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Module 1 Describe the important features of the Web and Web browser software

This module defines the meaning of web browser and specifies the different features of Web

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe the significant highlights of the Internet and the World Wide Web
2. Describe how Web program programming presentations website pages
3. Configure and use Web program to explore the Web

A web program is an item application which enables a customer to appear and
collaborate with substance, pictures, accounts, music, and other information that could
be on a website. Substance and pictures on a page can contain hyperlinks to other site
pages at the proportionate or particular site. Web programs empower a customer to
quickly and adequately get to information gave on many website pages at various
locales by intersection these associations. Web programs bunch HTML information for
grandstand so the nearness of a website page many difference between projects.
What's the Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web, then again, is the framework we use to get to the Internet. The
Web isn't the main framework out there, yet it's the most famous and generally utilized.
(Instances of approaches to get to the Internet without utilizing HTTP incorporate email
and texting.) As referenced on the past page, the World Wide Web utilizes hypertext to
get to the different types of data accessible on the world's various systems. This permits
individuals everywhere throughout the world to impart learning and insights. We
normally get to the Web through programs, similar to Internet Explorer, Chrome and
Mozilla Firefox. By utilizing programs like these, you can visit different Web destinations
and view other online substance.

So another approach to consider it is to state the Internet is made out of the machines,
equipment and information; and the World Wide Web is the thing that breathes life into
this innovation.

Since we know the contrast between the Internet and the World Wide Web, put your
recently discovered learning of hyperlinks, HTML and home pages to utilize and click
onto the following page for increasingly extraordinary data.

What Is a Programming Language?

Programming, or coding, resembles understanding a riddle. Think about a human
language, similar to English or French. We utilize these dialects to transform
contemplations and thoughts into activities and conduct. In programming, the objective
of the riddle is actually the equivalent - you're simply driving various types of conduct,
and the wellspring of that conduct is certainly not a human. It's a PC.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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A programming language is our method for speaking with programming. The

individuals who use programming dialects are regularly called software engineers or
designers. The things we tell programming utilizing a programming language could be
to make a site page look a specific way, or to make an article on the page move if the
human client makes a specific move.
Programming in Web Development

Thus, when a website specialist is given a ultimate objective like "make a page that has
this header, this textual style, these hues, these photos, and an enlivened unicorn
strolling over the screen when clients click on this catch," the website specialist's
responsibility is to enjoy that huge thought and reprieve it separated into minor pieces,
and afterward make an interpretation of these pieces into directions that the PC can
comprehend - including placing every one of these guidelines in the right request or

Each page on the web that you visit is constructed utilizing a succession of isolated
guidelines, in a steady progression. Your program (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) is a
major entertainer in making an interpretation of code into something we can see on our
screens and even connect with. It very well may be anything but difficult to overlook that
code without a program is only a content record - it's the point at which you put that
content document into a program that the enchantment occurs. At the point when you
open a site page, your program brings the HTML and other programming dialects
included and translates it.

HTML and CSS are really not actually programming dialects; they're simply page
structure and style data. Be that as it may, before proceeding onward to JavaScript and
other genuine dialects, you have to know the essentials of HTML and CSS, as they are
toward the front of each site page and application.

In the mid 1990s, HTML was the main language accessible on the web. Web designers
needed to carefully code static locales, page by page. A ton's changed from that point
forward: Now there are numerous PC programming dialects accessible. In this post, I'll
talk about HTML, CSS, and one of the most widely recognized programming dialects:

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript: A Tutorial

An overview:

 HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which is enhanced and modified by other
technologies like CSS and JavaScript.
 CSS is used to control presentation, formatting, and layout.
 JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements.

Now, let's go over each one individually to help you understand the roles each plays on
a website and then we'll cover how they fit together. Let's start with good ol' HTML.

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HTML is at the center of each site page, in any case the multifaceted nature of a site or
number of advances included. It's a fundamental ability for any web proficient. It's the
beginning stage for anybody figuring out how to make content for the web. What's more,
fortunately for us, it's shockingly simple to learn.
Markup dialects work similarly as you simply did when you named those substance
types, with the exception of they use code to do it - explicitly, they use HTML labels,
otherwise called "components." These labels have truly natural names: Header labels,
section labels, picture labels, etc.
Each page is comprised of a lot of these HTML labels signifying each kind of substance
on the page. Each sort of substance on the page is "wrapped" in, for example
encompassed by, HTML labels.
For instance, the words you're perusing right currently are a piece of a passage. On the
off chance that I were coding this website page without any preparation (rather than
utilizing the WYSIWG editorial manager in HubSpot's COS), I would have begun this
passage with an opening section tag: <p>. The "tag" part is signified by open sections,
and the letter "p" tells the PC that we're opening a passage rather than some other kind
of substance.
When a tag has been opened, the majority of the substance that pursues is thought to
be a piece of that tag until you "close" the tag. At the point when the section closes, I'd
put an end passage tag: </p>. Notice that end labels look precisely equivalent to
opening labels, aside from there is a forward cut after the left edge section. Here's a
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Utilizing HTML, you can include headings, position sections, control line breaks, cause
records, to stress content, make uncommon characters, embed pictures, make joins,
manufacture tables, control some styling, and substantially more.
To study coding in HTML, I prescribe looking at our manual for fundamental HTML, and
utilizing the free classes and assets on codecademy - yet for the time being, how about
we proceed onward to CSS.

