SITHCCC008 Student Assessment Task 2

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Assessment Details

Qualification Code/Title Commercial Cookery

Assessment Type Assessment Task 2 Time allowed

Due Date 29/01/2023 Location SCCM Term / Year

Unit of Competency
National Code/Title SITHCCC008 Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes
Student Details
Student Name Biraj Gyawali Student ID MCS2000288

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is Biraj Gyawali

my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any 29/01/2023
person or source.

Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name
Feedback to student:

*If Student is Not Satisfactory Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted
Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
No student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Instructions to the Candidates

 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
 Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in
knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
 If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please
inform the assessor immediately.
 Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
 To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this
Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
 This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated
by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must
reference these appropriately
 Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to
be 12, line spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID,
Student Name and Page Number. Document must be printed double sided.
 This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard
copy of the Assessments to your Trainer/ Assessor.
 Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a
mark of Not Satisfactory. SCCM uses Safe Assign Plagiarism Checker to check the originality of the
student assessment. Student must be aware of and understand the SCCM’s policy on plagiarism and
certify that this assignment is their own work, except where indicated by referencing, and that student
have followed the good academic practices noted above.

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Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITHCCC008 Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and
farinaceous dishes. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

SITHCCC008 Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes describes the performance
outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook various vegetable, fruit, egg and
farinaceous dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select and prepare
ingredients, and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete three assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Research report – You must research the historical and cultural origins of
two dishes.

 Assessment Task 3: Student Logbook – You must complete a range of cooking tasks and
complete a Student Logbook. The assessor must also observe a range of cooking tasks.

Preparing for assessment

Please read through all of the assessment tasks and related documents carefully before you get
started. Ensure that you have everything that you need and seek clarification from your trainer,
assessor or workplace supervisor if you have any questions.

Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates, journals, workbooks and

portfolios which can be used to support you in providing evidence of your competence. Your
assessor will provide you with these documents before you begin your assessment tasks. For
this unit, the supporting resources comprise:

 Research report template (Assessment Task 2)

 Service Planning template (Assessment Task 3)

 Student Logbook (Assessment Task 3)

Once you have read through the assessment tasks and are satisfied that you are clear on the
requirements and submission dates, complete and sign a Student Assessment Agreement. Your
assessor will countersign the agreement and keep it on file. You will find a Student Assessment
Agreement in Appendix B of your Hospitality Works Student User Guide or your RTO will provide
you with one.

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Remember to check your Hospitality Works Student User Guide for information about:

 submitting assessments  re-assessment guidelines

 assessment appeals  responding to written questions.

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Assessment Task 2: Research report

Information for students

In this task, you will research a range of vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 your Research Report Template.

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Complete the following activities.

1 Carefully read the following information.

In this task, you will research vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes in order to
discover their:

 historical and cultural origins

 classical and contemporary variations

 appearance and presentation

 freshness indicators

 quality indicators

 nutritional value

 service style

 taste profile

 texture profile.

Your assessor may nominate the dishes which you should research or, alternatively,
you will select a range of dishes which interest you or which are relevant to your
workplace. Seek approval from your assessor on your dishes before you begin this
You will be researching and reporting on two dishes.

2 Research and report

Research each dish in order to discover the criteria listed above. A Research report
template has been provided.

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Research report
Dish 1:Arancini Balls Dish 2:Potato Salad

Historical and cultural origins

Research the historical and cultural origins of each of your dishes. Where were they developed? Were they
developed through necessity (for example, availability of ingredients) or as a result of eating habits at the time?
How have the dishes changed over time?
 Dish 1 Arancini Balls
Arancini, also known as arancine, are fried rice balls that originated in Sicily, Italy. They are believed to
have been developed in the 10th century during the Arab rule of Sicily. The dish was created as a way to
use left over risotto, by shaping it into balls and coating them in breadcrumbs before frying.
The dish has its roots in necessity as it was a way to not waste leftover food and make it into a new
meal. The name arancini comes from the Italian word for orange, "arancia," as the fried balls resemble
the shape and color of oranges.
Over time, the dish has evolved and variations of the traditional arancini can be found throughout Italy
and other countries. The filling can include meats, vegetables, and cheeses, rather than just leftover
risotto. Some arancini can be found in different shapes such as cones or cylinders
.Arancini has become a popular street food and can be found in many Italian-American communities. It's
also a popular party food and can be found in many Italian restaurants around the world.

