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Μπορείτε να βρείτε βοήθεια σχετικά με το λεξιλόγιο στο τέλος του εγγράφου..


Remember we told you about a novel that predicted the
coronavirus outbreak 40 years ago? It was a thriller, "The
Eyes of Darkness", written by Dean Koontz in 1981. The writer
predicted a virus made in Wuhan 40 years before the
Coronavirus outbreak.

According to this novel, a Chinese

scientist called Li Chen defected to
the United States carrying China's
most lethal biological weapon. The
weapon's name was "Wuhan-400"
because it was created outside the
city of Wuhan, and it was the 400th
viable strain of man-made
microorganisms created in Chinese
laboratories. It was the perfect
weapon. It only afflicted human beings.

Looks like it is not the only piece of fiction that predicted the
coronavirus outbreak. A book titled "End of Days: Predictions
and Prophecies about the End of the World", written by Sylvia
Browne, also predicted the global outbreak of coronavirus.
The book was first published in 2008. A photo of an excerpt
from the book is going viral across social media platforms and
is spooky enough to reach for that box of tissues to wipe your
"In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread
throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes
resisting all known treatments," the excerpt read.

Doesn't it sound very similar to this coronavirus, Covid-19 and

the disease that it causes? Be it the nature of the illness, the
year mentioned or the part about the resistance to treatments
- the similarity with coronavirus is uncanny.
The excerpt also mentioned that the illness will vanish soon
after its arrival. "Almost more baffling than the illness itself will
be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrives,
attack again ten years later and then disappear completely."

So the real question is: "Who made the coronavirus and why?"
Dr. Li Meng, a Chinese virologist revealed that the "virus is not
from nature" and it was from a "laboratory controlled by the
Chinese government in Wuhan".
Bill Gates also predicted the coronavirus in 2015. He said that
"the U.S. and other countries were not prepared for the future
pandemic that was going to hit them. "
How could Dean Koontz, Sylvia Browne and Bill Gates know
that a pandemic was going to happen in 2020? Sylvia Browne
claimed that she had psychic powers. What about Dean
Koontz and Bill Gates? Are they psychic too? Or did they
know about a devilish scheme to destroy humanity long before
the virus hit us? Are they part of some secret organization?
Does this secret organisation want to destroy humanity? Do
they want to depopulate the Earth?
Why do some people claim that US gave $3.7 million to
China's Wuhan lab that conducted coronavirus tests on bats?
Is it true that COVID 19 stands for "Certificate of Verified
Identity - Artificial Intelligence"? (19 refers to the letters of the
alphabet "AI", as in "Artificial Intelligence".) Is this Artificial
intelligence related to nano technology that someone is
planning to inject into the human body? Is this technology
related to the "Mark of the Beast" as mentioned in the Book of
Revelation? Is this why Sylvia Browne named her book "The
end of days?"
What is the book "The Great Reset" all about? Why do we find
it on the desks of many of our politicians? Does it refer to a
change that must be made to deal with the coronavirus? Do
they need to reset their PCs? Or are they obedient to a secret
organization that is planning to "reset" our human DNA with
nano technology?
Who knows? We shall see. I encourage you to do your own

