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Arranged By :
1. Arief syafa'at (2161010)
2. Fajar ikhwanul muslim (2161126)
3. Nafan ramadhan ervaputra (2161172)


Jln. Prof. Moh. Yamin No.77, Jabon, Pandanwangi, Kec. Diwek,
Jombang Regency, East Java 61471
Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents ................................................................................................. ii

A. Executive Summary ................................................................................... 1
B. Description of Business .............................................................................. 1
C. Market Analysis ......................................................................................... 2
D. Competitive Analys .................................................................................... 2
E. Description of Organizational Management ........................................... 3
F. Description of Products or Services.......................................................... 4
G. Marketing Plan ........................................................................................... 5
H. Sales Plan .................................................................................................... 5
I. Funding Details (or Request for Funding) ............................................... 8
J. Financials Projections .............................................................................. 10

A. Executive Summary
The upper middle class Indonesian people often use motorized vehicles to assist
activities, especially in terms of transportation to their destination, either using two-
wheeled or two-wheeled vehicles. Motorized vehicles require regular maintenance
so that their functions and safety are maintained. On that basis, every automotive
manufacturing plant always makes dealers for vehicle maintenance on a regular
basis in accordance with the procedures set by the automotive company. The
number of vehicles each year continues to increase significantly while not for the
growth of dealers in Indonesia. Based on this, many entrepreneurs open workshop
services for vehicle maintenance because the demand for this service is very large.
Therefore, a business plan was formed for the establishment of a car repair shop
engaged in car repair services.

"Become The Right Solution for Your Car Care”.

1. Provide friendly and welcoming service
2. Provide the right diagnosis to the customer's vehicle
3. Using modern technology-based tools and equipment
4. Grow the economy in the Auto Car Repair Shop area
5. Giving consumers satisfaction with the work of Auto Car Repair Shop
6. Providing welfare for related business partners

Short term goals Auto Car Repair Shop as follows :

1. Building the Auto Car Repair Shop brand image to consumers
2. Providing customer satisfaction with the services produced by the Auto Car
Repair Shop
3. Business runs effectively and efficiently

Auto Car Repair Shop's long term goal :

1. Market leader where the Auto Car Repair Shop stands
2. Growing and having branches throughout Java
3. Become a compatible and qualified workshop
4. Keeping up with the development of automotive technology in accordance with
the current era in progress

B. Description of Business
Car Workshop is a business engaged in repair services. The services sold by the
Auto Car Repair Workshop are car repair and maintenance services. Auto Car
Workshop markets its products through Instagram and Facebook social media, as
well as brochures and websites.

Along with the rapid development of globalization, trends are also undergoing rapid
changes. For this reason, consistent observations are needed to identify changing
trends that occur in industrial developments in certain fields. Currently the business
in the field of repair services is still very popular and will not die if people still need
a vehicle. The development of increasingly sophisticated and modern technology,
encourages every business to move forward and develop together to produce
something better. This technology is developing along with the development of the
automotive industry. Car repair shops outside authorized dealer facilities give the
public the option to choose a suitable place for the car. Some customers usually use
the services of a repair shop outside the official workshop because the prices given
by the official workshop are usually very expensive. On that basis, workshops
outside the official workshop mushroomed and the growth was very significant.

C. Market Analysis
Markets become different geographical units, such as countries, provinces,
counties, cities, regions. Through segmentation In this case, marketers get certainty
about where or where this product should be marketed. Based on the location of the
Car Workshop in the city of Mojokerto and online marketing, the focus is
geographical segmentation, people throughout Mojokerto.

D. Competitive Analys
Competition is a natural thing in a business. In this case, the competitors for the
auto repair shop are quite high because the business category run by the auto repair
shop is already very large. To overcome this, Auto Car Workshop presents
differentiation from its competitors. Where the difference is the technology used by
the Auto Car Repair Workshop at a fairly affordable price. The Auto Repair Shop
operates the same as a regular repair shop. Auto Car Workshop has a workshop that
is integrated with the office. Repair and maintenance work is carried out in one
place with the Auto Car Workshop office.