Arancini Balls

 Dish 2 Potato Salad

Potato salad is a dish that has its origins in Germany, where it is known as Kartoffelsalat. The dish was
likely developed in the early 19th century, as the potato became a more widely cultivated and consumed
crop in Europe. The traditional German recipe for potato salad consists of boiled potatoes, chopped
onions, and a dressing made from oil, vinegar, and various herbs and spices.

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The development of potato salad in Germany was likely driven by both necessity and eating habits. Potatoes
were a readily available and inexpensive ingredient, making them a popular choice for many dishes. At the same
time, the German tradition of eating cold dishes, known as "Kaltes Buffet," also played a role in the development
of potato salad as a popular dish.

Over time, the dish has evolved and spread to many different countries, where it is prepared in a variety of ways.
In the United States, for example, potato salad is often made with mayonnaise and other ingredients such as
celery, hard-boiled eggs, and pickles. In France, a version of potato salad known as "salade lyonnaise" includes
frisee lettuce and bacon.Potato salad is a dish that has a rich cultural and historical background. It's was
developed in Germany in the early 19th century and became a popular dish due to the availability of potatoes
and the German tradition of eating cold dishes. It has evolved and spread to many different countries and its
preparation varies from country to country.

Potato Salad

Classical and contemporary variations

Describe at least one classical and one contemporary variation of each dish. List the differences.
 Dish 1 Arancini Balls

Arancini are traditional Sicilian fried rice balls that are usually filled with meat, tomato sauce, and cheese. They
are typically made with Arborio rice and are often served as a starter or a snack.
One classical variation of arancini is the "Arancini alla Norma." This variation is named after the famous Sicilian
opera, "Norma," and is made with a filling of eggplant, tomato sauce, and ricotta cheese. The rice is mixed
with sautéed eggplant and tomato sauce, formed into balls, filled with a spoonful of ricotta cheese and then

A contemporary variation of arancini is "Arancini al tartufo," which is made with truffle filling. The rice is mixed
with sautéed mushrooms and truffle oil, formed into balls, filled with a spoonful of truffle cream and then fried.
This variation is a more indulgent and upscale version, as truffles are considered a luxury ingredient

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In summary, the classical variation of arancini is "Arancini alla Norma" which is made with eggplant, tomato
sauce, and ricotta cheese filling, while the contemporary variation is "Arancini al Tartufo" which has truffle
cream filling, making it more upscale and luxurious.

 Dish 2 Potato Salad

Classical potato salad often includes ingredients such as potatoes, mayonnaise, hard-boiled eggs, and diced
onions or celery. The potatoes are typically boiled and then diced or sliced, and the salad is typically chilled
before serving. It is a simple and traditional dish.
Contemporary variations of potato salad often include a wider variety of ingredients and flavors. For example,
one variation could include roasted garlic, arugula, and lemon vinaigrette. The potatoes can be roasted or
grilled for added flavor, and the salad may also include various types of nuts, cheese or herbs. The salad is
usually served at room temperature.

One major difference between the two variations is the use of mayonnaise in the classical version and the use of
vinaigrette in the contemporary version. Additionally, the classical version usually includes boiled eggs, while the
contemporary version can include different types of cheese or nuts. The contemporary version also includes
herbs and greens, which are not typically found in the classical version.

Appearance and presentation

Describe how each dish should appear. How should it be presented to maximise customer appeal?
 Dish 1
Arancini balls should have a crispy, golden brown exterior and a soft, creamy interior. The rice should be
cooked perfectly and the filling, if any, should be evenly distributed throughout the ball. They can be
presented in a variety of ways to maximize customer appeal. For example, they can be arranged on a
platter and garnished with fresh herbs or grated Parmesan cheese. They can also be served with a side
of marinara sauce or aioli for dipping. In a restaurant setting, they can be presented in a small cast iron
skillet, still warm and garnished with a sprinkle of parsley. They can also be presented in a way that is
aesthetically pleasing, with attention paid to color and presentation. Overall, the key is to make the dish
look as appealing as it tastes.

