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READING for this Week excerpted from MTFV R & S Edition


ROMANS pp. 01-18

This week’s Reading covers Romans 9:22 – 16:27

Topics Covered in this Reading.

A People Who Were Not Mine I Will Call 'My People.' P.

People of Israel Who Stumbled are Replaced p.
GOD’s Way Brings Salvation p.
Faith Commences with Hearing about Jesus p.
A Remnant of Israel Chosen by Grace p.
Ingrafting Gentiles p.
‘Israel’ Will Be Preserved p.
A Hymn of Praise p.
Living Sacrifices p.
Outbound Love p.
Forgiveness p.
Submit to Authorities p.
Love Fulfills the Law p. 11
Our Day Is Near p.11

About the Liberty of Others
On Judging Others
Follow Christ’s Example, Be Unselfish p.
Christ the Servant of Jews and Gentiles p.
Paul a Servant to the Gentiles p.
Paul’s Travel Plans p. 15
Pass on My Personal Greetings and Love p.
Avoid Divisions Caused by False Teachers p.
Greetings from Paul’s Fellow Workers p. 17

Readers Note: for deeper enlightenment and understanding

be sure to look up bracketed and Parenthesized verses.

[Bracketed verses] indicate links to an account containing substantiated

or related thoughts and ideas, in accord with the ‘Two Witness ‘Rule found
at 2 Corinthians 13:1
(Parenthesized verses) indicate a cross reference with confirming and
supplementary material in accord with The Two Witness Rule found at 2
Corinthians 13:1
The Two-Witness rule
2 Corinthians 13:1 (MTFV) “This will be the third time I
visit you. And remember, "Every matter must be
established by the testimony of two or three witnesses”.


Romans 9:22
22 If GOD wants to demonstrate his anger and reveal his power, he can do it
instantly. But he can also be extremely patient with people who are objects of
his anger because they are headed for destruction.

"A People Who Were Not Mine I Will Call 'My People.'

23 He waited with patience so that he could make known the riches of his glory
to the people he has chosen to receive his mercy.

GOD has already prepared them to share his glory. 24 This is what GOD did for
us whom he called, whether we are Jews or Gentiles. 25 This is what he says in
the book of Hosea: "The people who were not mine I will call 'My People.' The
nation that I did not love I will call 'My loved Ones.' (Hos. 2:23.) 26 "Once they
were told, 'You are not my people.' But in that very place they will be called
children of the living GOD."

27 And this is what the prophet Isaiah said about the people of Israel;

Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, only a
remnant (a small part of them) will be saved from perdition, condemnation,

28 For YHWH will execute His sentence upon the earth; He will conclude and
close his account with men completely and without delay, meticulously cutting
it short, in His justice. (Isa. 10:22, 23.) 29 And as Isaiah has said before,
"Except YHWH of armies left a seed to us, we would have become as Sodom,
and as Gomorrah." (Isa.1:9)

People of Israel Who Stumbled are Replaced

30 So what can we say? We can say that non-Jewish people who were not trying
to gain GOD's approval won his approval, based on faith they exercised toward
his messiah.

31 It also means that the people of Israel were not acceptable to GOD.

And why not?

It was because they were trying to be acceptable by obeying the Law instead of
by having faith in GOD. 32 The people of Israel stumbled over the messiah, who
became for them like a stone that makes people stumble.

33 Just as GOD says in the Scriptures, "Look! I am placing in Zion a stone to

make people stumble and fall. But those who have faith in that one will never be
disappointed." (Isa. 28:16.)

Start ROMANS Part 2.


GOD’s Way Brings Salvation

[Isaiah 65:1–16]

Romans 10:1 Brothers and sisters, what I want most is for all the people of
Israel to be saved. That is my prayer to GOD.

2 I can assure you that they are deeply devoted to GOD; but their devotion is not
based on true knowledge.

For being ignorant of the righteousness that GOD ascribes, which makes one
acceptable to him in word, thought and deed and by seeking to establish a
means of salvation according to their own devices, they did not obey or submit
themselves to GOD's salvation which centers around his son as their Messiah,
fulfilling the law.

4.Thus Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become
acceptable to GOD by faith. 5 Moses said that a person would become
acceptable to GOD by obeying the Law. He did this when he wrote, "If you want
to live, you must do all that the Law commands."

