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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija

Grade Level: TEN Date: June 16, 2022
Learning Area: SCIENCE Quarter: FOURTH

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate theunderstanding of the factors affecting chemical
reactions and the chemical reactions associated with biological and industrial processes affecting life and
the environment
B. Performance Standard: Present factors affecting rate of chemical and the
reactions involved in biological and industrial processes affecting life and the
C. Learning Competency:
1. Identify the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions
2. Explain how the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions are applied
in food preservation and materials production, control of fire, pollution, and
corrosion (S10MT - IVh - j -24)
II. CONTENT: Factors Affecting Chemical Reactions


A. References
1. Science Learner’s Module pages: 1-19
2. Textbook pages:
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource portal
B. Other Learning Resources: Powerpoint presentation, Activity sheets, Projector, Laptop
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Picture Analysis: Ask the students to describe the different images/photos and identify the typeof change
as to physical or chemical change.

B. Establishing a purpose of the new lesson
 The teacher will present a word chemical equations showing chemical changes caused by
chemical reactions.
 Then ask the students to write the formula equation which correspobds to the word equation
presented by the teacher ( Note: The formula equation uses different symbols as in mathematics
like plus sign which means reacts/combines with/and)
 Let the students identify the reactants and the products in the given equation and balance the
equation if it is not yet balanced.
 The teacher will demonstrate an activity showing the reactions as shown in the given equation.
C. Presenting instances of the new lesson
• The teacher will ask the following questions to the students after performing the activity
1. What is a chemical reaction?

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2. What is the rate of chemical reaction?
3. Why are some reactions fast and some are slow?
 Use a mathematical graph representation to explain the activation energy
needed for the product/s to form.

4. What are the factors that affects the rate of chemical reaction?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

• To determine how the different factors affect the rate of chemical reaction, the teacher will ask
the students to perform different activities. ( Please see attached Activity sheets)
• Remind the students to take note of the rules and guidelnes in performing Laboratory experiment
to secure health and safety.

E. Developing Mastery
Based on what you had observed on the different activities, answer the following guide questions
1. How temperature affects the rate of chemical reaction?
2. What is the effect of catalyst in the speed of chemical reaction?
3. As the concentration increases, what happens to the rate of chemical reaction?
4. Relate the surface area of particles in the rate of chemical reaction.

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
1. Can you think of some application of our lesson in food preservation and material production,
fire control, pollution and ccorrosion?

2. What is the importance of chemical reactions to industrial applications?

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

1. What are the factors that may affect the rate of chemical reaction?
2. How these factors affect the rate of chemical reactions?

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H. Evaluating learning
Answer the following questions to ensure the mastery of the lesson on the rate of chemical reactions.
Write only the letter of the correct answers.
1. A catalyst may be defined as _________
a. A substance that involves itself in the reaction and speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction
b. A substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction
c. A substance that is necessary in order to makea chemical reaction take place
d. A substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction without taking part in the chemical reaction
2. An increase in temperature will increases the rate of reaction because it increases the _____
a. energy particles
b. volume of the particles
c. velocity of the particles
d. number of collisions between the particles
3. Which of thefollowing reaction is considered a fast reaction?
a. Fe + CuSO4
b. Mg + O2
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
4. What factor is being shown when the size of particles decreases, the collisions between reacting
particles increases?
a. Effects of pressure
b. Effects of temperature
c. Surface area
d. Nature of the reacting substances
5. Generally, the higher the concentration of the reacting substance, the _______ is the reaction.
a. Bigger b. faster c. higher d. slower
I. Additional activities for application or remediation
Based on today’s discussion, make a poster about the factors affecting chemical reactions.
Choose only one application of the reactions in the following industries. Use long bond paper for this
- Food preservation and material production, Fire control, Pollution,corrosion
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Observed by:


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Master Teacher I, Science Master Teacher I, Science

Checked: Approved:


HT- III, Science SSP- IV

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