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This programming language dictates how the
HTML elements of a website should actually appear on the frontend of the page.


The following list explains the various parts that make up a web browser and an
explanation of their purpose.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Status Bar:
You will discover the status bar at the extremely base of your program window. It
fundamentally reveals to you what you are doing right now. Basically, it indicates you
burden speed and the URL address of whatever your mouse is drifting over.

Address Bar:
You will discover this bar at the highest point of your program window and its motivation
is to demonstrate to you the entire URL or site address.

Title Bar:
You will discover this bar at without a doubt the highest point of your program and in will
be the shading blue for the significant programs. The reason for the Title bar is to show
the title of the page that you are as of now seeing.

Toolbar Icons:
You will discover the Toolbar straightforwardly under the Title Bar. The Toolbar is the
place you will locate the back catch, home catch and the revive catch and so forth.

Display Window:
The Display window is the space wherein you see this site at the present time.

Scroll Bars:
The Scroll bars, typically situated to one side of the Display Window, enables you to
"scroll" (go down or up the website page) so you can see data that is underneath or
above what is as of now in the Display Window.

Protocols and Standards

Internet browsers spoke with web servers principally utilizing HTTP (hypertext move
convention) to bring website pages. HTTP permits internet browsers to submit data to
web servers just as bring site pages from them. Pages are distinguished by methods for
a URL (uniform asset locater), which is treated as a location, starting with "http://" for
HTTP get to.

The record design for a page is generally HTML (hyper-content markup language) and is
recognized in the HTTP convention. Most internet browsers likewise bolster an
assortment of extra configurations, for example, JPEG, PNG, and GIF picture designs,
and can be stretched out to help increasingly using modules. The mix of HTTP
substance type and URL convention particular permits website page originators to insert
pictures, movements, video, sound, and spilling media into a site page, or to make them
available through the page.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Web Browsers

Google Chrome

Prominent Browser by Internet monster Google. Spotlights on upgraded execution of

web applications. Many helpful augmentations can be downloaded for nothing from
Chrome Store and can be utilized for individual use.

A huge exhibit of applications and additional items accessible at Chrome Store. These
adds an extensive add up to the perusing background of the clients.
 Private browsing
 Fast Startup
 Phishing/ Malware Filter

Mozilla Firefox
An internet browser intended for effortlessness, security, extensibility yet adaptability
and power. Accessible for Linux and android also. There are heaps of modules and
expansions with some ground-breaking designer devices.

Consistent updates, superior conveyed and adaptable interface is a rapture for cutting
edge clients. Firefox permits an open engineering which acknowledges the
establishment of topics and augmentations. Subjects give the program an adaptable
new look. Designers can compose expansions to cause the program to perform works
as wanted like check your Gmail account when you open the program, or square all
 RSS Headlines
 Chat Extensions
 Spam/ Malware Filter

Opera Web Browser

Continually advancing and improving and the most mainstream portable program,
drama has progressed significantly from being a program to an undeniable web suite.

Free quick program with great help for updates. Highlights like page zoom and designer
alternate routes enable clients to have one of a kind encounter. There are some
similarity issues found in specific sites yet with steady updates these issues are rare.
 Email suite
 Phishing Filter
 Bit Torrent

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Safari Web Browser

Safari is an internet browser created by Apple inc. It is the most well known program
with MAC clients.

Safari is a perfect program, quick dependent on the WebKit rendering motor. Safari
accompanies the highlights you need in a cutting edge program, as selected perusing,
popup blocking and inherent inquiry usefulness. It likewise has outstanding amongst
other RSS-perusing highlight accessible on the web, it is simpler to keep track various
sites than utilizing bookmarks.
 Most Popular Macintosh Browser
 Import Bookmarks from any browser
 Private Browsing

Internet Explorer

Web Explorer by Microsoft is the default program for Windows working framework. Its
still extremely well known with numerous web clients. Startup speed is a major issue
with web voyager.

