrol and
diesel cars.3 They also do not produce any exhaust emissions thereby ensuring a pollution free
environment. Thus, this in line with Singapore’s ambitious Green Plan of 2030 which strives to
achieve its long-term net zero emissions as soon as possible.

2. Lower Overall Costs

Electric vehicles can be much more appealing to consumers because of their lower total costs
because it saves on both annual running costs and those of maintenance. Electric vehicles, since they
are cleaner and run on battery, the wear and tear is less due to reduced volatile reactions. There are
also fewer moving parts to an electric car which make them reliable for consumers. A consumer is


expected to save about $500-$750 a year on maintenance as compared to those of their

3. Building Prestige and Attracting Residents

As Singapore plans to reach these targets, all stakeholders have a part to play and HDB’s role is
instrumental in this. Since the first step into promoting the drive is making provisions available in
industrial and housing development plans with more charging points available, launching a campaign
promoting this will not only build HDB’s prestige but also serve as an attraction for future residents
who are environment cautious and willing to transition to electric vehicles.

A valid concern for the adoption of Electric Vehicles is in the fact that it has a very high COE cost
(30% higher) compared to the ICE vehicles. However, the government has launched numerous
policies to alleviate this concern for many citizens. Not only has the LTA assured a 45% rebate for
consumers but enhanced Vehicular Emissions Schemes (VES) and Electric Vehicle Early Adoption
Incentive (EEAI) allow buyers of a fully electric car to enjoy cost savings up to $45000. 5 This gap in
information must be addressed so that the market for electric vehicles which is currently
unsaturated can reach its full potential.

Additionally, residents are concerned about the lack of charging stations and inadequate
infrastructure for Electric Vehicles around Singapore. But the Singapore Government is aiming to
change the current number of 18000 to 60000 by 2030 in order to encourage the adoption of EV.
Hence, efforts of investing in an awareness campaign will not be futile as it will undoubtedly lead to
an increase in the consumer market of Electric Vehicles. 6

I have collaborated with a group of SMU students who share my module to come up with a
comprehensive list of charging stations (Blue SG, Shell Recharge) and formulated campaign
strategies such as informative posters, social campaigns with the hashtag #DriveCleanLiveGreen to
aid you in launching this campaign. I request you to come to our campus for a short meeting next
week to discuss the plan for such a campaign. I am confident that this proposal shall definitely
appeal to you and together we can help achieve Singapore’s vision of a sustainable future.

Yours Sincerely,

Eira Shah,
Singapore Management University
Word Count: 742


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