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1. Abide by (v): to comply with; to conform: Tuân theo

•Ex: I don’t want to abide by the rules

2. Agreement (n): a contract; a mutual arrangement: Hợp
đồng, thỏa thuận lẫn nhau

•Collocation: honour (v)

•Ex: When she did not honour that agreement, they started
legal proceedings.
3. Assurance (n): a guarantee; confidence: Sự đảm bảo, sự
tự tin
•Collocations: written (adj)
•Ex: He received a written assurance that they would meet
both conditions absolutely.

4. Cancellation(n): annulment; stopping: Sự dừng lại, sự

hủy bỏ

•Collocations: applicable
•Ex: The applicable cancellation fee information can be
found in the Plan Information Chart.

5. Determine (v): to find out, to influence: Tìm hiểu, khám

phá, ảnh hưởng, tác động

•Collocation: Impossible
•Ex: It is impossible to determine the exact position and exact
momentum of an electron.
6. Engage (v): participate; involve: Tham gia, liên quan,
làm dính líu, làm liên lụy

•Collocation: actively (adv)

•Example: He engaged actively in politics while at school.

7. Establish (v): to bring about; to institute permanently:

Thành lập, dẫn đến, xây dựng

•Collocation: Try
•Ex: I try to establish my own business

8. Obligate (v): to bind legally or morally: Bắt buộc, ràng

buộc về mặt pháp lý hoặc đạo đức
•Collocation: parasite
•Ex: Obligate parasites are
organisms that require a
host for the completion
of their life cycle.

9. Party (n): a person or group participating in an action

or plan, the persons or sides concerned in a legal matter:

•Collocation: majority (adj)

•Ex: Being a vulnerable member of the majority party also
10. Provision (n): a measure taken beforehand; a

•Collocation: Contain
•Ex:Her contract contains a
provision covering additional expenses.

11. Resolve (v): to deal with successfully; to declare;


•Collocation: take steps to

•Ex: Take steps to resolve conflict in a relationship

12. Specific (adj): particular

•Collocation: highly (adv)
•Ex: It asserts that teachers are having to cope with a
larger range of highly specific conditions in one classroom.

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