There are a ton of fundamental highlights like Active X capacities, SmartScreen Filters,
a rundown of prescribed destinations and the sky is the limit from there. Web Explorer is
as yet viewed as falling behind in the race, yet most recent versions guarantee quick
burden, pressed with most recent highlights. We can keep a watch out on the off
chance that it returns to top.
 Add ons
 Customization options
 Mouse Gestures

Slimjet Browser

Slimjet is a ground-breaking and perhaps the best program around. It has in fabricated
expansions to ease web perusing. Controlled by Blink Engine, Slimjet bolsters all
Chrome Apps in addition to a heap of progressively broad form in applications.

Slimjet is in the same class as Chrome, has amazing and adjustable interface like
Firefox, dependability highlights and in fabricated applications which burden a power
pressed program everytime you use it.
 Ad blocker & Download Manager
 Social Sharing and Youtube Downloader

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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 Faster, Secure and Reliable


A quick program with a great deal of highlights and solid UI. Controlled by Maxthon
Cloud Engine, it offers consistent perusing and downloads. Takes a shot at all stages.

Maxthon has Lots of clever highlights, including video-advertisement quick sending,

Speedy execution and Two page rendering engines(Webkit and Trident) for better
 Anti Spyware
 Pop up Blocker
 Cloud Browsing


A well known decision for clients who like speed and security. It depends on Internet
Explorer's Trident Engine and is a vigorous and incredible program. It parades better
ease of use highlights and speed contrasted with web voyager program.

Slimbrowser deals with your protection and security each time you are surfing on the
web. Slimbrowser begins as fast as could be expected under the circumstances and
enables you to have a stunning web surfing knowledge.
 Omni Bar mode
 Integrated Plugins(Ad Blocker, Photo Salon)
 Low Crash and Bugs

Netscape Browser
Initially distributed by AOL, Netscape program has discharged most recent form
dependent on Mozilla Firefox. It is quick, secure and is a decision of numerous clients
on the web.
 Dynamic HTML
 Integrated Search Engine
 Opensource Development

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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UC Browser
A prominent program for both work area and cell phones. Selected perusing and quick
startup settle on it a well known decision for a huge number of clients. Full download
supervisor and full screen perusing advertisements on pleasantly.
 Quick browsing
 Quick Page sharing
 Multiple Apps

New Perspectives on the Internet, Comprehensive, Sixth Edition, Schneider and Evans, 2007,
ISBN: 1-4188-6071-9
For current texts and materials, use the following link to access bookstore listings:

Anna Agnew is an author for The Computer Geek Custom Web Page Design. The Computer
Geek is a web design company that prides itself in professional service at a fraction of the
cost. The Computer Geek specializes in Custom Web Design, PHP & MySql and Ecommerce.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Module 3 Evaluate e-mail software and Web-based e-mail services

Course Learning Outcomes

The students will be able to
1. Describe the main features of e-mail and how it works
2. Describe and use Web-based e-mail services

What is Webmail?

Webmail is an email framework that can be gotten to by means of any internet browser
when associated with the web. All messages, schedule administrations, and contacts
are facilitated on the email specialist organization's online servers. This makes it helpful
when you have to browse your email in the profundities of the Amazon rainforest. You
should simply discover a gadget that is associated with the web. Webmails are in this
way incredible for the individuals who like to live their lives in a hurry and need the

Most of Webmail frameworks are free, which make them perfect for people and little
organizations that can't bear/would prefer not to pay for an official email administration.
The absolute most well known free choices are Google's Gmail, Microsoft's and Yahoo Mail. Each help offers the clients something one of a kind for
example Gmail offers Google+ and Google Talk, while has Skype Instant
Messenger and Yahoo Mail has its own Yahoo Instant Messenger.
The main problems with Webmail
Security – In the event that you converse with a specialist, they will prompt you against
getting to your Webmail from an open PC. You could bargain the security of your
record. This is all well overall on the off chance that you have believed PCs you can
utilize any place you are. On the off chance that you don't in any case, at that point your
alternatives are constrained.

Adverts – With anything free, there constantly will in general be bargains and
commercials topping off your screen is unquestionably one of them with regards to

Limited storage space – As Webmail is facilitated on the email supplier's server, the
extra room will in general be extremely constrained. In the event that you need to send
messages with huge connections, or need heaps of memory for your inbox, at that point
Webmail is presumably not the best choice for you.

What is an Email Client?

An Email Client is a work area program that enables clients to get to their messages on
their PC without signing in by means of the web. They are connected to email accounts
through POP3 or IMAP tending to. This implies they can deal with email for records with
ISPs and other non-webmail administrations. Much the same as Webmail, Email
customers approach address books, visit highlights and email, however on a further

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developed scale and with the additional advantage of additional encryption and further
developed security.

