Hot Work Activity JSA-1

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Assessors Name: Assessors signature: Location of Date of Review date:

task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:

Exposure to HIGH YES YES YES Prior to the ✔ Project Site Engineer A
34 harmful commencement ll the hot work activities Manager
Gases and of the activity will be done by permit to Supervisor
metal Fumes work system. Construction
HOT Manager Foreman
ACTIVITY void hazardous Hot Works Site Manager Charge hand
activities where
reasonably practicable. HSE Manager Workers

✔ Carpenters C
arry-out Risk
assessments for any Helpers
hazardous hot work
activities which cannot be
avoided before starting
Exposure to HIGH YES YES YES any work.
Visible light,
Ultraviolet ✔ A
and Infrared ll operatives engaging Hot
Radiation works activities shall
receive adequate training
on the safe use of welding
equipments and
processes, safe work
practices and emergency

✔ O
nly competent personnel
shall carry the hot work

C = contractors/subcontractors
Likelihood: 5 very likely 4 likely 3 fairly likely 2 unlikely 1 very unlikely
P = Public
Severity: 5 catastrophic 4 major 3 moderate 2 minor 1 insignificant QMS – Rev – 02 – RA – 2009
Sajimon KK – January 09
Assessors Name: Assessors signature: Location of Date of Review date:
task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:

✔ M
Exposure to HIGH YES YES YES SDS shall be secured to
intense heat identify the hazardous
of welding materials used in welding
and sparks and cutting products.

WORKS ot Work Permit shall be
ACTIVITY secured prior to
commence the activity.

✔ A
dequate ventilation shall
be provided to keep
exposure to toxic fumes,
harmful gases or dust
below OSHA permissible
exposure limits.
Where reasonably
Exposure to Medium YES YES YES practicable, use less
Excessive hazardous materials such
Noise as Cadmium-free silver
solders, Asbestos-free
electrodes, gloves and
hot pads.

✔ U
se shielding (barriers) to
protect other people in
Fire and HIGH YES YES Y YES the area from unwanted
Explosions E lights of welding arc, heat
S and hot spatter.

C = contractors/subcontractors
Likelihood: 5 very likely 4 likely 3 fairly likely 2 unlikely 1 very unlikely
P = Public
Severity: 5 catastrophic 4 major 3 moderate 2 minor 1 insignificant QMS – Rev – 02 – RA – 2009
Sajimon KK – January 09
Assessors Name: Assessors signature: Location of Date of Review date:
task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:

✔ F
ire watcher shall be
HOT required wherever hot
WORKS work is performed in
ACTIVITY locations that a fire might

✔ W
elding blankets shall be
used to prevent hot slag
from scattering and to
protect the vision of
persons in closed
proximity to the hot work.
Contact with HIGH YES YES YES
Electricity ✔ W
elding or Cutting should
only be performed in
areas that are free of
combustible materials
e.g. trash, wood, paper,
plastic, and flammable
dust, liquid and gases.

✔ A
ll hot work equipments
shall be check, inspected
and adequately
maintained to ensure it is
Trips and HIGH YES YES YES in good condition prior to
Fall commence the activity to
prevent any potential
electrical hazards.

C = contractors/subcontractors
Likelihood: 5 very likely 4 likely 3 fairly likely 2 unlikely 1 very unlikely
P = Public
Severity: 5 catastrophic 4 major 3 moderate 2 minor 1 insignificant QMS – Rev – 02 – RA – 2009
Sajimon KK – January 09
Assessors Name: Assessors signature: Location of Date of Review date:
task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:

✔ H
HOT ot Work areas shall be
WORKS kept free of any materials
ACTIVITY that could cause trips or

✔ P
ersonal Protective
Equipment shall always
be used along with
engineering controls and
safe work practice.
Space ✔ A
ll workers who may be
exposed to welding
processes should receive
medical exams at least
once a year
Suitable Fire Extinguisher
should be readily
available near by.
✔ R
Compressed HIGH YES YES outine fire inspection
Gasses should be performed Medium
before leaving the work
area and within 30
minutes after the
operation is completed.

✔ W
arning labels are required
for all filler metals and
fluxes containing

C = contractors/subcontractors
Likelihood: 5 very likely 4 likely 3 fairly likely 2 unlikely 1 very unlikely
P = Public
Severity: 5 catastrophic 4 major 3 moderate 2 minor 1 insignificant QMS – Rev – 02 – RA – 2009
Sajimon KK – January 09
Assessors Name: Assessors signature: Location of Date of Review date:
task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:

WORKS rovision for Emergency
ACTIVITY Rescue Plan shall be in
place. All operatives shall
Musculoskel Medium YES YES
understand what to do in
etal injuries Low
case of any incidents
Arrangement of Welfare
facilities e.g. first aid
room should be provided
in case of any accident
may happen during hot
works activity.

C = contractors/subcontractors
Likelihood: 5 very likely 4 likely 3 fairly likely 2 unlikely 1 very unlikely
P = Public
Severity: 5 catastrophic 4 major 3 moderate 2 minor 1 insignificant QMS – Rev – 02 – RA – 2009
Sajimon KK – January 09

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