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Fairy tale

Once upon a time, a rich family lived on the estate. It was a small
family, parents and daughter. For some time, an aunt from the
father's side lived with them, who was driven away by the girl's
mother. The aunt was driven away because she cast a spell on the
girl and because the mother thought that the aunt was evil and that
she was working against her all the time. When the aunt tried to
return, the mother put her in a carriage and took her to a place
where a person once entered cannot leave until she solves a given
riddle. Her riddle was: No matter how big it is, it has no weight. But
put it in a barrel and it will light up from inside. The aunt thought a
lot about that riddle and one day she remembered how her father
told her that riddle when she was young and she remembered the
solution and escape. After leaving, she decided to return to the
estate and remove the curse from her brother so that he would fall
out of love with his wife who had bewitched him to fall in love with
her. On the way to the estate, she met a rabbit who helped her find a
spell to end the love between her brother and his wife. When they
came close they met a girl who was happy to meet her aunt after a
long time and the aunt explained to her what her mother had done
to her father. The girl was surprised and took Jurica and her aunt
home to her mother and father. The mother was surprised when she
saw them and cast a spell on the aunt, but she managed to escape
and the spell hit Jurica and he unfortunately died. The aunt managed
to remove the spell from the brother and he left his wife and in the
end the truth was revealed that the aunt is good and that she
bewitched the girl only so that she would not end up like her father,
and the mother turned out to be evil because she made her husband
fall in love with her.

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