Any new messages originate from the email specialist organization's server and are
conveyed by the email specialist organization's mail move operator and put away on the
work station. At the point when an email is sent, the Email Client sends it to the
specialist co-op's mail servers by means of the mail accommodation operator.

An extraordinary case of an Email Client is Microsoft Outlook. This paid for

administration joins all the email administrations portrayed above in addition to it
coordinates with Microsoft Office applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
so forth.).

The main problems with an Email Client

System updates – With Webmail, you get refreshes at regular intervals or something
like that yet for Email Clients, it can take a long time for any updates to be discharged.

Accessing email on multiple computers – Some email suppliers use IMAP, which is
perfect for matching up between PCs. Other Email Clients that utilization POP access
don't have great matching up arrangements and will leave clients in somewhat of a
pickle with regards to getting to their email from different PCs.

Backing up – Because of Email Clients sparing all messages (sent and got) on the PC
itself, if there is a product or equipment mistake and the messages have not been
supported up, at that point there is a hazard that all messages will be lost.

The contrasts among Webmail and Email Clients

Despite the fact that they have various names, Webmail and Email are essentially very
similar things. The two of them fill a similar need: to send messages, record
connections, get to a schedule and store a contact list. In any case, they do have two
significant contrasts: how they are gotten to and how to recoup lost messages.

As talked about above, Webmail is gotten to through internet browsers just, though
Email Clients are gotten to through work area programs. Things being what they are, in
the event that you end up in a position where your email is never again open what do
you do on the off chance that you have a Webmail account or an Email Client account?

Lost email on a Webmail account

In the event that you get yourself unfit to get to your email on your Webmail account
(regardless of whether it's Google Mail, Hotmail, Yahoo or The Cloud) there is nothing
that an information recuperation organization like Ontrack can do. This is on the
grounds that every one of the messages are put away on the email specialist co-op's
online servers. An organization like Ontrack would, along these lines, have no entrance
to these servers. For any difficult to reach or coincidentally erased messages on a

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Webmail account, the main method for recovering them is to contact the email specialist
organization itself.
Lost email on an Email Client
Inadvertently erased or difficult to reach messages on an Email Client, then again, can
be recouped by an organization, for example, Ontrack. As every one of the messages
are put away on the PC itself, if there was a product or equipment disappointment and
the messages could never again be gotten to, calling an information recuperation
organization like Ontrack would be the most ideal alternative.
New Perspectives on the Internet, Comprehensive, Sixth Edition, Schneider and Evans, 2007,
ISBN: 1-4188-6071-9
For current texts and materials, use the following link to access bookstore listings:

Anna Agnew is an author for The Computer Geek Custom Web Page Design. The Computer
Geek is a web design company that prides itself in professional service at a fraction of the
cost. The Computer Geek specializes in Custom Web Design, PHP & MySql and Ecommerce.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

Mail and Web Services

Module 5 Use search engines and directories effectively

The Internet contains a wealth of information, misinformation and utter junk. The key to
discovering high quality online information be it in text, articles, resources or images, is
knowing how and where to find it.

As you become used to surfing the Internet, you will discover the best places to find
information. The key to finding anything on the Internet is knowing how to carry out an
effective search. This document will show you how.

Software needed
A web browser, such as:
 Microsoft Internet Explorer
 Firefox
 Opera
 Safari
 Chrome

Internet search tools – the background

Search tools fall into two categories – directories and search engines.

A directory is a searchable collection of links to Internet resources, organized into
subject categories, usually by a human editor or site evaluator. They are useful for
general research, or for finding resources that may be supported by some expert
recommendation – though it is worth remembering that the expertise may be more to do
with the Internet than with the subject. Yahoo ( is probably the most
familiar directory.

Search engines
A search engine is a searchable database compiled by a spider or robot – a piece of
software that explores the Internet, compiling an index as it goes. The spider picks up
and records in its database a selection of the keywords it finds in the text of the pages it
Search engines are good at finding specific web pages or resources, and are more
likely to have up-to-the-minute references.

The following are excellent examples:

 Google
 Bing

Meta-search engines
Some meta-search engines, like Dogpile ( and Metacrawler
( send queries to several search engines at once, delivering the
top-ranked pages from each. Since no two search engines work in quite the same way,
using a meta-search engine can deliver a broad selection of relevant materials.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Natural language engines

Natural language engines, like Ask Jeeves (, which is also a meta-
searcher, let you ask questions in everyday language – useful for a more general

Under your nose

Finally, and often overlooked, is the ‘find’ tool within your browser. This helps you locate
keywords contained within the web page on your screen, which is helpful when you are
skimming a long article.

For example, in Microsoft Internet Explorer, click on ‘Edit’ then ‘Find (on This Page)…’
to access this tool.