It should be noted that competitors are part of the stakeholders. In running a

business, the existence of competitors is a natural thing. In order not to lose to
competitors, companies need to plan strategies so that products can compete. The
company must continuously monitor and monitor its products, prices, distribution
and promotions with its competitors. The competition is divided into four, which

1. Brand competition
Competitors are other companies that offer similar products or services to
customers at relatively the same price. For example Honda and Toyota.

2. Industry competition
Competitors are all companies that make the same product.

3. Competition form
Competitors are all products manufactured by companies that provide services
or the same service.

4. General competition
Competitors are all companies that compete for the right customers same.

The number of similar workshops and a variety of high-tech facilities and

equipment are presented for pampering customers' cars to make them fit, safe, and
comfortable. The following is advantages and disadvantages of competitors Auto
Car Repair Shop.


Mobil Oil Boutique 1. There are all kinds of 1. No engine tuning
oil local 2. No tune up carbon
2. 2. There are all kinds flush
of oil import

Elika Automotive 1. Tune up the CBU car 1. Spare parts and

Performance and high performance components support
1. 2.The workshop for sale the price is
equipment use more too expensive
sophisticated 2. Goals only for high
performance car not a
daily car

Auto Car Repair Shop has good prospects for the future. This matter seen from the
facilities and tools used are modern equipment based on the same technology as
authorized dealers and workers (mechanics) who has many years of experience in
the automotive sector. The strategic location of the workshop is also a factor in the
success of the road this business.

E. Description of Organizational Management

Company data
1. Company Name : Auto Car Repair Shop
2. Business Field : Auto Repair (Automotive)
3. Product Type : Service
4. Company Address : Jl. Yos Sudarso, RT. 10 / RW. 11, Mojokerto
5. Telephone Number : 085666787650
6. Email Address :
7. Company Bank : BCA Mojokerto Branch
8. Form of Legal Entity : Limited Liability Company (PT)
9. Year of Establishment : 2023

Company Owner Biodata

1. Name : Nafan ramadhan ervaputra
3. Position : Manager
4. Place of Birth Date : Jombang, February 8, 1999
5. Address : Jl. Governor Suryo 22, Jombang
6. Phone : 087888780878
7. Email :

8. Last Education : Candidate for Bachelor Degree (Bachelor of
Business Management)

Job Description
Job description is an explanation of all activities and responsibilities in a job. Very
good job description required by a company in order to avoid differences in
understanding impact on multiple jobs, and knowing the limits of responsibility and
authority of each position. The following is a job description for each positions in
the Auto Car Repair Shop :

1. Manager / Nafan ramadhan ervaputra

Manager Duties and Responsibilities:
a. The owner has the highest authority in this business
b. Supervise company operations
c. Responsible for decision making, company direction, and business control
d. Controlling company finances
e. Responsible for work implementation
f. Create and manage all existing policies

2. Service Advisor (SA) / Fajar ikhwanul muslim

Service Advisor (SA) duties and responsibilities:
a. Analyze complaints on customers' cars
b. Provide the right solution for every customer's car repair
c. Make a Work Order (SPK) to delegate work to mechanic
d. Responsible for the work that has been delegated to the mechanic
e. Manage administrative processes from upstream to downstream

3. Mechanic / Arief syafa'at

Mechanic Duties and Responsibilities:
a. Doing work according to SPK
b. Responsible for the condition of the customer's car during handling
c. Responsible for the cleanliness of the workshop workspace

F. Description of Products or Services

Products are tangible goods that are marketed to be bought, noticed, or consumed,
while services are intangible goods, which arise from the output of one or more
individuals. While it seems that the main difference between the two concepts is
based on the true nature of the two, that is not always the case. In most cases,
services are intangible, but products are not always tangible. One thing to keep in
mind is that products and services are highly aligned. In fact, most products carry
an element of service. For example, when Customer Type Customers play an
important role in any business. By better understanding different types of
customers, businesses can be better equipped to develop car purchases, products are
equipped with many other service responsibilities, such as setup and maintenance.
Car Workshop Car Workshop is a business that produces car repair and
maintenance services for consumption by end consumers. Ordering services from
the Car Workshop can currently only be done offline and use human resources.

