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Did you realize there are advantages to legalizing marijuana? Marijuana also

known as cannabis is a plant that has been used for medical and redreational purposes
for centuries. We can improve our economy, government, and health by legalizing

Legalizing marijuana ccan generate significant revenue for the government

through increased taxes, and job growth in the indusrty. According to Kris Krane
(2020}, states across the century have already turned to cannabis/marijuana business as
a source of much-needed tax revenue and job opportunities for
their citizens. Furthermore, studies have shown that the production and sale of
marijuana generate substantial revenue for several industries, including tourism,
agriculture, and healthcare.

Marijuana should be legalized to help our government’s

crime reduction. According to Cody Jorgensen (2020), legalizing marijuana reduces
violence and trafficking associated with the illegal drug trade, thereby reducing the
power and wealth of cartels and drug gangs. Moreover, legalizing marijuana would help
to prevent from getting criminal records for minor offenses, which can significantly
impact their future job prospects and social standings.

Marijuana is a great help to our medication field and it can also benefit
patients. Based on JWU news (2021), marijuana can help lower blood pressure,
reduce inflammation, prevent relapse in drug and alcohol addiction, treat anxiety
disorders, treat gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, Preventing seizures and
fighting cancer. Furthermore, legalizing marijuana would enable scientists to conduct
more research on marijuana and determine its potential benefits and risks
more accurately. However, marijuana could lead to an increase in drug use
and addiction. Still, studies have shown that the legalization of marijuana does not
necessarily lead to an increase in cannabis use, and it could actually reduce the number
of people using it for recreational purposes.

In conclusion, legalizing marijuana is a great idea as it could benefit society in

many ways, including boosting the economy reducing crime rates, and elevating some
health problems. However, it is crucial to ensure that legalization is implemented
responsibly considers the potential risks, and that appropriate regulations are put in
place to protect the public. Therefore, policymakers should carefully weigh the benefits
of legalizing and consider the views of different stakeholders before making a decision.


BY: Antonette Carl Joy Q. Arriola

Did you realize there are advantages to legalizing marijuana? Marijuana also

known as cannabis is a plant that has been used for medical and redreational purposes
for centuries. We can improve our economy, government, and health by legalizing
Legalizing marijuana ccan generate significant revenue for the government
through increased taxes, and job growth in the indusrty. According to Kris Krane
(2020}, states across the century have already turned to cannabis/marijuana business as
a source of much-needed tax revenue and job opportunities for
their citizens. Furthermore, studies have shown that the production and sale of
marijuana generate substantial revenue for several industries, including tourism,
agriculture, and healthcare.

Marijuana should be legalized to help our government’s

crime reduction. According to Cody Jorgensen (2020), legalizing marijuana reduces
violence and trafficking associated with the illegal drug trade, thereby reducing the
power and wealth of cartels and drug gangs. Moreover, legalizing marijuana would help
to prevent from getting criminal records for minor offenses, which can significantly
impact their future job prospects and social standings.

Marijuana is a great help to our medication field and it can also benefit
patients, based on JWU news (2021), marijuana can help lower blood pressure,
reduce inflammation, prevent relapse in drug and alcohol addiction, treat anxiety
disorders, treat gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, Preventing seizures and
fighting cancer. Furthermore, legalizing marijuana would enable scientists to conduct
more research on marijuana and determine its potential benefits and risks
more accurately. However, marijuana could lead to an increase in drug use
and addiction. Still, studies have shown that the legalization of marijuana does not
necessarily lead to an increase in cannabis use, and it could actually reduce the number
of people using it for recreational purposes.

In conclusion, legalizing marijuana is a great idea as it could benefit society in

many ways, including boosting the economy reducing crime rates, and elevating some
health problems. However, it is crucial to ensure that legalization is implemented
responsibly considers the potential risks, and that appropriate regulations are put in
place to protect the public. Therefore, policymakers should carefully weigh the benefits
of legalizing and consider the views of different stakeholders before making a decision.

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