Searching strategies and techniques

A successful Internet search should deliver perhaps eight or ten websites, all clearly
relevant to your enquiry. It is more likely that your first, simple search will deliver
thousands, if not millions of results – far more than you can ever explore. How can you
limit what is delivered, and be sure that it will be useful? The secret lies in the way you
frame the question. The more specific your enquiry, the more manageable and useful
your results will be. In this context, less is definitely more.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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Module 7 Demonstrate the use of real-time chat and briefly describe the history of the wireless

The Internet
When you talk to someone on the Net or send them an email, do you ever stop to think what
number of various PCs you are utilizing all the while? There's the PC all alone work area,
obviously, and another at the opposite end where the other individual is sitting, prepared to
speak with you. In any case, in the middle of your two machines, making correspondence
between them conceivable, there are likely around twelve different PCs overcoming any
issues. Altogether, all the worlds connected up PCs are known as the Internet.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. List and describe different ways to chat on the Internet
2. Describe different chat client programs
3. Describe virtual communities and their use in business
4. Describe the history of the wireless Internet
5. Describe the different wireless networks
6. Locate wireless devices that let you access the Internet

Types of Internet Communications

In the event that you utilize the Internet, at that point you most likely use Internet-based
correspondences to contact family, companions or collaborators. From sending a text to
a companion, to messaging collaborators, to setting telephone calls, to directing video
meetings, the Internet offers various approaches to impart.

Instant Messaging
One of the quickest developing types of Internet interchanges is texting, or IM. Consider
IM a book based PC meeting between at least two individuals. An IM interchanges
administration empowers you to make a sort of private visit stay with another person so
as to impart progressively over the Internet. Ordinarily, the IM framework alarms you at
whatever point someone on your amigo or contact rundown is on the web. You would
then be able to start a talk session with that specific person.

One explanation that IM has turned out to be so prevalent is its continuous nature. Not
at all like email, where you will trust that the beneficiary will check their email and send
an answer, if an individual you need to reach is on the web and accessible in your IM
contact list, your message shows up in a flash in a window on their screen.
While IM is utilized by a great many Internet clients to contact loved ones, it's likewise
developing in fame in the business world. Representatives of an organization can have
moment access to chiefs and colleagues in various workplaces and can kill the need to
place telephone calls when data is required right away. Generally speaking, IM can
spare time for workers and help decline the measure of cash a business spends on

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Internet Telephony & VoIP

Web communication comprises of a blend of equipment and programming that
empowers you to utilize the Internet as the transmission mechanism for phone calls. For
clients who have free, or fixed-value Internet get to, Internet communication
programming basically gives free phone calls anyplace on the planet. In its most
straightforward structure, PC-to-PC Internet communication can be as simple as
connecting an amplifier to your PC and sending your voice through a link modem to an
individual who has Internet communication programming that is perfect with yours. This
essential type of Internet communication isn't without its issues, nonetheless.
Associating along these lines is more slow than utilizing a customary phone, and the
nature of the voice transmissions is additionally not close to the quality you would get
when setting a standard telephone call.

Numerous Internet communication applications are accessible. A few, for example,

CoolTalk and NetMeeting, come packaged with mainstream Web programs. Others are
remain solitary items. Web communication items are some of the time called IP
communication, Voice over the Internet (VOI) or Voice over IP (VoIP) items.
VoIP is another Internet-based specialized technique which is developing in prevalence.
VoIP equipment and programming cooperate to utilize the Internet to transmit phone
calls by sending voice information in parcels utilizing IP as opposed to by customary
circuit transmissions, called PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). The voice
traffic is changed over into information parcels at that point steered over the Internet, or
any IP arrange, similarly as typical information bundles would be transmitted. At the
point when the information bundles arrive at their goal, they are changed over back to
voice information again for the beneficiary. Your phone is associated with a VoIP
telephone connector (thought about the equipment viewpoint). This connector is
associated with your broadband Internet association. The call is directed through the
Internet to a normal telephone jack, which is associated with the beneficiary's
telephone. Exceptional equipment (the telephone connector) is required uniquely for the

Short for electronic mail, email is the transmission of messages over correspondences
systems. The messages can be notes entered from the console or electronic
documents put away on plate. Most centralized servers, minicomputers and PC
systems have an email framework. Some email frameworks are bound to a solitary PC
framework or system, however others have portals to other PC frameworks,
empowering you to send electronic mail anyplace on the planet.

Utilizing an email customer (programming, for example, Microsoft Outlook or Eudora),

you can form an email message and send it to someone else anyplace, as long as you
most likely are aware the beneficiary email address. Every online help and Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) offer email, and bolster passages so you can trade email with
clients of different frameworks. Ordinarily, it takes just a couple of moments for an email
to land at its goal. This is an especially viable approach to speak with a gathering since
you can communicate a message or report to everybody in the gathering without a
moment's delay.

