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A1 Today is the big day,

A2 To think of how far-flung we have come,

A1 And how afar we have to go?

A2 Along with multifarious struggles and triumphs,

A1 There is much more to thrive and much more to show.

A2 Let’s rejoice the majestic journey,

A1 This establishment had had up to now,

A2 Let’s raise a toast to make it even better,

A1 AND A2 Let’s take a vow!


A1- Without stars, sky is not beautiful.

A2- Without Talent night, an academic year is not fulfilled.

A1- This stage gives a chance to reveal the inherent talents of students, to uphold the pride of
institute, to catalogue the challenges we face, the endeavours we made and the success we
achieved, in one word.

A2- Today shows what we were, what we are and what we will be.

A1&2- Here, we,---------and---------, are hence privileged to stand before you to extend
profound wishes and greetings, from the bottom of our hearts to bring the warmth of our
affection, through the stream of love to welcome each and every one of you.

A1- Grooming students in right path, motivating teachers for their best work and yielding the
required result is the way of our Director - Principal Mrs.Sasmita Mohanty. A woman of
confidence, motherly figure of Sanjay Ghodawat International School. Mam always believes
that children must be taught how to think, prepare them for life, not for exams. Our heartful
welcome to you mam.

It is a bliss to study under your guidance.

A2- Do not train children harshly, but direct them in which way they are delighted. Then,
wonderful results are at your doorsteps. A man who believes in this -is our respected
Principal Dr. H.M. Naveen, following the ideals of our Director - Principal Mrs. Sasmita
Mohanty. A delightful welcome to you sir.

A1- We extend our sincere welcome to the headmistress of the Kindergarten Section

Ms. Lorraine D’mello, Vice-principal of the Day boarding Section Mr. Askar Ali, Principal
of CAIE Section Mr. Chandra Shakher Yadav, Principal of collage section Mr. Bala
chandradu, Principal of finishing school Mrs. Suman, Deputy Vice-principal of primary
section Mrs. Archana Patil, & Rahul mane and Priyanka Mukherjee -respected judges and
other dignitaries.

Your presence makes this function more joyful and complete.

Now I would like to call Diven, Shreevardhan, Jelin and Karan Chanvan the prefects of
Boarding section to welcome all intellectuals with flower bouquets.

A-2-The sparkle of fire is the witness of your worth, the silent flounce of the water is witness
of your softness. The rising of the sun in east and the sunset in the west is the witness of your
rhythm, rhythmical movement of the moon is the witness of your perfection. My words, my
soul are the witness of oneness of glory almighty whose glorification cannot be described in

Now to make this event a blessed one invoke goddess Saraswati by kindling the lamp of
knowledge and wisdom. For seeking the choicest blessings, for the same, and also to pay
homage to our respected late Danchnad Ghodawat and Sou Sushila Dhanchand Ghodawat, I
invite our Chief Guest Her Excellency Mrs.Sasmita Mohanty and admirable Principal Dr.
H.M. NAVEEN Sir and other  dignitaries to accompany our highly regarded Chief Guest
Ma'am to kindle the lamp followed by prayer by our music facilitators.
Thank you, ma’am and other dignitaries for your kind gesture.

Manzil mil hi jayegi ek din
isi hausle se chalne ka irada kiya hai.
Na hare hai na harenge kabhi
kisi aur se nahi khud se ye wada kiya hai
with this vision get set ready for all the excitement and delight. Save up your energy folks
because today we are going to catch sight of Some great flair. So, let’s gear up for a striking
beginning of the show presented by students of grade-4th to 6th .
A2-Wow! Incredible! Firework of rapid moving steps. Awesome !
A-2 -Henry Ford says ―Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;
working together is
success.‖ It was indeed this mantra of working together that has brought us where we are
today. Collective work is the secret behind the progress that SGIS Boarding section has seen.
Now we are going to present glimpse of virtual activities from April to November,2020.

A1: Thank your sir for the ppt. We all surely feel very dignified now.
A1: Abhi tak toh aapne humare chote power pack ko dekha, abb kuch humari bade dhamaka
dekhte hain.. so here we begin with the performaces of grade 7th and 8th students.
So put your hands together for our next power packed performances.

