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Health Trends, Issues, and Concerns

(Global Level)

In the 21st century, public health protection

is viewed both as a shared duty and obligation.
Thus people need to understand global issues,
concern, and trends that include fair access to
Health Trends, Issues, essential healthcare and protection against
multinational threats which directly affect the

and Concerns
health and lives of billions of people worldwide.

Global health initiatives were established to

(Global Level) tackle increasing global health threats, reduce
disparities within communities and between
nations and contribute to a world
where people live healthier, safer and longer
Global Health and the Millennium
Development Goals
The terms improved public awareness of vulnerabilities and shared\
responsibilities among people for the different injustices in the world.

Ilona Kickbush (2006), director of the Global Health Program at the

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva,
Switzerland states that global health pertains to various health issues, concerns,
and trends which go beyond national boundaries and call for global initiatives for
the protection and promotion of people’s health across the world. Koplan
Associates (2009) states that global health is an area for study research and
practice that prioritizes health improvement and achieving impartiality in
healthcare and wellness worldwide. Beaglehole and Bonita (2010) gave a short
but communities to promaote health for all.

Koplan and Associates (2009) states that the global health is an area for
study research and practice that prioritizes health improvement and achieving
impartiality in healthcare and wellness worldwide. Beaglehole and Bonita (2010)
gave a short but meaningful definition of global health: cooperative research and
action of international communities to promote health for all.
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

2. Achieve universal primary education.

EIGHT MILLENIUM 3. Promote gender equality and empower


DEVELOPMENT GOALS 4. Reduce child mortality.

OF UNITED NATIONS 5. Improve maternal health.

TO ACHIEVE BY 2015. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other


7. Ensure environmental sustainability.

8. Global partnership development.

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and
- producing more jobs, strengthen
nutrition programs for children and
2. Achieve universal primary education.
- practice family planning, marry and have families at a later stage of life.
3. Promote gender equality and empower women.
-Promotion of women’s political rights and involvement,
education and integrating gender equality in school curriculum.
4. Reduce child mortality.
- Immunization program, improving reproductive health programs and
policies and assuring the survival and better health of mothers.
5. Improve maternal health.
- Improved and proper nutrition for mothers, birth spacing, and
educating boys and girls about the importance of maternal health.
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
. - Increase access to malarial medicines, promoting safer sex and
preventive education, promoting TB screening of HIV/AIDS and promoting
the use of mosquito nets and insecticides.
7. Ensure environmental sustainability.
- Increase access to sanitation and
clean air, environment, eco-friendly
and renewable energy.
8. Global partnership development.
- Expanded international trade agreements, access to
affordable medicines reduced poverty through
government debt relief grant.
Health Issue – any statements in health that is in dispute and must be settled.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) – It is a serious and most often fatal
communicable disease of the immune system transmitted through body fluids like blood, plasma
and mucous usually by blood transfusion, sexual contact, and use of contaminated syringe.

HIV – stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which causes the AIDS.

Malaria – A communicable diseases caused by plasmodium parasites transmitted through

mosquito bites characterized by chills and fever.

Tuberculosis (TB) – is an infection of the lungs. But may also occur in other body parts as by
bacteria which cause lesions (cut or break in the tissue).

Global Health – the health of the world as a whole, the area of study, research and
practice which
Activity : Do you think the Philippines will be able to achieve these eight goals? Write
your personal report in your ¼ sheet of paper. List which goals are highly achievable
and which are not.
Research the following global health initiatives led by
the World Health Organization and define and provide an
example of their purpose.

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