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One of the greatest dark mists hanging over email is spam. Despite the fact that
definitions change, spam can be viewed as any electronic garbage mail (by and large
email promoting for some item) that is conveyed to thousands, if not millions, of
individuals. Frequently spam executes the spread of email Trojans and infections. Thus,
it's imperative to utilize a refreshed enemy of infection program, which will check your
approaching and active email for infections.

Short for Internet Relay Chat, IRC is a multi-client visit framework that permits to
individuals assemble on "channels" or "rooms" to talk in gatherings or secretly. IRC
depends on a customer/server model. That is, to join an IRC dialog, you need an IRC
customer (such a mIRC) and Internet get to. The IRC customer is a program that keeps
running on your PC and sends and gets messages to and from an IRC server. The IRC
server, thusly, is answerable for ensuring that all messages are communicated to
everybody taking an interest in a discourse. There can be numerous discourses going
on without a moment's delay and every one is alloted an interesting channel. When you
have joined an IRC visit room (chatroom discourses are assigned by themes), you can
type your messages in the open chatroom where all members will see it, or you can
send a private message to a solitary member. With numerous IRC customers you can
without much of a stretch make your own chatroom and welcome others to join your
channel. You can likewise secret key ensure your chatroom to take into account a
progressively private dialog with simply individuals whom you welcome.

Videoconferencing is a gathering between at least two members at various locales by
utilizing PC systems to transmit sound and video information. Every member has a
camcorder, amplifier and speakers associated on their PC. As the two members
address each other, their voices are extended the system and conveyed to different's
speakers, and whatever pictures show up before the camcorder show up in a window
on the other member's screen.

With the end goal for videoconferencing to work, the gathering members must utilize a
similar customer or perfect programming. Numerous freeware and shareware
videoconferencing devices are accessible online for download, and most Web cameras
likewise come packaged with videoconferencing programming. Numerous more up to
date videoconferencing bundles can likewise be coordinated with open IM customers for
multipoint conferencing and cooperation.

Lately, videoconferencing has turned into a well known type of separation

correspondence in study halls, taking into account a cost proficient approach to give
separation learning, visitor speakers, and multi-school joint effort ventures. Many feel
that videoconferencing gives a visual association and collaboration that can't be
accomplished with standard IM or email interchanges.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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SMS & Wireless Communications

Short message administration (SMS) is a worldwide remote help that empowers the
transmission of alphanumeric messages between versatile supporters and outer
frameworks, for example, email, paging and phone message frameworks. Messages
can be no longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters and should contain no pictures or
illustrations. When a message is sent, it is gotten by a Short Message Service Center
(SMSC), which should then get it to the suitable cell phone or framework. As remote
administrations developed, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) was acquainted and
gave a way send messages containing a blend of content, sounds, pictures and video to
MMS fit handsets.

Correspondence on remote gadgets, for example, cell phones and PDAs is oftentimes
evolving. Today you can utilize your remote gadget to make telephone calls, yet to send
and get email and IM. While you can utilize email, IRC or IM for nothing in the event that
you have an Internet account, you will wind up paying expenses to you portable
transporter to utilize these administrations on a remote gadget.

Types of Wireless Networks

Network Wireless Networks can be planned from numerous points of view. To enable
you to comprehend these various techniques for structuring systems, this archive
covers the fundamentals of what various gadgets do in remote systems, and how they
can be utilized in various designs. Utilizing the learning and exercises in this record, you
can work with others to structure the remote system that works best for your locale.

Wireless Device Roles

There are three significant "modes" a Wi-Fi gadget can utilize. These modes
characterize the job a Wi-Fi gadget has in the system, and systems must be worked out
of mixes of gadgets working in these various modes. How the gadgets are arranged
relies upon the sorts of associations you need to use between parts of the system.

In talking about these modes and the models underneath, a few kinds of gadgets are
utilized. Notwithstanding the telephones, tablets, and workstations you use in getting to
a system, switches make up the equipment that runs the system.

The three wireless roles are:

Wireless Clients (Station)

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Gadgets, for example, PCs, tablets, and telephones are basic Clients on a system. At
the point when you are getting to a remote hotspot, or the switch in your home or office,
your gadget is the customer. This customer mode is otherwise called "station mode"

A few switches can work as Clients too, which enables them to act like the remote card
in a PC, and interface with different Access Points. This can connect two Ethernet
systems, or interface with progressively far off APs.

A Wireless Client is like an individual in the group of spectators of a play or motion

picture. They are one of a few or numerous individuals getting to data through a similar
conductor - somebody talking.