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 Dish 2
Potato salad typically appears as a cold dish made of diced or cubed cooked potatoes mixed with
mayonnaise or a mayonnaise-based dressing. Other ingredients that may be added include diced onion,
celery, hard-boiled eggs, and pickles. It is usually seasoned with salt, pepper, and various herbs and
spices. To maximize customer appeal, potato salad should be presented in a clean, attractive manner.
The potatoes should be evenly cut, and the ingredients should be well-mixed and distributed throughout
the dish. The color should be appetizing and the salad should have a good consistency. Garnishing the
salad with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of paprika can add a nice touch. It can be served in a bowl or platter,
or individually portioned in cups or containers for easy transport.

Freshness indicators
Describe the freshness indicators for the two key ingredients from each dish.
 Dish 1
The two key ingredients in arancini balls are rice and the filling.
To ensure the freshness of the rice, it is important to check that it is not expired and does not have any
discoloration or an off odor. The rice should also have a firm texture, and not be mushy or sticky.
For the filling, it's important to ensure that the meat is fresh and has not spoiled, this can be checked by smelling
and checking for discoloration. If the filling is vegetables, it's important to ensure that they are fresh and not
wilted or spoiled. The cheese should be fresh, not expired and should not have any mold on it.

 Dish 2

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Potato salad is a dish that typically contains potatoes and mayonnaise as the key ingredients. Freshness
indicators for these ingredients can vary depending on the specific recipe, but in general, it is important to pay
attention to the following:

 Look for potatoes that are firm and free of any soft spots, wrinkles, or discoloration.

 Avoid potatoes that have sprouted or have a green tint, as this can indicate that they have been exposed
to too much light and may contain solanine, a toxic compound.

 Check the expiration date on the jar or container to ensure that it is still fresh.

 If homemade, mayonnaise should be refrigerated and consumed within 3-5 days of making.

 Observe the texture and color, it should be creamy white, if it is thicker or has any discoloration, it is best
to discard it.
It is also important to note that while these are general indicators of freshness, it is always a good idea to use
senses (sight, smell, and taste) to determine if a ingredient is still fresh and safe to eat.

Quality indicators
Describe three quality indicators for each dish.
 Dish 1
Three quality indicators for Arancini balls can be:
1. Shape: Arancini balls have a smooth and round shape with no cracks and uneveness.
2. Texture: They should have a crispy exterior with a warm moist interior. The rice should be fully cooked
and not mushy.
3. Taste: The flavor should be balanced with the right amount of salt and cheese, and a hint of filling
(usually meat or veggies). The filling should be well cooked and not overpowering.

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 Dish 2
Three quality indicators of Potato salad are:
 Potatoes: The potatoes should be cooked perfectly, with a firm texture and not mushy. They should be
evenly diced or sliced and should be seasoned well.
 Flavor: A delicious potato salad should have a good balance of flavors, with a noticeable but not
overpowering taste of mayonnaise or dressing. It should also have a good balance of seasoning,
including salt, pepper, and other herbs or spices.
 Appearance: A visually appealing potato salad should be well-mixed and have an attractive color. The
potatoes and other vegetables should be diced or cut into consistent, bite-sized pieces and have a good
distribution of color. It should not have any discoloration or signs of spoilage.

Nutritional value
Describe the nutritional value of each dish.
 Dish 1
From a nutritional standpoint, arancini balls are high in calories and fat due to the deep-frying process. One
arancini ball can contain around 200-300 calories and 10-15 grams of fat. They also contain moderate
amounts of protein, primarily from the rice and filling, and small amounts of carbohydrates.

Additionally, arancini balls can be high in sodium due to the cheese and meat fillings. They may also contain
small amounts of vitamins and minerals depending on the ingredients used.

Overall, arancini balls can be a delicious and satisfying dish, but should be consumed in moderation as part of a
balanced diet due to their high calorie and fat content.

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 Dish 2

The nutritional value of potato salad can vary depending on the specific recipe used. However, in general, potato
salad is a good source of carbohydrates and potassium. The potatoes in the salad provide complex
carbohydrates that can provide long-lasting energy and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Potatoes
are also a good source of potassium, which is an essential mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure,
muscle and nerve function, and hydration. The addition of other ingredients such as mayonnaise, sour cream,
and other vegetables can add healthy fats and other nutrients. However, it is important to note that potato
salad can also be high in calories and sodium, so it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced

Service style
Describe the service style which each dish is best suited to.
 Dish 1
Arancini are typically served as an appetizer or a snack, and are often served with marinara or aioli sauce for
dipping. They are best suited for a casual dining or street food service style.

