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Finite Element Method (CIE8092) Hanyang University

Spring 2023 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Homework 6: Development of Linear Strain Triangle Equations

Due: Monday, April 24, 2023

Problem 1: (Problem 8.1) Evaluate the shape functions given by Eq. (8.2.6). Sketch the variation of
each function over the surface of the triangular element shown in Figure P1. (10 points)

Figure P1

Problem 2: (Problem 8.2) Express the strains εx, εy, and γxy for the element of Figure P1 by using the
results given in Section 8.2. Evaluate these strains at the centroid of the element; then evaluate the
stresses at the centroid in terms of E and ν. Assume plane stress conditions apply. (10 points)

Problem 3: (Problem 8.3) For the element of Figure P2 (use nodal coordinates in Figure P1) subjected
to the uniform pressure shown acting over the vertical side, determine the nodal force replacement
system using Eq. (6.3.7). Assume an element thickness of t. (10 points)

Figure P2 Figure P3

Problem 4: (Problem 8.4) For the element of Figure P3 (use nodal coordinates in Figure P1) subjected
to the linearly varying line load shown acting over the vertical side, determine the nodal force
replacement system using Eq. (6.3.7). Compare this result to that of Problem 6.9. Are these results
expected? Explain. (10 points)

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