Access Points (Master)

Gadgets, for example, PCs, tablets, and telephones are basic Clients on a system. At
the point when you are getting to a remote hotspot, or the switch in your home or office,
your gadget is the customer. This customer mode is otherwise called "station mode"

A few switches can work as Clients too, which enables them to act like the remote card
in a PC, and interface with different Access Points. This can connect two Ethernet
systems, or interface with progressively far off APs.

A Wireless Client is like an individual in the group of spectators of a play or motion

picture. They are one of a few or numerous individuals getting to data through a similar
conductor - somebody talking.

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Ad-Hoc Node (Mesh)

Gadgets, for example, PCs, tablets, and telephones are regular Clients on a system. At
the point when you are getting to a remote hotspot, or the switch in your home or office,
your gadget is the customer. This customer mode is otherwise called "station mode"

A few switches can work as Clients too, which enables them to act like the remote card
in a PC, and interface with different Access Points. This can connect two Ethernet
systems, or interface with increasingly inaccessible APs.

A Wireless Client is like an individual in the group of spectators of a play or film. They
are one of a few or numerous individuals getting to data through a similar conductor -
somebody talking.

What connects to what?

From the roles above, you can see that Clients always need to connect to an Access
Point, and Mesh nodes all connect to each other. It should also be noted that due to
how Wi-Fi is designed, this also prevents different roles from connecting to each other
as well.

Access Points cannot connect to each other wirelessly:

Clients cannot connect to each other wirelessly:

Clients cannot connect to Ad-Hoc (Mesh) devices wirelessly:

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Access Points cannot connect to Ad-Hoc (Mesh) devices wirelessly:

Wireless devices in networks

Treat the three types of roles above - Clients, Access Points, and Ad-Hoc nodes - as
the building blocks for large networks. Below are several examples that demonstrate
how devices configured for different roles can be used.

Access Point - Home or Office network

Wireless networks used in your home or office are generally a combination of a router
and a wireless Access Point (AP).

In the diagram above:

 1 represents the connection to the Internet (Optional - networks can function
without the Internet).
 2 represents the router that assigns IP addresses and provides a firewall
between your network and the Internet.
 3 represents the Access Point, providing a wireless bridge between the router
and the users’ devices.
 4 represent user devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

In many home networks, or small office networks, the router and AP may be combined
into a single device. This is usually just called a wireless router. It may also have a DSL,
Cable, 3G, or 4G port to provide the connection to the Internet. In large office scenarios,
there may be several AP devices spread throughout the building to provide more even
wireless coverage, connected back to the router through long Ethernet cables.

Point to Point link - Long Distance Connections

Wireless networks can be used to connect distant buildings or areas. It usually requires
very focused antennas - such as a dish antenna - that can send a narrow beam in a
specific direction.

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A long-distance connection is often called a “point-to-point”, or “PtP” link. The name

describes the concept: two points are connected together, and nothing else. This
requires two wireless devices: one configured as an Access Point; the other configured
as a Client. In the example below, two wireless devices are configured to create a point-
to-point link.

Omnidirectional Access Point and Client Link

 1 represents computers connected with Ethernet cables to the wireless devices.

These computers are connected to each other over the Point-to-Point link.
 2 represents the wireless device setup as an Access Point.
 3 represents the wireless device setup as a Client, connected to the Access

This could look like the building-to-building connection, as shown below:

Long-distance directional Access Point and Client Link

Here we have another example of a point-to-point link, but where the routers have dish
antennas for greater link distance.

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In the diagram above:

 1 represents computers connected with Ethernet cables to the wireless devices.
These computers are connected to each other over the Point-to-Point link.
 2 represents the wireless device setup as an Access Point.
 3 represents dish antennas that focus the wireless signal, allowing connections
over long distances.
 4 represents the wireless device setup as a Client, connected to the Access

This could look like the network below, where an AP mounted on a tower is able to
connect with a Client device in a home very far away, since the dishes are facing one

In both of these examples, there are just two wireless devices linked together - and the
antennas determine the range at which they can connect. The more focused the signal,
the further the point-to-point link can reach. As the distance between the devices grow,
it is more an more important to focus the signal with antennas - at both ends of the
connection. Otherwise one end may hear the other, but not be loud enough to be heard!