6. But people whose faith makes them acceptable to GOD will never ask, "Who
will go up to heaven to bring Christ down?"

7 Neither will they ask, "Who will go down into the world of the dead to raise
him to life?"

8 All who are acceptable because of their faith simply say, "The message is as
near as your mouth or your heart." And this is the same message we preach
about faith.

9 So you will be saved, if you sincerely say, "Jesus is lord," and if you believe by
putting all your faith and all your heart in the foundation that GOD raised him
from death.

10 For with the heart man exercises faith toward righteousness, and with the
mouth he acknowledges that Jesus is lord to get salvation.

11 The Scripture says that no man who, adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him
will ever be put to shame or be disappointed. (Ps. 34:22; Isa. 28:16; Jer. 17:7.)

12 In this respect there is no difference between Jew and Gentile. They all have
the same lord (master), who generously gives his riches to all who ask for them.
13 For everyone who calls upon the name of YHWH, invoking Him as God will
be saved. (Joel 2:32.)

Faith Commences with Hearing about Jesus

14 How then shall people call on him to save them unless they put faith in him?

And how can they put faith in him if they have never heard about him?

And how can they hear about him unless someone preaches to them?

15 And how can anyone be expected to preach unless they are sent?

As it is written; “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings”
(Isa. 52:7.)

16 But not all people have believed the Gospel; for Isaiah says, LORD, who has
believed (had faith in) our report and to whom has the strength of YHWH been
revealed? (Isa. 53:1.)

17 So faith comes by hearing what is told, and what is heard comes by the
preaching of the message that came from the lips of Christ (the Messiah

18 But I ask, "Did those people not hear the Good News?"

Yes, they heard, for as the Scriptures say: “Their words went everywhere in the
world”. (Ps. 19:4.)

19 But did the people of Israel really understand what was being preached? Yes,
they did, for even in the time of Moses, GOD had said, "I will rouse your
jealousy by blessing other nations. I will make you angry by blessing foolish
nations. (Deut. 32:21.)

20 And Isaiah spoke boldly for GOD when he said, "I was found by a people who
were not looking for me; I appeared to those who were not asking for me."

21 But, speaking of Israel he said; All day long I have stretched out My hands to
a people unyielding and disobedient and self-willed, a faultfinding, contrary,
and contradicting people. (Isa. 65:2.)


A Remnant of Israel Chosen by Grace

Romans 11:1 So, I ask, "Has GOD rejected his people, Israel?"

That is unthinkable!

Consider this. I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham from the tribe

of Benjamin.

2 GOD did not turn his back on his chosen people. Don't you remember reading
in the Scriptures how Elijah complained to God about the people of Israel?

3 He said, "YHWH, they killed your prophets and destroyed your altars. I am
the only one left, and now they want to kill me."

4 But the lord GOD told Elijah, "I still have seven thousand followers who have
not worshiped Baal."

5 It is the same way now. GOD was kind to the people of Israel, in the past and
so a few of them are still his followers. 6 This was due entirely to GOD's
undeserved kindness and not because of anything they have done. It could not
have happened except for God's kindness.

7 This means that only a chosen few of the chosen people of Israel found what
their whole nation was searching for. And the rest of them remained stubborn,
8 just as the Scriptures say, YHWH granted them a spirit (an attitude) of
stupor, eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear, that has
continued down to this very day. (Deut. 29:4; Isa. 29:10.)

9 And David says; Let their feasting and banqueting become a trap, a pitfall and
a just recompense upon them; (Ps. 69:22, 23. 10) Allow their vision to become
clouded so that they cannot see. Let them bear their back-breaking burdens

Ingrafting Gentiles

11 Do I mean that Israel stumbled and fell forever? Certainly not!

Their failure made it possible for the Gentiles to be saved, and this will move the
people of Israel to jealousy and want GOD’s salvation for themselves.

12 If the Gentiles were enriched because the Jews turned down GOD's offer of
salvation, think how much greater a blessing the world will share when Jews
finally come to accept it.

13 Now I am speaking to you people who are not Israel. I am an apostle to the
nations. So, as long as I have that work, I will do the best I can, 14 in order to
stir them up to imitate, copy, and correct, and thus manage to save some of

15 When the nation of Israel rejected GOD, it opened the way, for the rest of the
people in the world, enabling them to turn to him.

So, when GOD restores friendship with Israel, it will be like bringing the dead
back to life. GOD turned away from the Jews. When that happened, he became
friends with the other people in the world. So, when he accepts them as Jews, it
will be like bringing people to life after death.

