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PROJECT: Learning how to use a dictionary.

ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ: Μαθαίνοντας πως να χρησιμοποιούμε λεξικό.

The ability to use a dictionary is a valuable skill.
Η ικανότητα να χρησιμοποιείς λεξικό είναι μια πολύτιμη
Parents or English teachers are kindly asked NOT to translate
the text for you. Οι γονείς ή δάσκαλοι Αγγλικών
παρακαλούνται να ΜΗΝ μεταφράσουν αυτό το κείμενο για
If they really want to help you, they should teach you how to
use a dictionary. Αν στα αλήθεια θέλουν να σας βοηθήσουν θα
έπρεπε να σας διδάξουν πως να χρησιμοποιείτε λεξικό.

Here are some useful links: Ορίστε μερικοί χρήσιμοι

1. Αγγλοελληνικό λεξικό
2. Αγγλοαγγλικό λεξικό

Watch the video and read the text. Παρακολουθείστε το βίντεο
και διαβάστε το κείμενο.

Find the meaning of all the words that you don't know in the
dictionaries. Βρείτε τη σημασία όλων των λέξεων που δεν
ξέρετε στα λεξικά.
Make sure that you write not only the translation in Greek, but
also a definition of the word and an example of its use.
Να σιγουρευτείτε ότι γράφετε όχι μόνο τη μετάφραση στα
Ελληνικά, αλλά επίσης ένα ορισμό της λέξης και ένα
παράδειγμα της χρήσης της.
Use the first three words of the VOCABULARY SECTION as
an example. Χρησιμοποίησε τις πρώτες τρεις λέξεις από το
μέρος του εγγράφου "Λεξιλόγιο" σαν παράδειγμα.

I would like to expose the dark side of yoga and new age
religion. Most people think that yoga is just an exercise. That's
wrong - yoga as well as New Age religion are parts of the
illuminati plan to deceive people and make them lose their
faith in our true Saviour, Jesus Christ.
First of all who are the illuminati? They are the "enlightened
ones" the ones who "have deep knowledge or understanding".
In fact they are the Freemasons, a secret organization
including many famous people such as Beyonce, Barak
Obama and Adolph Hitler. They actually rule the world. They
tell their followers that there is no God, that people should
become their own god and be one with the universe, and
finally that Lucifer is just misunderstood. They tell them that
they shouldn't pray to God, but "meditate" in order to find inner
peace. What they never tell you is that when you meditate,
you empty your mind and your soul, so that something else,
something evil can enter your body more easily.
Have you noticed how meditation and yoga have suddenly
become so popular? Have you noticed that everyone is talking
about becoming "one with the universe" lately? Not "with
God", but "with the Universe"- isn't that strange? Isn't the
Internet full of success stories of how people have used
meditation to achieve their goals?
Yoga is related to Hinduism and Buddhism. It has been around for
centuries. It has always been known as something spiritual, not
physical. In Hindu practice, the purpose of yoga was to open a
person's body for visitations by outside spiritual entities, also known
as evil spirits. All the yoga positions pay homage to Hindu entities,
such as Shiva. The word yoga means "unity" and nowadays it's
understood as meaning "you becoming one with the universe". It's a
quite similar idea to one that Freemasons have: "you becoming your
own god".
Νowadays, the "enlightened ones" have convinced everyone that
yoga is the best form of exercise and that it helps you to relax and
find "inner peace." It's simply a deception. Don't fall for it.
According to some people who have done research on yoga,
those who practice it summon evil entities that tend to linger
and can influence their lives in a very negative way.

What we should all do is to concentrate on the real God, our

Creator, pray to Him and read the Holy Bible. That's the only
way to find inner peace.

deception απάτη, εξαπάτηση (the act of deliberately (σκόπιμα)
making someone believe something that is not true) Τhe
deception of New Age religion ---deceive εξαπατώ
expose αποκαλύπτω (κάτι κρυμμένο ή ανέντιμο (=to reveal sth
hidden or dishonest), εκθέτω (σε κοινή θέα) (to show
something that is usually covered or hidden) expose the truth /
scam αποκαλύπτω την αλήθεια / κομπίνα. ---He lifted his T-
shirt to expose a scar (ουλή)
expose εκθέτω (σε κίνδυνο / δυσάρεστη κατάσταση) (to put sb
in a dangerous or unpleasant situation) A wise mother never
exposes her children to danger.
the illuminati οι πεφωτισμένοι (=the enlightened ones, =those
who have knowledge or understanding), Μασόνοι (=Μasons)
(a secret organization including many famous people such as
Beyonce, Barak Obama and Adolph Hitler)

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