03 - Systems - Software - L1 - Activity2 - v1

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Topic 1.

5 – Systems software
Lesson 1 – Comparing Operating Systems
Activity 2
Low level version of the task
Description Common Line Interface Graphical User Interface
● What does each stand for?
Using commands Using Icons, Menus, Windows
● How does the user interact and Pointers

with the Operating system?

● Which uses icons, which
uses commands?
Ease of use Not very user friendly Much easier to understand and
● Which Operating system use.

would you find easier to User Friendly

● Is the Operating system
user friendly?
Control The user has practically There is some control but it is
complete control over the OS limited and inferior to the CLI.
● Does the user have a lot of
control over the operating
Power Uses much less power and has Uses more power due to the
● Which requires less power? lower demands. greater requirements for the
● Why does one require more
power than the other?
Appearance It has very little appearance Visually appealing and uses a
wise. great amount of detail.
● Which operating system is
more visual?

● Investigate further differences between the user interface of a CLI and a GUI.
Version 1 1© OCR 2020

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