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Republic of the Philippines


Brgy. Sta. Cruz Tinambac, Camarines Sur, 4426


Name:Jonnell A. Belando
FBAccount/GmailAddress/Contact No.: Nhell Badeza Belando/
Instructor: Rose Dianne Prades Barrameda, LPT Subject: NSTP CWTS 2 - BS IS 1A/1B

Part I. Answer the questions by how you understand our discussions? (5 points each)

1.What is meant by NSTP?

>>National Service Training Program for Tertiary Level students aim to promote civic consciousness among
the youth and inculcate in them the spirit of nationalism and advance their involvement in public and civic
affairs. NSTP is a program designed to develop the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social
well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while undergoing training in any of its
three program components. Its various components are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active
contribution to the general welfare.
2.How can NSTP enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness?
>>Of course by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its program
3.What is the difference between LTS, CWTS and ROTC?
>>While the CWTS focused on programs to enhance the living conditions of the people, the Literacy Training Service has
a more limited yet equally useful objective that is to “train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to
school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service”. LTS thus specializes in the
education of the people, strengthening the education sector to empower the people through education. Meanwhile,
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, while deemed equally important by the NSTP law (it maintained its existence and
nature mentioned in RA 7077 having the primary objective to prepare the youth in national defense, became merely a
component of the program.
4.Who are required to take NSTP?
>>Students of thirtiary level with any baccalaureate degree course or at least two-year technical vocational
courses in public and private educational institutions shall be required to complete one of the NSTP
components as requisite for graduation.
5.How long will it take to finish the NSTP program?
>>Each NSTP component shall be undertaken for a period of two (2) semesters, with fifty-four (54) training
hours and student load credit of 3 units per semester.
6.What will happen after the student have complied with the NSTP?
>>First, after the students take the NSTP program they are given a Certificate of Completion as a reward for
completing the requirents then the graduates of the NSTP's CWTS and LTS components will join the National
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC), which will be used by the government for literacy and civic welfare activities,
particularly during disasters, while graduates of the ROTC program will join the Citizen Armed Force.
7.What are the names of the presidents that are related in establishing NSTP? What are their contributions?
>>PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO (2001- RA. 9163 NSTP ACT OF 2001) An act establishment
the national program (NSTP) for the tertiary level students amending for the purpose republic act no 1706 and
for other purpose. This program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its program components. Its various
components are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare of the nation.

Part II. List down at least 3 natural disaster and what are the things we need to prepare for those kind
of disasters (15 points)

Part I Answers:

1. Earthquake-An earthquake is a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden
movement of rock materials below the earth's surface. It is commonly happened in the world especially
here in the Philippines so inorder to avoid being harm for the cause of this, prepare yourself first be
safe and make a supply kit that includes enough food and water for several days, a flashlight, a fire
extinguisher and a whistle. Being prepared allows you to avoid unnecessary excursions and to
address minor medical issues at home, alleviating the burden on urgent care centers and hospitals.

2. Floods-An overflow of water onto normally dry land and is eventually happened in the Philippines
rifht after the rain or the typhoon bring. In order to be safe in this kind of disaster a lot of things are
needed to do such as: secure yoyrself and your family first, Build or restock your emergency
preparedness kit, including a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies, Consider buying flood
insurance. Review property insurance policies as many do not include coverage for floods, Familiarize
yourself with local emergency plans. Know where to go and how to get there if you need to get to
higher ground, the highest level of a building, or to evacuate and so on.
Republic of the Philippines
Brgy. Sta. Cruz Tinambac, Camarines Sur, 4426

3. Typhoon-a large, powerful and violent tropical cyclone one of the commonly destructive disaster
happening in some areas of the world. To prevent being in risk right before a typhoon hits, your priorities
should be securing enough food and drinking water for everyone in the household for at least three days (rescue
usually arrives 72 hours after a disaster hits). Make sure the safety of everybody and if necesaary find a safer place
to evacuate and stay there until the typhoon is not yet over.

Part II Answers:

1. Tsunami-a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
Eventually happened in spme areas or country such us Japan but not commonly in the Philippines but inorder to
avoid being in risk the goverent must mprove evacuation routes, Building tsunami evacuation structures, Limiting
new development in tsunami hazard zones to hold as a protection for everybody.
2. Landslide-the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff which commonly
happened during earthquake and also because of human made but to prevent being in harm for this kind of
disaster ,talk with your family and neighbours about what you would do during a landslide. Identify a safe place to
gather. Have practice drills with your family, so you know what to do and are prepared. Become familiar with the
land around where you live and work so that you understand your risk in different situations and communicate
with the Organizations in yoyr community.
3. Wildfires-uncontrolled fire in a forest, grassland, brushland, or land sown to crops. This type of
terrfying destructive disaster is eeventually common in other countries such as Australia and it is frequently
caused by lightning. However, in order to prevent this better prepare for a wildfire event, make sure that you
know the risks specific to your community, geography, and region, and that you and the members of your
household are prepared so that you'll know exactly what to do if a wildfire is possible in your area.

The governement must ensure programs and activities that will help everyone and provide shelter for evacuation
of the people in the community but What is really important to prevent all this kind of disasters that is yearly and
eventually happening in the world especially in our community is that we must educate ourselves, know our limits
as humans because we are the care taker of our planet so we must not destroy it. Remember that every actions we
made there's always a THINGS to receive so be kind, patient, literate and protect the environment.

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