G. Marketing Plan
Target Market
Target is a process for evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selects
one or more segments to target. By applying the target market, then the company
can target a wider market opportunity by determine the right marketing strategy.
Auto Car Repair Shop has a target market of the entire Mojokerto community with
age 17 years and over, and all races, religions, ethnicities and nationalities and focus
on in all genders. People from middle to upper class with a lifestyle that has high
mobility with wheeled vehicles four, and having a caring attitude towards the health
of the vehicle is the target market of Auto Car Repair Shop.

Distribution Channel
Distribution is a collection of organizations interdependent people involved in the
processes that make up the product or service ready for use or consumption by
consumers or business users. Distribution is one of the factors that need to be
understood in a business where in this is very important distribution to know and
manage the flow of travel a product to be able to reach the hands of consumers so
that it can be used by consumers. There are several types of distribution channel
levels, namely:
1. Zero Level Channel
The type of distribution in this form is between producers and final consumers.
There are no intermediary traders, direct distribution is carried out by business
actors to consumers.

2. Single Level Channel

This type of distribution is selling through a single sales intermediary such as
a retailer. In the consumer market, intermediaries are wholesalers or
wholesalers, while in the industrial market they are sole distributors and
industrial distributors.

3. Two-Stage Channel
This type of distribution has two sales intermediaries, namely wholesalers and
wholesalers or wholesalers and retailers, or sole dealers and industrial

4. Three Level Channel

This form of distribution channel has three intermediaries, namely wholesalers,
wholesalers and retailers.

Based on the theory described above, it can be concluded that Auto Car Repair Shop
uses zero level channel distribution because Auto Car Repair Shop sales activities
sell their services directly to consumers without any intermediary. All sales
activities for now are only carried out through offline stores.

Resources Used
Services Services are very dependent on human resources who carry out the service
delivery process, because they communicate and interact directly with consumers
and prospective customers. Consumer perceptions of service quality will be well

formed if the interaction experience they get with human resources within the
company is classified as good. Auto Workshop employs skilled human resources
educated and good in communication. Minimum education completed Car
Workshop employees are high school (SMA) people either working in offices or
mechanics/technicians. Repair services are very critical of the quality of the
technicians themselves. The technicians used by the Auto Car Repair Workshop
have worked at least 2 years or more in their field to maintain the quality of service
provided to customers.

Auto Car Workshop measures the success of the process. Processes are all the actual
procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities that are used to deliver the service.
The process in service is a major factor in the service marketing mix. The process
reflects how all elements of the service marketing mix are coordinated to ensure
quality and consistency of services provided to consumers.Sales Plan

Promotion is one of the most important factors in determining the success of a
company in getting consumers' attention to a product or service offered. Attractive
promotions are able to attract consumer interest and have a positive impact on
increasing company sales. The following are promotions carried out by the Car
1. Social media
One of the media that will be used by the Auto Car Repair Shop in marketing
His business is social media. Social media was chosen as a marketing medium
that The main reason is because of its low promotional costs and large number
of users. In the current era of globalization, technological sophistication is
balanced with the use of growing internet. The method used in marketing is an
endorsement or paid partnership with influencers.

2. Website
The second method of promotion is marketing through the website. Auto Car
Repair Shop using this method on the grounds that consumers can reach
services which the Auto Car Repair Shop sells very quickly. Workshop
information, vision and mission, and the resulting services can be seen there.
Companies that own the domain itself has the impression that this company is
compatible and trustworthy. Almost all big companies in Indonesia use the
website for their needs in terms of marketing.