16 If part of a batch of dough is made holy by being offered to GOD, then all of
the dough is holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the rest of the tree is holy too.

17 You Gentiles are like branches of a wild olive tree that were made to be part
of a cultivated olive tree. You have taken the place of some branches that were
cut away from it. And because of this, you enjoy the blessings that come from
being part of that cultivated tree.

18 But do not think you are better than the branches that were cut away. Just
remember that you are not supporting the roots of that tree. Its roots are
supporting you.

19 Maybe you think those branches were cut away, so that you could be put in
their place.

20 That's true enough. But they were really cut away because they did not have
faith, and you are where you are because you do have faith. So, do not be
conceited, but rather stand in awe and be reverently fearful, lest this happen to

22 Then, take note and appreciate both the gracious kindness and the severity
of GOD toward those who have fallen and been pruned, but GOD's gracious
kindness to you, provided you continue in his grace and continue to trust in
him; otherwise, you too will be pruned (cut off).

23 If those other branches (people) will start having faith, they will be made a
part of that tree (Israel) again. GOD has the power to put them back. 24 After
all, it was not natural for branches to be cut from a wild olive tree and to be
made part of a cultivated olive tree. So, it is highly likely that GOD will join
natural branches back to the cultivated olive tree as well.

‘Israel’ Will Be Preserved

25 Brothers and sisters, I want you to understand this mystery so that you will
not become arrogant. The minds of some Israelites have become closed until all
of GOD's non-Jewish people have come in.

26 In this way Israel as a whole will be saved, as the Scriptures say, "From Zion
someone will come to rescue us. Then Jacob's descendants will stop being evil.
(Isa. 59:20, 21.) 27 And this will be My covenant (My agreement) with them
when I shall take away their sins. (Isa. 27:9; Jer. 31:33.)

28 People of the nation of Israel are treated as GOD's enemies, so that the good
news can come to you Gentiles. But they are still the root of the chosen ones,
and GOD loves them because of their renowned ancestors. 29 GOD does not
take back the gifts he has given, or forget about people he chooses.

30 There was a time when you Gentiles rejected GOD. But now Israel as a
nation has rejected him, and you have been shown mercy. 31 And like the mercy
shown to you, they will also be shown mercy.

32 GOD has placed all people into a prison of their own disobedience so that he
could be merciful to people of all nations

A Hymn of Praise

33 Who can measure the depths of the wealth, wisdom, and knowledge of GOD?

Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does? 34 "Has anyone
known the thoughts of YHWH enabling them to give him advice?

35 Has anyone loaned something to YHWH that must be repaid?"

36 Everything good comes from him. All things were made because of him and
will return to him. All Praise goes to YHWH forever! Amen.


Living Sacrifices
[1 Corinthians 3:16–23, 1 Corinthians 6:18–20]

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I appeal to you brothers and sisters, and beg of you in
view of all the mercies of GOD, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies,
presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted,
consecrated) and well pleasing to GOD, along with your reasoned (rational,
intelligent) service and spiritual worship to YHWH God.

2 Don't be like the people of this world, but let GOD change the way you think.

Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.

3 Because of the kindness that GOD has shown me, I ask you not to think of
yourselves more highly than you should. Instead, your thoughts should lead you
to use good judgment based on what GOD has provided each of you as believers
with. 4 For, similar to a physical body we have many parts (organs, members)
and all of these parts do not have the same function or use, 5 That's how it is

with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well
as part of one another.

6 GOD has also given each of us different gifts to use. If we can prophesy, we
should do it according to the amount of faith we have.

7 If we can serve others, we should serve.

If we can teach, we should teach.

8 If we can encourage others, we should encourage them.

If we can give, we should be generous.

If we are given responsibilities, we should do our best.

If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully.

Outbound Love
13:31–35, 1 John 3:11–24]

9 Your love must be completely toward others more than you do to yourself. 10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Outdo yourselves in honoring one

11 Work hard as you serve YHWH, and do not be lazy. Serve him whole
heartedly. 12 Let the hope you have keep you joyful and patient in your troubles,
praying at all times.

13 Contribute to the needs of GODs saints; pursue the practice of hospitality

toward all. 14 Ask GOD to bless those who mistreat you and ask him to bless
them and not to curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, sharing in their
joy, and weep with those who weep, sharing in their grief.