prediction πρόβλεψη (when you say what you think will
happen)--Can you make a prediction about my future?
coronavirus κορονοϊός (a type of virus (ιού) that causes
diseases (προκαλεί ασθένειες)-the coronavirus epidemic η
επιδημία του κορονοϊού
outbreak ξέσπασμα, έξαρση, "έκρηξη" (If there is an outbreak
of something unpleasant, such as violence or a disease, it
suddenly starts to happen) outbreak of an epidemic ξέσπασμα
επιδημίας-----a new flu outbreak καινούρια έξαρση γρίππης
darkness σκοτάδι (when there is no light), σκότος (κακό =evil)
---The lamp (φωτιστικό) suddenly went out, leaving us in
darkness.---the forces / powers of darkness (=the devil or evil
virus ιός (a very small living thing that causes infectious
(μεταδοτικές) illnesses)---Ηe may be infected (μολυνθεί) with
the virus.
according to σύμφωνα με (in a way that agrees with or follows
sth, such as a plan or a set of rules or as shown by sth or as
stated by sb / sth) according to the plan
novel μυθιστόρημα (a long written story in which the
characters and events are usually imaginary)
scientist επιστήμονας (someone who has studied science)--
science επιστήμη (knowledge about the world, especially
based on examining, testing, and proving facts)
defect λιποτακτώ, αυτομολώ, αλλάζω στρατόπεδο (to leave a
country, political party (κόμμα), organization, etc., and go to a
different one that is a competitor or an enemy)--He defected to
the West before the war began.
lethal θανατηφόρο, φονικό (=deadly, =fatal, =causing death)--
a lethal weapon---a lethal / deadly virus
viable βιώσιμος (able to survive), εφικτός (sth that can work
successfully)--a viable organism----the viability of the company
η βιωσιμότητα της εταιρίας--a viable solution εφικτή λύση
strain στέλεχος ιού (a variant (παραλλαγή another type) of a
virus or other germ (μικρόβιο)--a new strain of the virus--Many
people did not have immunity to this new strain of flu. Πολλοί
δεν είχαν ανοσία σε αυτό το νέο στέλεχος της γρίπης.
laboratory εργαστήριο (επιστημονικό) (=lab) (a room or
building used for scientific research (επιστημονική έρευνα),
experiments (πειράματα), etc) laboratory experiments / tests
weapon όπλο (something that you use to fight with or attack
someone with, such as a knife, bomb, or gun) nuclear
weapons πυρηνικά όπλα
afflict πλήττω, βασανίζω (=torture, =torment) (If a problem or
illness afflicts a person or thing, they suffer from it)--It is an
illness which afflicts women more than men. ---a country
afflicted by civil war μια χώρα που πλήττεται από εμφύλιο
fiction μυθιστοριογραφία, μυθιστόρημα (written stories about
people and events that are not real) (literature that tells stories
which are imagined by the writer) She mainly writes fiction.
great works of fiction
global παγκόσμιος (=worldwide, =of the whole world or
relating to the whole world) global disaster Παγκόσμια
publish δημοσιεύω (to make information available for
everyone to read, especially in a book, magazine, etc.) The
report (έκθεση, αναφορά) will be published on the Internet.
excerpt απόσπασμα, (=extract, =passage) (a short part taken
from a book, poem, piece of music etc) --He read out a short
passage / excerpt from the Bible.--I've only seen short extracts
from the film.
go viral γίνεται πασίγνωστο ή πολύ δημοφιλές (επειδή
δημοσιεύεται στο Ιντερνετ (sth that quickly becomes very
popular or well-known by being published on the Internet) --
Her story went viral.
social media μέσα ενημέρωσης και κοινωνικής δικτύωσης
(Internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information
among human beings)
platform πλατφόρμα, λειτουργικό σύστημα (=operating
system) (a program or set of programs that controls the way a
computer works and runs other programs) --The program can
be run on various PC platforms.
spooky τρομαχτικός και περίεργος / απόκοσμος
(scary and strange in a way that makes you think of ghosts)--
That spooky old house had a really frightening atmosphere,
making you think that there were ghosts around.
reach for / out for απλώνω / τεντώνω το χέρι για να αγγίξω
κάποιον ή κάτι (to stretch out your arm in order to touch
somebody or something) “She reached out to touch my hair.”
Άπλωσε το χέρι για να αγγίξει τα μαλλιά μου.
tissue χαρτομάντηλο (a small piece of soft paper which is
used for cleaning, especially your nose, and is thrown away
after use)--She handed me a tissue just as I sneezed. Μου
έδωσε με το χέρι ένα χαρτομάντηλο όταν φτερνίστηκα.
wipe σκουπίζω (με πανί) (to clean or dry (στεγνώνω)
something by moving a cloth (πανί) or something soft over it)
wipe the dishes Σκουπίζω τα πιάτα -- I wiped my forehead
Σκούπισα το μέτωπό μου
sweat ιδρώτας (=perspiration) (drops of liquid that appear on
the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill/sick or afraid)
severe σοβαρός (=serious) (of a situation, problem, etc. :very
bad or dangerous) (severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are
very bad or very serious)
pneumonia πνευμονία (μια σοβαρή ασθένεια που προσβάλλει
τους πνεύμονες και κάνει δύσκολη την αναπνοή = a serious
disease which affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you
to breathe)
spread εξαπλώνομαι, διαδίδομαι (to become larger or to affect
a larger area or to (cause to) become known by many people)
Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. Η χρήση
των υπολογιστών εξαπλώθηκε ραγδαία κατά την διάρκεια
εκείνης της περιόδου.---The disease spreads easily. H
ασθένεια εξαπλώνεται / μεταδίδεται εύκολα.--spread the news
διαδίδω τα νέα
throughout σε ολόκληρο, σε κάθε μέρος του (=in every part of,
παντού = everywhere) throughout the world σε ολόκληρο τον
κόσμο / σε κάθε μέρος του κόσμου
