Lecture 12&13 - Environmental Engineering Solutions (Part 2)

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Lecture 12

Wastewater management

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Why are we concerned about

✓ Public Health Protection

✓ Waterborne diseases
✓ Environmental Protection
✓ Our ecosystems
✓ Aesthetics
✓ Smells, odors, flies, etc.

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 2

Water cycle and wastewater

Water supply activities Wastewater

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 3

Components of wastewater
Liquid Waste = Wastewater
= Sewage
Blackwater = Toilet+ Kitchen sink
(food waste/fats/oil)

Greywater = Dishwasher+
Bathroom+ Laundry

Wastewater = Blackwater

Septage = septic tank waste

Stormwater =Rainwater

Combined Sewage = Wastewater 4

+ storm water Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Sanitation services chain
(Septage management-non sewerage system)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 5

Sewerage system
(Combined vs Separate)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Contents of Wastewater

Physical or chemical pollutants

• Heavy metals (e.g. Hg, Pb)
• Organic particles (e.g. feces, hairs, food)
• Organic substances (e.g. urea, drugs)
• Inorganic particles (e.g. sand, grit)
• Inorganic substances (e.g. ammonia, salts)
• Solid wastes (e.g. sanitary napkins, diapers)
• Gases ( e.g. hydrogen sulfide, methane)
• Toxic substances (e.g. pesticides, poisons)
• Nutrients (e.g. Nitrogen, Phosphorous)

Biological pollutants
• Bacteria (e.g. Salmonella, Vibrio cholera),
• Viruses (e.g hepatitis A, rotavirus, enteroviruses),
• Protozoa (e.g. Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia
• Parasites (e.g roundworm, hookworm)
Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD
Preventing pollution in

 Pollution prevention is not producing waste in the first place. It

means doing what we can to reduce the amount and toxicity of
waste we generate
 Reducing, reusing or recycling wastes helps minimize the need to
treat and dispose of it
 Avoid disposing solid wastes, toxic and hazardous wastes, fats
and oils in the sink to reduce the amount of pollutants

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 8

Objectives of Wastewater

 To remove suspended and floatable materials

 To treat biological organics
 To eliminate pathogenic organisms
 To remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous
 To remove toxic substances and heavy metals

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 9


Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD

Stages of treatment

 Preliminary treatment –
removal of physical items
- Racks and screens
- Comminutors
- Grit chambers

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 11

Stages of treatment

 Primary treatment - separates

suspended solids and greases
from wastewater

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 12

Stages of treatment

 Secondary treatment – removal

of organic matter by the use of
-biological treatment

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 13

Stages of treatment

 Tertiary treatment (advance treatment)

– removal of nitrogen and phosphorous
- use of chemicals
-removal of disease-causing organisms
- Disinfection ( Chlorine, UV light, Ozone)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 14

Sludge treatment

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 15

Lecture 13: Dealing with
Soil Pollution

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 16

Prevention of soil pollution

 Regulation on solid/toxic/hazardous waste and wastewater

disposal in soil
 Waste minimization
 Reduce, reuse, recycle
Control measures for soil

Control of soil erosion thru contour

cultivation, strip cropping, terracing,
and building diversion channels

Reuse, reduce, and recycle liquid

and solid wastes

 Use of sanitary landfill for

residual wastes

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 18

Use of Bioremediation

 Bioremediation
- any process wherein a biological system (typically
bacteria, microalgae, fungi, and plants), living or
dead, is employed for removing environmental
pollutants from air, water, soil, flue gases, industrial
effluents etc, in natural or artificial settings

-the use of biological resources in treatment of

contaminated environment wherein such organisms
have the natural ability to adsorb, accumulate, and
degrade common and emerging pollutants.

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 19

Bioremediation techniques

 In-Situ- treats polluted sites directly

• Bioventing-increase of air flow where
oxygen is provided as the electron
acceptor for the oxidation of pollutants
• Biosparging - injecting pressurized air or gas
into a contaminated zone in order to
stimulate in situ aerobic biological activity
• Biostimulation- process of stimulating
microbial growth to degrade contaminants
• Bioaugmentation -addition
of archaea or bacterial cultures required to
speed up the rate of degradation of
a contaminant


Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 20

Bioremediation techniques
 Ex-Situ- applied to excavated materials
• Landfarming -Contaminated
soils, sediments, or sludges are transported
to the landfarming site, mixed into the soil
surface and periodically turned over
to aerate the mixture
• Compost - use of a biological system of
micro-organisms in a mature, cured
compost to sequester or break down
contaminants in water or soil
• Biopiles- excavated soils are mixed with soil
amendments, formed into compost piles,
and enclosed for treatment.
• Bioreactors- containers where biological
degradation of contaminants is isolated
and controlled.
o Phytoremediation – use of plants for removing
contaminants (in-situ and ex-situ)

Engr Bonifacio B. Magtibay, PhD 21

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