16 Live harmoniously with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-

minded, exclusive), but be ready to adjust yourself to people, things, and give
yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or think of yourself as
wiser than everyone else. (Prov. 3:7)

[Matthew 18:21–35]

17 Don't pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you. Focus your
thoughts on those things that are considered noble. 18 And do your best to live
at peace with everyone.

19 Beloved brothers and sisters do not take personal revenge, Instead, let GOD's
anger take care of it. After all, Scripture says, "I alone have the right to take
revenge. I will pay back, says YHWH." (Deut. 32:35.)

20 The Scriptures also say, "If your enemies are hungry, give them something to
eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will be the same
as piling burning coals on their heads." 21 Therefore, don't let evil defeat you,
but defeat evil with good.


Submit to Authorities
[1 Peter 2:13–20]

Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For
there is no authority except by GOD’s permission. His sanction, and those that
exist do so only because he allows it. (Prov. 8:15.)

2 Therefore anyone who resists and sets himself up against the authorities
resists what GOD has allowed according to divine order. And those who resist
him in any respect will bring down judgment upon themselves. 3 For civil
authorities are not a terror to people of good conduct, but to those of bad
behavior. You have no need to dread him who is in authority. If you do what is
right, you will receive his approval and commendation.

4 GOD allows the authorities in place to help you. But if you are doing
something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for you will be punished. The
government has the right to carry out the death sentence. 5. It is GOD's servant,
an avenger to execute GOD's anger on anyone who does what is wrong.

6 Therefore, it is necessary for you to cooperate, not only because you are afraid
of GOD's anger but also because of your own conscience. 6 You must also pay
your taxes. The authorities are GOD’s servants, and it is their duty to take care
of these matters.

7 Pay all that you owe, whether it is taxes and fees or respect and honor.

Love Fulfills the Law

[Leviticus 19:9–18]

8 You should owe nothing to anyone, except that you love one another. The
person who truly loves others has done all that the law commands.
9 In the Mosaic Law there are many commands, such as, "Be faithful in
marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not covet what belongs to others."

But all of these are summed up in the command that says, "Love others as much
as you love yourself."

10 One who genuinely loves others will never intentionally harm them. So, love
is the fulfillment of all that the Law demands.

Our Day Is Near

11 Besides this you know the time in which you are living, that the hour has
come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when
we first became believers.

12 Night is almost over, and daylight will soon appear. We must stop behaving
as people do in the dark and be ready to live in the light.

13 Therefore, we should live in a right way, like people who belong to the day.

We should not cause arguments and trouble or be jealous. Do not go to wild

parties or get drunk or be vulgar or indecent. Do not quarrel or be jealous.

14 Rather, let the Lord Jesus Christ be as near to you as the clothes you wear.
Then your thoughts will not be on trying to satisfy your own selfish desires.


About the Liberty of Others.

[Matthew 7:1–6, Luke 6:37–42]

Romans 14:1 Welcome someone whose faith is not strong, but do not get into
arguments over opinions. 2 One person’s faith may allow them to eat any kind
of food; another, less strong, will eat only vegetables. 3 Those who feel at liberty
to eat freely are not to condemn those who are unwilling to eat freely; nor must
the person who does not eat freely pass judgement on the one who does,
because GOD welcomes him.

4 And who are you, to sit in judgement over somebody else's servant?
Whether he merits being upheld, or he falls is for his own master to decide; and
he will be upheld, for YHWH has power to uphold him.

5 One person thinks that some days are holier than others, and another thinks
them all equal. Let each of them be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 The one
who makes special observance of a particular day observes it in honor of the
Lord. So, the one who eats freely, eats in honor of the Lord, making his
thanksgiving to GOD; and the one who does not, abstains from eating in honor
of the Lord and makes his thanksgiving to GOD.

7 For none of us lives for himself and none of us dies for himself; 8 while we are
alive, we are living for YHWH, and when we die, we die for the YHWH: and so
alive, or dead, we belong to YHWH. 9 It was for this purpose that Christ both
died and came to life again: so that he might be lord of both the dead and the

On Judging Others

10 Why, then, does one of you make himself judge over his brother, and why
does another among you despise his brother?

All of us will have to stand in front of the judgement-seat of GOD:11 as scripture

says: By my own life says YHWH, every knee shall bow before me, and every
tongue shall give glory to GOD. (Isaiah 45:23) 12 It is to GOD, then, that each of
us will have to give an account of himself.

