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1) Complete with the correct tense

Andy is tired because he (work) _____________________ all day.

By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies (become) ___________________independent.

David broke his leg when he (ski) _______________ last week.

(you/have) _______________________________a nice time in Rome?

(you/finish) _______________________________ your homework yet?

He (be) ____________________________- at his computer for six hours.

How many people (die) __________________________ in the fire yesterday?

I (not/know) ___________________________ much about art, but I like some artists.

I (receive) _______________________________ a postcard from Jane yesterday.

I (correct) ______________________________ all morning, I’m exhausted.

I (never/be) ____________________________________ sailing, what’s it like?

It was late. Most of the shops (close) _________________________________.

It (rain) _______________________________ when I got up this morning.

Janet (start) _____________________________a new job in September.

Nelly (have) _____________________________________a great time in New York at the moment.

She was cooking dinner when we (arrive)_______________________________ .

My husband (be) _____________ free for most of the afternoon.

The children were tired because they (swim)_____________________ in the pool all afternoon.

They (go) _________________________ to spend six weeks in the USA.

We can use the car, I (repair) _________________________ it.

We (be) ______________________________ too late for the train, it had just left.

When I got the airport I realized I (forget)______________________________ my passport.

As soon as they (arrive) _____________________________we had dinner.

When they were driving home last night they (see)________________________ a terrible accident.

Where (Robert/live) ______________________________________________________ now?

Who (Mandy/talk) _________________________________________________to?

2) Listen and fill in the blanks:

A terrible day!

Yesterday   (1) a terrible day. I   (2) to a barbeque at a friend's place.

I   (3) the bus to Fairfield but the bus was an hour   (4). Because I   (5)

late, everyone had already started eating. So, there   (6) no food left. I was

very   (7).

On the way home, the bus   (8) a flat tyre. Then I had to walk home but it   (9) to

rain. I   (10) very wet. I had a terrible day yesterday.

A lovely day!

Yesterday   (1) a lovely day. I   (2) on a picnic with my family. We   (3)

to Oatly Park. The weather was warm and  (4). We   (5) on the grass under a

tree and   (6) a delicious lunch. It was very pleasant.

After lunch, we   (7) for a walk around the park and   (8). On the way home

we   (9) at a cafe for afternoon tea. It  (10) delicious, too. We had a very nice

A letter to a friend:

Dear Harry,

Hi! It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm   (1) in the living room writing this letter. It's

a lovely day outside. The weather is great. The sun's   (2) and the birds are   (3).

My dog, Paddles, is   (4) beside me and   (5) at me with her big brown eyes. The

eyes are   (6) me for some food. But I'm not   (7) her anything because she's
getting fat.

I'm   (8) Spanish now at an evening college. My Spanish is   (9) slowly. I like my

teacher. She's   (10) an excellent job. I'm really   (11) my class.

3) Complete the dialogue.

A: ____________________________________________________________________________
B: I’m doing fine! Thank you, how about you?
B: Oh, that’s great! Are you coming to the cinema tonight?
B: Oh, that’s too bad! I hope he gets well soon!
B: Yes! Dinner tomorrow at your house…it sounds great!
B: See you tomorrow! Should I take something to eat or drink?
B: Red wine it is!

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