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In the film, a radio host said, “a lot of people couldn’t understand why he would

do what he’s doing.”

In your own words, describe the motivation behind Johnny Barnes’ actions. In
other words, why did Mr. Barnes perform his service to others; what qualities did
he have that motivated him toward this service? Respond in 1-2 complete
Johnny Barnes' actions were motivated by his love for people and his desire to
spread happiness and positivity. He had a deep sense of compassion and
empathy for others, which drove him to perform his service of greeting
commuters every day for over 30 years.

Think about your own life. What is something YOU can do to spread happiness in
your community? Respond in 1-2 complete sentences.
organizing a community service project, such as a park cleanup or food drive,
and invite your neighbors to participate. Another idea is to share uplifting
messages or positive news stories on social media to spread positivity.

Some people may want to hold on to unhappy moments because it gives them a
sense of comfort, familiarity, and a feeling of being understood. It can also serve
as a way to avoid potential disappointment or to prevent future emotional pain.
However, in my opinion, happiness is a choice. While we may not always have
control over the events in our lives, we can choose how we react to them. It is up
to us to choose whether to focus on the negative or positive aspects of a
situation. For example, if someone experiences a setback at work, they can
choose to focus on the opportunity to learn and grow from the experience rather
than dwelling on the negative aspects. Happiness is a state of mind and requires
conscious effort and practice to cultivate.

As portrayed in the film, a statue of Johnny Barnes was commissioned and

erected at the Hamilton traffic circle in his honor.

Imagine that you are chosen to write a plaque for the base of the statue. Create a
one-sentence inscription honoring Johnny Barnes.
Johnny Barnes: A shining example of spreading love and joy in our community
Jane Goodall, educator and primatologist, said, “I have many kinds of happiness.
I’m completely happy when I’m alone in nature… I’m really happy when I sit
around with friends in the evening, particularly around a campfire where we can
tell stories… I’m totally happy when I’m walking with a dog. Dogs make me really,
really, happy because you can just be yourself with a dog.”

When are you happiest? Respond in 2-3 sentences and use the stem, I am
happiest when…

I am happiest when I am spending quality time with my loved ones, whether that's
having deep conversations or enjoying fun activities together. I also find
happiness in pursuing my passions, such as reading, writing, and playing music,
as well as when I am surrounded by nature and exploring new places.

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