A2: Whoo… what a stage braking performance, Temperature is surly soaring up now.
A2: I m still lost in it....
A1: Well come back now, let’s have a change, lets come back to reality, lets
come back to the theater of life.....actually life itself is a drama and we are all
artists performing our characters assigned to us by god.....Now it’s time for
our next performance a short skit which is going to be presented by –

A-2-It was an amazing portrayal of human feelings and emotions

….mood took a really serious note.

A-1: Do you feel some turbulence around here ?

A-2 : yes, I do – the heart beats have gone up' – and everyone is eager to sink into the depth of music, song,
lights and joy again, well, here you are ,now , we will have last rainbow of today’s cultural programme
which is going to be presented by grade 9th and 10th students.

A-1: Wow! Mesmerizing! This for sure was one artistic and awe-struck performance. I still
feel like lost in those melody dipped music notes.

Our beloved and respected Missile man of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam once said “ Mistakes
are the proof that you are trying.”
So, sharing our experiences with others is not only empowering, it can help to light the way
for those who are walking a similar path.
Now I would like to request--------------------- to share her experiences so that we can
empower ourselves.
A1: Thanks a lot---- for your enlightening words, you truly become our friend, philosopher
and guide.
Anchor 2: BRAVE people create opportunities
Anchor 1: and winners are those who convert problems into opportunities.
Anchor 2: Here at SGIS-Boarding, We not only value the knowledge but also our intellectual,
and nurture it through a perfect blend of the traditional as well as contemporary ways and
means, for the comprehensive development, of the students' personality.

Anchor 1: Now it is the time we acknowledge the talent and intelligence of our brimming
participants. It’s time for the prize distribution ceremony....For this we would like to call
upon stage Her Excellency Mrs.Sasmita Mohanty and other dignitaries.
Please ma’am and sir.
Thank you ma’am and other dignitaries.
I don’t want to congratulate only to winners rather I would like to congratulate all as we are
winners as Rabindranath Tagore said, ‘we all are the kings in the kingdom of God.’
A2: It is righty quoted ‘Punctuality is the first step to knock door of success’ and some of our
students prove this by giving their 100% attendance so far, so now I would like to call -
Pratham patel(vii), Krishna Patel (vii) and Atharva Borkar (ix) to receive 100% attendance
I would like to request –to felicitate them.
Thank you sir/ma’am

A1: As our former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam rightly quoted “All of us do not have
equal talent, but all of us have equal opportunity in real life situations.”

Good students answer all questions; better students ask conceptual questions, the best student
will be able to apply those concepts in real life situations.

Now it’s time to announce the Meritorious student award of Boarding section, so now I
would like to call ---to receive Meritorious student award.
I would like to request -–to felicitate them.
Thank you sir/ma’am

A2: ‘A warrior is the protector of his family and those in need, a warrior is the guardian of
the ways of honor and courage.
A warrior will not put his own desires above what is right.
Above all, a warrior is always motivated by his utmost duty’
With this positive vibe I would like to call corona warriors of Boarding section on stage and I
would like to request –to felicitate them.
Thank you sir/ma’am

A1: It is said, ‘Once you learn to read you will be forever free’ with this note I would like to
call the teachers who have completed book review so fare and and I would like to request –to
felicitate them.
Thank you sir/ma’am
would like to call ------ to propose today’s vote of thanks.

Vote of Thanks
I,--------of grade 10th standing before you to present Vote of Thanks of talent night 2020. It
gives me immense pleasure to present Vote of Thanks of this an incredible evening.
Big thanks to Soul of SGIS as well as the Captain of our Ship who is non other than our
loving Director-Principal Mrs. Sasmita Mohanti. I would like to thank all the committee
members of the School for their continuous support of the meet. Thanks to the Boarding
School Principal Dr.H.M.Naveen, Day Boarding Vice-Principal Mr. Askar Ali, ,
Headmistress of Kindergarten Section Lorrain D’Mello, Principal of CAIE Section Mr.
Chandra Shakher Yadav, Principal of collage section Mr. Bala chandradu, Principal of
finishing school Mrs. Suman,Deputy Vice-principal of primary section Mrs. Archana Patil,
& Mr. Rahul mane and Mrs.Priyanka Mukherjee -
Thanks you all to provide such a nice platform for all young talents, We expected your love
and kind support to our upcoming batches also, You all are really a Role models for them.
Thanks you all once again.
Big thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff, all our technical team, all the members
of different Organizing Committee …..Thanks you all for making this event
successful….Now I would say officially this event is over…Bye ----Have a nice time.



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