3. Brochure
Auto Car Repair Shop uses print media to market its business. Brochure serves
to notify the existence of a business and find out what services sold from the
business. Brochures are used for small-scale marketing.

Process To Achieve Goals

1. Conduct Competitor Survey
The first step to take is a competitor survey by conducting competitor analysis,
how the business is running, identify its target market, competitors strengths
and weaknesses, threats and opportunities for Auto Car Repair Shop, services

sold, what value is provided to consumers besides quality products, and what
kind of marketing strategies are carried out by competitors.

2. Conduct Market Survey

Market surveys were conducted to determine consumer tastes and how much
purchasing power is owned by the market to be entered. This is useful in
determining the price of services to be sold.

3. Location Selection
Location selection is the most important thing in starting a business
automotive. The location must be strategic, in the automotive environment,
access to the area it's easy, and the workshop environment is good, choose a
location in Bursa Otomotif Sunter because there is an automotive center

4. Conducting a Survey of Suppliers of Supporting Materials

Auto Car Repair Shop cooperates with suppliers of supporting materials such
as spare parts cars and all kinds of oil. The Auto Car Repair Shop must ensure
that the supplier can be trusted to carry out business cooperation and can supply
materials support so that the business can continue to run effectively.

5. Designing Business Layouts

Auto Car Repair Shop needs to do the design for the workshop workspace and
customer waiting rooms, so that customers feel comfortable inside Auto Car
Repair Shop.

6. Recruiting and Training Employees

In a business, human resources are a very important factor important because
it becomes a support in the course of a business. To be a team
especially customer service from the Auto Car Repair Shop, employees who
are have a good attitude with high competence. Because of this job direct
contact with consumers, it is necessary to have someone who have good
grammar and formal, careful, responsible, thorough, and have good time
management skills. For now, the only employee needed by the Auto Car Repair
Shop is 1 person in charge of receiving complaints from customers about their

7. NPWP Registration
Every citizen who has have income must have NPWP to report taxes
income owned.

8. SIUP Registration
Every business establishment must have a SIUP, namely a Business License

9. Buying Equipment and Supplies

In this step, the Auto Car Repair Shop buys equipment and supplies required
through suppliers based on surveys that have been conducted.

10. Promoting
Promotion is the most important step for a business to achieve its profit target.
Promotion is one of the marketing activities that offer a product or service so
that consumers are interested in buying or consume it. Promotional media that
will be carried out by the Auto Car Repair Shop are Instagram and market

H. Funding Details (or Request for Funding)

Realizing a business requires sufficient funds to be able to running as it should. The
funds are classified on the basis of fixed assets tangible assets such as buildings,
equipment, etc., intangible fixed assets such as patents, licenses, establishment fees,
and other than tangible and intangible assets Tangible funds for needs also include
working capital or all investments needed for current assets such as cash and
inventories. Following is a breakdown of the funding requirements needed by the
Auto Car Repair Shop.

Description Quantity
Initial Cash IDR 100,000,000
Equipment IDR 1,625,312,948
Supplies IDR 40,025,112
Rent IDR 150,000,000
Renovation IDR 97,863,000
Total IDR 2,013,201,060

List of Operational Equipment and Office Supplies needed Equipment is a
supporting tool for carrying out business activities. Equipment is short term, must
be replaced with a new one, and has no economic life. Equipment is obtained from
different places as well as equipment. Here are the equipment that Auto Car Repair
Shop needs to run its business.