 Dish 2
Potato salad is best suited to a casual service style. It is typically served as a side dish at picnics, barbecues,
and other outdoor events, or as a dish to be shared at a family-style meal. It can also be served as a topping
for sandwiches or as a component in salads. Due to its versatility and casual nature, potato salad is well-
suited to a variety of settings and occasions, making it a popular choice for both home cooks and professional

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Taste profile
Describe the taste profile of each dish.
 Dish 1

.Arancini balls are then breaded and deep-fried, giving them a crispy exterior and a warm, gooey interior.The
taste of arancini balls is a combination of savory and slightly sweet. The rice provides a nutty, slightly chewy
texture, while the mozzarella cheese adds a creamy, melted quality. The filling inside can vary, but it usually
has a savory taste and can be meaty or vegetal. The breading on the outside gives a crunchy texture and a
slightly salty taste. Overall, arancini balls are a delicious and satisfying dish that is perfect as a snack or as a
main course.

 Dish 2
Potato salad is a dish typically made with boiled potatoes, mayonnaise or a vinaigrette dressing, and various
herbs and vegetables. The taste profile of potato salad can vary depending on the specific recipe and
ingredients used, but it is generally creamy and savory. The potatoes themselves provide a starchy, neutral
flavor that acts as a base for the other ingredients. The mayonnaise or vinaigrette adds a tangy, rich flavor to
the salad, while the herbs and vegetables can add freshness and depth. Some common ingredients that are
often added to potato salad include celery, onions, dill, parsley, and chives. These ingredients can add a
subtle crunch and a slight vegetal taste to the salad. Overall, potato salad is a creamy, savory dish that can
be a great side dish for many meals.

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Texture profile
Describe the texture profile of each dish.
 Dish 1
Arancini balls are a type of Italian street food, typically made by shaping cooked risotto into balls, coating them in
breadcrumbs, and deep-frying them. The texture of arancini balls is typically crispy on the outside, due to the
breadcrumb coating, and creamy on the inside, due to the risotto filling. The risotto filling is typically made
with Arborio rice, which has a slightly chewy texture, and may contain various ingredients such as mozzarella
cheese, meat or vegetables that can give it a slightly chunky texture. The deep-frying process also gives the
arancini balls a nice crunch, adding to the overall texture profile. Overall, arancini balls have a unique texture
that is a perfect balance of crispy, creamy, chewy, and chunky.

 Dish 2
Potato salad has a creamy and smooth texture, with a bit of a bite from the firm potatoes. The potatoes are
typically diced or cubed and are mixed with mayonnaise or a mayonnaise-based dressing, giving it a rich and
creamy consistency. The salad may also include other ingredients such as hard-boiled eggs, onions, celery or
pickles, which adds a bit of crunch and texture contrast. Additionally, some variations of potato salad include
different herbs or spices, which can add a subtle depth of flavor and a slight textural difference. Overall,
potato salad is a creamy and comforting dish with a variety of textures.

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Assessment Task 2: Checklist
Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Accurately describe the appearance of

dish one?

Accurately describe the appearance of

dish two?

Accurately describe the presentation of

dish one?

Accurately describe the presentation of

dish two?

Accurately describe one classical and

one contemporary variation of dish one?

Accurately describe one classical and

one contemporary variation of dish two?

Accurately describe the freshness

indicators for dish one?

Accurately describe the freshness

indicators for dish two?

Accurately describe the quality indicators

for dish one?

Accurately describe the quality indicators

for dish two?

Accurately describe the nutritional value

for dish one?

Accurately describe the nutritional value

for dish two?

Accurately describe the service style for

dish one?

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Accurately describe the service style for
dish two?

Accurately describe the taste profile of

dish one?

Accurately describe the taste profile of

dish two?

Accurately describe the texture profile of

dish one?

Accurately describe the texture profile of

dish two?

Accurately describe the historical origins

of dish one?

Accurately describe the historical origins

of dish two?

Accurately describe the cultural origins

of dish one?

Accurately describe the cultural origins

of dish two?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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