the globe o κόσμος (=the world), η γη (=the earth)
attack προσβάλλω (για ασθένεια) (of a disease: to do damage
to a part of your body)--this disease attacks the lungs η
ασθένεια αυτή προσβάλλει τους πνεύμονες
lungs πνευμόνια (the two organs in your body that you breathe
bronchial tubes βρογχικούς σωλήνες (the tubes that carry air
into the lungs)
resist αντιστέκομαι (to try to prevent a change from
happening, or prevent yourself from being forced to do
something)--He resisted pressure to resign. Αντιστάθηκε στην
πίεση να παραιτηθεί.
treatment θεραπεία (=cure) (the use of drugs (φάρμακα) and
other methods to make a person healthy again) --medical
treatment ιατρική περίθαλψη --an effective treatment for this
disease αποτελεσματική θεραπεία για αυτή την ασθένεια.
read λέω (για κείμενο) (=say) (to show words for someone to
read)--The sign (πινακίδα) reads [=says] “No Trespassing.”
(μην καταπατείτε το χώρο)
nature φύση (a particular kind of thing)--What is the nature of
your problem? [=what kind of problem do you have?] --the
nature of the illness η φύση της ασθένειας
mention αναφέρω (μιλάω ή γράφω για κάτι σύντομα = to talk
about or write about sth briefly)
uncanny αλλόκοτος (=weird), ανεξήγητος (=inexplicable) (very
strange and difficult to explain) an uncanny coincidence
αλλόκοτη σύμπτωση
vanish εξαφανίζομαι (to disappear, especially suddenly or
mysteriously) vanish into thin air εξαφανίζομαι μυστηριωδώς
baffling κάτι ακατανόητο που σε μπερδεύει /σαστίζει
(=puzzling) (sth that you can't understand and that makes you
feel confused) --her baffling behaviour---I was baffled by the
Prime Minister's speech
virologist λοιμωξιολόγος, ιολόγος (an expert on viruses and
the diseases that they cause)
reveal αποκαλύπτω (=disclose), φανερώνω, κάνω κάτι
γνωστό (to make known something that was previously secret
or unknown) reveal a scandal αποκαλύπτω σκάνδαλο
psychic μέντιουμ (μάντης =clairvoyant) (someone who has
mysterious powers, especially the ability to receive messages
from dead people or to know what will happen in the future)
devilish διαβολικό (=evil, =demonic, =diabolical)
scheme σχέδιο (για κάτι κακό ή παράνομο), δολοπλοκία,
κομπίνα (a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad
or illegal)--a scheme to avoid paying taxes μια κομπίνα για να
αποφύγει να πληρώσει φόρους.
humanity ανθρωπότητα (all the people in the world)
virus ιός (a very small living thing that causes infectious
(μεταδοτικές) illnesses)---Ηe may be infected (μολυνθεί) with
the virus.
depopulate μειώνω τον πληθυσμό (reduce the population of a
claim ισχυρίζομαι (λέω ότι κάτι είναι αληθινό χωρίς να το
αποδεικνύω = to say that something is true without proving it)
“He claims that he can cure cancer.” Ισχυρίζεται ότι μπορεί να
θεραπεύσει τον καρκίνο.
conduct διεξάγω, εκτελώ (=carry out) (=to do a particular piece
of work, research etc in an organized way) We conducted /
carried out several experiments.
stand for σημαίνω σαν συντόμευση ή σύμβολο (=to mean sth
as an abbreviation or symbol), συμβολίζω (=symbolize),
αντιπροσωπεύω (=represent) (to be an abbreviation
(συντομογραφία) or symbol for) The sign @ stands for “at.” Το
σύμβολο @ σημαίνει "σε"
certificate πιστοποιητικό, (επίσημη) βεβαίωση (ένα επίσημο
χαρτί που δηλώνει ότι ένα γεγονός είναι αληθινό = an official
document that states that a fact is true) marriage certificate
πιστοποιητικό γάμου birth certificate πιστοποιητικό γέννησης
verify εξακριβώνω (to discover if sth is true), επιβεβαιώνω
(=confirm, =to state that sth is true)--They are trying to verify
our identity (να εξακριβώσουν την ταυτότητά μας). -- Ηe
verified my statement. Eπιβεβαίωσε την κατάθεση μου.
identity ταυτότητα (=who someone is, =the name of a person)
The identity of the criminal is not known.
artificial τεχνητός (created by people and not natural or real --
made or produced by people in order to seem like something
natural) artificial plants τεχνητά / "ψεύτικα" φυτά --- the world's
first artificial heart
inject κάνω ένεση ---injection ένεση (Αν σου κάνουν ένεση,
ένας γιατρός ή νοσοκόμα βάζει ένα φάρμακο
στο σώμα σου χρησιμοποιώντας ένα εργαλείο με βελόνα που
ονομάζεται σύριγγα = If you have an injection, a doctor or
nurse puts a medicine into your body using a device with a
needle called a syringe)
the mark of the beast το σημάδι / χάραγμα του θηρίου
(According to the Bible it's a mark with the number 666 that
people will get on their right hand or forehead. Those who
refuse to get it, will not be able to buy or sell)
entitled με τον τίτλο (=having a specific title) His book was
entitled Cinderella.
reset επανεκκίνηση (when you press a button on a computer
that allows you to turn the computer off and then on again
when a program does not work correctly)
refer to αναφέρομαι σε (to talk about or to be about sth) /
σχετίζομαι με (=be related to), αφορώ (=concern) The film
refers to a slave rebellion against the Romans.
deal with something χειρίζομαι κάτι (=handle something),
ασχολούμαι με κάτι / αντιμετωπίζω κάτι (to do something
about (a person or thing that causes a problem or difficult
situation) I'll deal with you later.
obedient υπάκουος (willing to obey (υπακούω), willing to do
what you are told to do) an obedient child υπάκουο παιδί #
disobedient ανυπάκουος (refusing to obey - not doing what
you are told)
encourage παρακινώ, προτρέπω (to persuade sb to do sth by
making them believe it is a good thing to do - to make sb more
determined to do sth) Banks actively encourage people to
borrow money.
research έρευνα (careful study that is done to find and report
new knowledge about something)

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