No Name of Price Number of Total

Equipment Units
1 Cashier Desk IDR 290,000 2 IDR 580,000
2 Cashier Chairs IDR 550,000 2 IDR 1,100,000
3 Lenovo Desktop IDR 10,550,000 2 IDR 21,100,000
PC M720T
4 Epson LX 300 IDR 700,000 1 IDR 700,000

5 Epson L310 IDR 1,795,000 1 IDR 1,795,000
6 Guest Tables IDR 750,000 3 IDR 2,250,000
7 Consumer Seats IDR 165,000 10 IDR 1,650,000
8 Sofa Indachi Hugo IDR 9,780,000 6 IDR 58,680,000
3 Seater
9 Changhong Hot IDR 1.425.000 2 IDR 2.850.000
Dispenser, Normal,
10 Gallons of Water IDR 35,000 4 IDR 140,000
11 Display Rack IDR 700,000 4 IDR 2,800,000
12 AC Daikin Flash IDR 4,329,000 2 IDR 8,658,000
Inverter 1PK
13 Trash Can 120L IDR 775,000 2 IDR 1,550,000
14 Walnut Tissue Box IDR 60,000 5 IDR 300,000
15 Scissors Cut IDR 20,000 5 IDR 100,000
16 Osram 12 Watt IDR 35,000 20 IDR 700,000
LED Lamps
17 Kenmaster 6 . IDR 67,500 5 IDR 337,500
Extension Cable
18 Kenmaster Roll IDR 329,500 5 IDR 1,647,500
Cable 25m
19 Hydraulic IDR 28,800,000 6 IDR 172,800,000
20 Crocodile Jacks 2 IDR 225,000 6 IDR 1,350,000
21 Impact Wrench IDR 1,350,000 6 IDR 8,100,000
22 Tune Up Carbon IDR 3,780,000 6 IDR 22,680,000
Flushing Tool
23 Engine & ECU IDR 45,000,000 6 IDR 270,000,000
Scanner Universal
Autel Maxisys Pro
24 Compressor IDR 1,450,000 3 IDR 4,350,000
25 Hoffman 3D IDR 155,000,000 6 IDR 930,000,000
Spooring Machine
26 Multimeters IDR 375,000 6 IDR 2,250,000
Totals IDR

I. Financials Projections
Forecasting and sales plans will be utilized for the first month as a basis for
calculating planning for the next 5 years. The following is the forecasting and sales
plan of the Auto Car Repair Shop.

Car Workshop Sales Forecast for January 2023

Type of Service Price Number of Cars Total Revenue
Carbon Flushing IDR 450,000 10 IDR 4,500,000
Flush Matic Oil IDR 600,000 5 IDR 3,000,000
Spooring & IDR 275,000 7 IDR 1,925,000
Gasoline ECU IDR 3,000,000 3 IDR 9,000,000
Reflash ECU IDR 4,000,000 3 IDR 12,000,000
Purging IDR 600,000 4 IDR 2,400,000
Oil Change IDR 200,000 10 IDR 2,000,000
Replace the IDR 250,000 5 IDR 1,250,000
Total Per Month 47 IDR 36,075,000

Market segmentation involves dividing a market into smaller groups based on

distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors that may require a separate strategy or
marketing mix. Market segmentation can also be interpreted as grouping the market
into homogeneous consumer groups, where each group can be selected as a target
market for marketing a product. Multiple segmentation division Auto Car Repair
Shop market as follows :

1. Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on social
status, lifestyle, and personality. Focus of psychographic segmentation Auto
Car Repair Shop is a society that has activities with a high level of mobility
using an indoor car daily activities and pay close attention to details about
maintenance on the car.

2. Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation groups buyers based on knowledge, attitude, use,
funds or reactions to a product and or services. The behavioral segmentation
focus of the Auto Car Repair Shop is people who have a sense of care for the
vehicle they have.

Middle and upper Indonesian people often use motorized vehicles to assist
activities, especially in terms of transportation to the destination, either using a two-

wheeled motorized vehicle or four-wheeled. Motorized vehicles require periodic
maintenance to function and security is maintained. Based on this, many
entrepreneurs who open a repair shop for vehicle maintenance because the demand
for this service is very large. Therefore, a business plan was formed to establish an
Auto Car Repair Shop business which is engaged in car repair services.


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