Honesty, Quality, Legality, and Integrity. The Research Investigation Will Follow

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Ethical Consideration

It is imperative that ethical issues will be thoroughly examined and

comprehensively understood within the research process context. The study considers

ethical responsibilities required in this research undertaking which encompasses

honesty, legality, quality, integrity, informed consent, voluntary involvement,

beneficence, confidentiality, anonymity, incentives or compensation, among other


Honesty, quality, legality, and integrity. The research investigation will follow

ethical principles wherein the researchers will report the research procedures and

results accurately and refrain from overgeneralizing outcomes or any other behavior

that may appear deceiving to other researchers. The study will comply with all the

applicable rules and regulations for research work and adhere to strict guidelines for

legal and academic processes in the Cebu Institute of Technology - University and the

research community.

Informed consent. The process of collecting information will only happen if

those providing the information have given their consent. The respondents involved in

the research must be informed about the purpose of the study, how the data will be

used, and the potential impact on them and others. The primary objective of obtaining

informed consent is to give research respondents the knowledge needed to make an

informed decision about whether they want to participate.

Voluntary participation. Research respondents have the option of allowing or

declining to participate in the study to ensure that there is no coercion as their

willingness to be a respondent is considered an important aspect of the data collection

process. They have the freedom to end their cooperation at any time, with no effect on

their future relationship with the exploration group or association. Consequently, there

will be no burden on the individuals who decide to pull out from the review and no great

reason will be required.

Beneficence. Researchers are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-

being of all respondents all through the data gathering process. The study will utilize a

user-friendly application to guarantee that no damage or inconvenience is caused to

respondents. In addition, the environment — where the survey is conducted — will be

carefully picked to eliminate any potential sources of uneasiness or distress without

affecting the conditions needed to get ideal outcomes. Most importantly, the research

procedures will not deliberately or inadvertently harm the standing of respondents or the


Confidentiality, anonymity, and privacy. The researcher promises to maintain

the anonymity and safeguard the personal information of all respondents in this study.

All records and documents will be anonymous and no one other than the researcher will

have access to personal information. The researcher will structure the surveys in a way

to prevent respondents from being recognized, while also respecting all information

provided in confidence. Strict guidelines will be followed for protecting confidential

information, even though scholastic records are not required for the research.

Furthermore, responses from respondents will be kept completely private and used

solely for research purposes.

Incentive or compensation. It shall be made clear that the research will not be

a study that is commissioned by any organization or school where the researcher is

currently designated. The respondents will be given a token of appreciation as a gesture

of gratitude for their participation in the study, but caution will be taken to make sure that

these tokens do not overly influence individuals to take part in the study or submit false


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