Worker Welfare (WW) Policy

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AQTS Engineering & Technologies believes that worker welfare standards are fundamental to
delivering all business activities and that every effort should be made to positively influence all

The worker welfare policy is based on the following fundamental principles:

 The employment, WW policies and standards of all employers must be in accordance

with local legal legislation.
 Workers must be provided with information about their human and labour rights and
entitlements under the law.
 The dignity of all workers must be protected and preserved. Inhumane treatment of any
kind such as harassment, humiliating disciplinary action and abuse of any kind will not
be tolerated.
 Forced, compulsory or bonded labour, human trafficking practices or any other
violations of human and labour rights will not be tolerated.
 Recruitment and employment must be conducted fairly and ethically in accordance with
local legal legislation.
 Workers must be provided a clean, secure, safe and healthy working and living
 Workers must be treated fairly.
 Workers must be paid on time and in accordance with their employment contracts.
 Workers must have the freedom to exercise their local legal rights with impunity,
including raising a grievance, freedom of movement, resignation or refusing to perform
work that poses a safety or healthy risk.

The Policy shall be reviewed periodically.

Azzam Al Suwaidi
Managing Director 01-02-2016

Let’s pledge for preventing the pollution to the environment, preserving the natural resources and providing the
risk-free working environment

AQTS-IMS-P005|Worker Welfare Policy Issue 1| Rev 5| Feb’2016

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