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Name: Shariss D.

Elmita Date: October 17, 2022

Year & Section: BSTM 1A

Activity #3 Midterm
1. Write down the learning insights you get from it.

- Martin Heidegger studied the Greek concept of the essence of technology. For the
Greeks, technology was assumed to be a part of our daily life. For example, a student
bought a smartphone to be used for online learning since students were not allowed to
attend a face to face learning. Smartphones are tools that enable students to achieve
their goal of participating in online learning. The second definition pointed out that
technology is part of our daily activities of the human person which is to invent
technology such as gadgets for online learning. We consider technology to be a broad
term with a difficult definition, it is defined as the application of scientific knowledge
for practical purposes, particularly in industry. In World War II, they used
technologies that completely destroyed Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and half of Europe.
According to Heidegger, both ancient and modern technology are revealing. However,
modern technology is revealing in the sense of challenging nature rather than bringing
forth. Nature is being challenged by modern technology by extracting, transforming,
storing, and distributing it.

2. Write your personal reflections on technology as shown in the video.

- My personal perspective on technology is that it truly changes the world and has a
significant impact on our daily lives. People become lazier as technology advances.
They are unaware of the value of nature and the traditional way of life. Perhaps the
world's future depends on us and our children. Furthermore, with the advancement of
social media and technology, we must not lose sight of the reality of our world.

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