13 Let us each of us, therefore, stop passing judgement, on one another and
decide instead that none of us will place an obstacle in any brother's way, or
anything that can bring him down.

14 I am convinced and certain, in the Lord Jesus, that no food is unclean in

itself; it is only unclean if someone classifies it as unclean, then for him that
food is unclean. 15 And indeed, if through any kind of food, you are causing
offense to a brother, then you are no longer being guided by love. You are not to
let the food that you eat cause the ruin of anyone for whom Christ died.

16 A freedom of yours must not be allowed to give rise to harmful talk;17 for it is
not eating and drinking that make the kingdom of GOD, but the saving justice,
the peace and the joy brought by the Holy Spirit.

18 It is the person who serves Christ in these things that will be approved by
GOD and respected by everyone. 19 So then, let us always seek the ways which
lead to peace and the ways in which we can support and build one another up.

20 Do not wreck GOD's work for the sake of any food. Certainly, all foods are
clean; but all the same, any kind can be evil for someone to whom it is an
offense to eat it. 21 It is best to abstain from eating any meat, or drinking any
wine, or from any other activity which might cause a brother to fall away, or to
be stumbled, or to weaken.

22 Within yourself, before GOD, hold on to what you already believe.

‘Blessed’ is the one whose principles do not condemn his practice. 23 But
anyone who eats with qualms of conscience is condemned, because this eating
does not spring from faith, and every action which does not spring from, is sin.


Follow Christ’s Example, Be Unselfish

Romans 15:1 We who are strong in our convictions and of full-bodied faith
ought to patiently bear up with the failings, frailties, and the tender scruples of
the weak. We ought to help carry the doubts and qualms of others, and not just
do what pleases ourselves.

2 Instead, we should think first of their good and try to help them by doing what
pleases them. 3 For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: "The
insults of those who insult you have fallen on me." (Psalm 69:9)

4. Everything written in Scripture in bygone days was written to teach us, in

order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which
Scripture provides us with.

5. GOD is the one who helps us to be patient and cheerful. I pray that he will
help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ. 6 Then all of you,
together, will praise GOD, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore,
accept each other in the same way that Christ accepted you. He did this to bring
glory to God.

Christ the Servant of Jews and Gentiles

8 I tell you that Christ came as GOD’s servant to the Jews to show that GOD has
kept the promises he made to their renowned ancestors.

Christ also came, 9 so that people of the nations would praise GOD for being
kind to them. It is just as the Scriptures say, "I will tell the nations about you,
and I will sing praises to your name." (Ps. 18:49.)

10. The Scriptures also say to people of all nations, "Come and celebrate with
GOD's people." (Deut. 32:43.) 11 And again, Praise YHWH, all you Gentiles,
and let all the peoples praise Him! (Ps. 117:1.) 12 furthermore, Isaiah says;
There shall be a Sprout from the Root of Jesse, He Who rises to rule over the
Gentiles; in Him shall the Gentiles hope. (Isa. 11:1, 10; Rev. 5:5; 22:16.)

13. May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace through the
experience of your faith that by the power of Holy Spirit you may abound and be
bubbling over with hope.

14 Personally I am satisfied about you, my brothers and sisters, that you

yourselves are rich in goodness, amply filled with spiritual knowledge and
competent to admonish, counsel and instruct others as well.

Paul a Servant to the Gentiles

15. But I have written to you very openly about some things that I wanted you to
remember. I did this because GOD gave me this special gift: 16 He chose me to
be a servant of Christ Jesus for the good of Gentiles and to do the work of a
priest in the service of his good news. GOD did this so that Holy Spirit could
turn Gentiles into a holy offering, pleasing to him.

17. Because of Christ Jesus, I can take pride in my service for GOD. 18 In fact,
all I will talk about are the things Christ lets me speak and work, so that the
Gentiles would obey him.

19 Even as my preaching has been accompanied with the power of signs and
wonders, all of which are by means of Holy Spirit. The result is that starting
from Jerusalem and as far round as Illyricum, I have fully preached the Gospel

(good news) of Christ (the Messiah) in its entirety. 20 My ambition has always
been to proclaim the Good News in places where Christ has not been heard of,
so as not to merely build on a foundation laid by someone else. 21 It is just as
the Scriptures say, "All who haven't been told about him will see him, and those
who haven't heard about him will understand." (Isa. 52:15.)

