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05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

Little’s Law
Little's result, theorem, lemma, law or formula is a theorem by John Little which states:
The long-term average number of customers in a stable system L is equal to the long-term
average effective arrival rate, λ, multiplied by the average time a customer spends in the
system, W; or expressed algebraically: L = λW.

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BPR and ERP Implementation
Processes, organization, structure and information technologies are the key components of BPR, which automates
business processes across the enterprise and provides an organization with a well-designed and well-managed
information system. While implementing ERP, the organizations have two options to consider.

Either the organization must reengineer business processes before implementing ERP or directly implement ERP and
avoid reengineering.

In the first option of reengineering business processes, before implementing ERP, the organization needs to analyze
current processes, identify non-value adding activities and redesign the process to create value for the customer, and
then develop in-house applications or modify an ERP system package to suit the organizations requirements. In this case,
employees will develop a good sense of process orientation and ownership.
The second option of implementing ERP package is to adopt ERP with minimum deviation from the standard settings. All
the processes in a company should conform to the ERP model and the organization has to change its current work
practices and switch over to what the ERP system offers. This approach of implementation offers a world-class efficient
and effective process with built-in measures and controls, and is likely to be quickly installed.

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BP Visualization

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

This is an analogue to process mining, which allows for the identification of exceptions,
variances and work-arounds. The old saw in process modeling circles is that there are three state
of the process model: As-Is, To-Be, and How It’s Really Done.

This visualization capability provides a lens into the latter, using a Microsoft Visio add-in for
presenting the process model. The metrics and performance data are captured in the workforce
and application monitoring tools, providing a comprehensive perspective across all work being
performed, across all identified applications. Thus this becomes a very powerful tool for
optimizing work and processes from a truly end-to-end perspective, not simply limited to a
discrete process model within a traditional BPM or workflow management solution.

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

The basis for business process visualization is to find an adequate approach for layouting process
graphs. Doing so one has to preserve potentially existing process meta model properties (e.g.,
information about the structuring of related process models) and existing layout information.
This step is then followed by layouting the whole business process using the graphical notion of
the canonical meta model. Thereby the challenges are to (1) find an algorithm for layouting
business processes graphs, (2) exploit the particular semantics of the different process
elements, and (3) use available meta model properties and already existing layout information in
order to optimize the process layout algorithm

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BP Simulation
Business process simulation is an instrument for the analysis of business processes. It is used to
assess the dynamic behavior of processes over time, i.e. the development of process and
resource performance in reaction to changes or fluctuations of certain environment or system
parameters. The results provide insights supporting decisions in process design or resource
provision with the goal to improve factors such as process performance, process and product
quality, customer satisfaction or resource utilization.
Definition of Input for Business Process Simulation
The input for business process simulation, the simulation model, typically comprises information
about process flow, resources and process instantiation.
The process flow defines the time-based and logical order of function execution. Further
information is added in order to define the behavior of decision points or loops in the flow
during simulation. In addition the time spent for the execution of each function is specified.

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BP Prototyping
Business prototypes help you to effectively capture your knowledge and understanding about
your enterprise, your value network and the markets you operate in. A business prototype is a
concrete and explicit representation of (a part of) your enterprise as seen by those people who
wish to use the prototype to understand, to transform and to control that part of reality.
Depending on the situation, business prototypes can be simple sketches created on a white-
board or more elaborate visual models and simulations created using a computer.
Prototypes provide an inexpensive, risk-free environment and allow you to perform controlled,
repeatable experiments to deal with uncertainty and risk and explore the consequences of
decisions and actions that are too expensive, dangerous or unethical to take into the real world.

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BP Transition

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

BP Audit

05/05/2016 RAM KRISHNAN S

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