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OBJECTIVE: Congratulations, YOU’RE DONE WITH THE FREAKING SENIOR PROJECT! Summarize your Senior Project
experience by reflecting on your entire process and writing a memoir on your journey.

You will be graded on the following requirements:

■ What were the best and worst parts of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar?
I think that the best part of the Senior Project was learning more about teaching. I learned a lot from my mentor.
My least favorite part was having the step outside of my comfort zone. I do not do that very often so I struggled to
do so.
■ List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project.
I found that my project required a larger amount of creativity than I expected. It was also more difficult than I
expected to work with the middle schoolers. I also learned that the students learned in very different ways.
■ Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did you feel about and react to
this challenge?
The hardest part of my Senior Project for me was the public speaking that I needed to do. I don’t do many things
that involve public speaking so I found it to be difficult. I was able to practice my public speaking skills and found
it easier as I went on.
■ How has the Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work habits, capabilities, confidence,
poise, presentation, etc.)?
My Senior Project helped me be more comfortable in front of a class. I found that it was easier to speak to people
that are not my peers. I also learned more information about Canva while I was making worksheets and
presentations for the students.
■ Has this experience influenced your future plans?
This project has influenced me. I found that English is not what I would like to teach.
■ What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior Seminar process again?
I would start my project in the fall rather than the spring. The spring has been very busy for me and I wish I would
have started it in September. I would also like to be even more involved in the class that I taught in because I
would have liked to have more of a connection with them.
■ What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?
Don’t procrastinate on any part of your project. Try to have a project picked out by September. It will make
everything easier in the long run and you won’t be stressed about it.
■ What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do you have for that grade
■ I would give myself a B. I think I did good with my project but there was definitely room for improvement. I could
have been more dedicated to my project and paid more attention to the details of it.

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