Paul’s Travel Plans

[1 Corinthians 16:5–9]

22 My work has always kept me from coming to see you. 23 Now there is
nothing left for me to do in this part of the world, and for years I have wanted to
visit you.

24 So I hope to visit you when I go to Spain. and I will stay and enjoy being with
you. Then you can help me continue on my trip. 25 I am now on my way to
Jerusalem to deliver the gift of support that the Lord's followers in Macedonia
and Achaia collected. 26 For it has been the good pleasure of Macedonia and
Achaia to make some contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem.

27 These Macedonians and Greeks have shared the spiritual wealth of the saints
in Jerusalem. So, they are obligated to use their earthly wealth to help them.

They were happy to do this for it was something like paying what they owed
them, because non- Israelites have been blessed spiritually by them. So now
they should use the material blessings they have to help the Jews.

28 After I have safely delivered this gift, I will visit you and then go on to Spain.
29 And when I do arrive in Rome, I know it will be with the full blessings of

30 Brothers and sisters, I beg you to help me in my work by praying to GOD for
me. Do this because of our Lord Jesus and the love that Holy Spirit gives us. 31
That I may be delivered from the clutches of un-believers in Judaea; and that
my service which I have for Jerusalem may be accepted by the saints there.

32 Then, if GOD wants me to, I will visit with you. I will come with joy, and
together you and I will be refreshed and rested. 33 I pray that the god, who gives
peace, will be with all of you . . . Amen.


Pass on My Personal Greetings and Love

Romans 16 :1 Now I want to introduce and commend to you, our sister Phoebe,
a deaconess of the ecclesia at Cenchreae, 2 Welcome her in a way that is proper
for someone who has faith in the Lord and is one of GOD's worthy saints. Help
her in any way

3 Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila. They have not only served Christ
Jesus together with me, 4 but they have even risked their lives for me. I am
grateful for them and so are all the congregations (Gr. Ecclesiae - called out
ones) of the Gentiles;

5 Greet the congregation that meets in their home.

Greet my dear friend Epaenetus, who was the first person in Asia to have faith
in Christ.

6 Greet Mary, who has worked so hard for you.

7 Greet my relatives Andronicus and Junias, who were in jail with me. They are
highly respected by the apostles and were followers of Christ before I was.

8 Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend whose faith is in the Lord.

9 Greet Urbanus, who serves Christ along with us. Greet my dear friend Stachys.

10 Greet Apelles, a faithful servant of Christ. Greet Aristobulus and his family.

11 Greet Herodion, who is a relative of mine.

Greet Narcissus and the others in his family, who have faith in the Lord.

12 Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who work hard for the Lord.

Greet my dear friend Persis. She also works hard for the Lord. 13 Greet Rufus,
that special servant of the Lord, and greet his mother, who has been like a
mother to me.

14 Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, and Hermas, as well as our

friends who are with them.

15 Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all of GOD's
people who are with them.

16 Be sure to give each other a warm greeting. All of Christ's Ecclesiae greet you.

Avoid Divisions Caused by False Teachers

[Titus 3:9–11]

17 Brothers and sisters, I want you to be very careful of those who cause
arguments and hurt people's faith by teaching things that are against what you
learned. Stay away from them.

18 They want to serve themselves and not Christ the Lord.

By their smooth talk and flattering words, they deceive unsuspecting people.

19 I am glad that everyone knows how well you obey the Lord. But still, I want
you to understand what is good and not have anything to do with evil. 20 Then
GOD, who gives peace, will quickly crush Satan under your feet. I pray that our
Lord Jesus will be kind to you.

Greetings from Paul’s Fellow Workers

[Colossians 4:7–14]

21 Timothy my fellow worker greets you. So do Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater,

who are Jewish by birth like me.

22 I am Tertius, the one writing this letter for Paul. I also send you my own
greetings as one who belongs to the Lord.

23 Gaius, who is host to me and to the whole ecclesia here, greets you. So, do
Erastus, the city treasurer, and our brother Quartus.

24 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you all . . . Amen
(so be it).

25 Praise GOD! He is the one who can make you strong in faith. He can use the
Good News that I teach to make you strong. It is the message about Jesus Christ
that I tell people.

That message is the secret truth that was hidden for ages and ages and was not
made known. 26 Now, however, that truth about the writings of the prophets
has been brought out into the open; and by the command of the eternal god, it
has been made known to all nations, so that all may have faith and obey. 27 And
now, because of Jesus Christ, we can praise the only wise god forever! . . . Amen.


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