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Point to MultiPoint - Wireless Internet Service Provider model

If we combine the two principles used in the networks above - many client devices
connecting to an Access Point, and more powerful antennas used for outdoor devices to
create longer links - we can create Point to Multipoint networks. These are larger-scale
Access Point networks, where there is a single device in the “center”, controlling all of
the Clients connected to it and bridging those connections to the Internet.
These types of networks are used by Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) to
connect homes and businesses to the Internet. Instead of running cables around a
neighborhood or town, they put up one or more powerful Access Points on a tall building
or tower. By installing directional wireless devices in a Client role on other rooftops, and
pointing them back at the tall building or tower, those buildings can be connected to the
WISP’s networks, and thereby the Internet.
The diagram below demonstrates one model for how this works. There is a powerful
Access Point mounted on a high building, and several nearby buildings with rooftop
wireless Client devices: this forms the Point-to-Multipoint network. Connected to each of
the Client devices is an indoor router or Access Point, which allows users to connect
their computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones to the WISP network.

In the diagram above:

 1 represents the connection to the Internet.
 2 represents an Access Point providing the signal for Client devices to connect
 3 represents a powerful omnidirectional (all directions) antenna, sending the
wireless signal to a large area around the building.
 4 represent Client wireless devices on the roof of other buildings, linking to the
powerful Access Point, and able to connect to the Internet through that AP.
 5 represents small Access Points distributing wireless service inside the building.

Mesh - Neighbor-to-neighbor Networks

A mesh network takes the principle of Point-to-Multipoint, and extends it to the idea of
every node connecting to every other node in range. In effect, this creates a “Multipoint-

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to-Multipoint” network. This requires that all the devices are in the Ad-Hoc mode -
wireless devices all in AP mode or Client mode can’t perform the same function.
Wireless mesh nodes are installed on the rooftops of various buildings, and those nodes
that are in range and don’t have anything blocking the signals will connect. These nodes
will share all resources connected to them such as local servers hosting applications
and connections to the Internet. They can also be connected to computers, Access
Points, or routers inside the buildings so users can access the resources anywhere on
the network.

In the diagram above:

 1 represents the connection to the Internet.
 2 represents a Mesh Node with a connection to the Internet, with an
omnidirectional (all directions) antenna.
 3 represents Mesh Nodes with omnidirectional (all directions) antennas. These
nodes are receiving Internet access from Mesh Node B. They may be connected
to different devices inside the building.
 4 represents small Access Points distributing wireless service inside the building.

Hybrid Networks
When designing and building town or community-sized networks, it may be difficult or
impossible to use a single method to connect everyone. For instance, a single Point-to-
Multipoint network may not cover an entire community. Mesh nodes can be used to
extend client sites to nearby buildings. Point-to-point connections can bridge longer
distances and join several disconnected networks together.
In the diagram below, we can see an example of a hybrid network. There is no single
example that can cover all of the possible uses for a network! In the activity that follows,
you will explore the different ways to build a network by working through scenarios.

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One last note before we move on to the activity - in the examples above, and in the
activity that follows, the diagrams focus on building networks across rooftops or from
building to building. This is generally the best way to build networks that cover
neighborhoods, towns, or communities. In the diagrams, the way people connect to this
network isn’t always shown.
Keep in mind that these rooftop routers may not provide connections to users on the
ground, or in buildings. A good way to provide these connections is by attaching Access
Points to an Ethernet port on the rooftop router. This indoor Access Point can be set up
to use the rooftop network as the source of connections to the Internet, or to provide
access to applications and servers on the network. A detailed look at this is below:

In the diagram:
 1 represents the rooftop wireless device. It could be a Mesh Node, or Client
 2 represents the Ethernet cable running out to the rooftop from the Power over
Ethernet adapter.
 3 represents a Power over Ethernet (PoE) adapter - a common way to power
outdoor wireless devices.
 4 represents an Access Point, connected to the neighborhood or community
network through the rooftop router.

There are a few basic rules to follow when working through the activity.
1. There are three types of routers you will use:
a. Omnidirectional. These can send and receive wireless signals in every

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b. Sector. These send and receive wireless signals in a limited arc. Limit the
connections these routers make to a wedge-shaped area.

c. Focused. These send and receive wireless signals in a narrow beam. Limit the
connections to a single thin line.

2. You have a limited amount of equipment available for each network. Each worksheet
has icons of the types and number of pieces of equipment. The example below provides
three omnidirectional, one sector, and one focused router:

3. You can “configure” the wireless equipment in your network to serve any of the
wireless roles - AP, client, or ad-hoc node (mesh). The equipment can be any
combination of roles, they don’t have to all be the same role. Label each router with an
“A”, “C”, or “M” depending on the role.

4. You can assume that all of the wireless equipment in the examples are within range
of each other - the signals will reach.

5. Remember that Clients can only connect to Access Points. APs cannot connect to
each other wirelessly, Clients cannot connect to each other wirelessly, and Mesh nodes
cannot connect to APs or Clients wirelessly.

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6. Many Clients can connect to a single Access Point. Ad-hoc (mesh) devices can have
connections to multiple other mesh devices at once.

7. If you want to connect different combinations of devices together, you can “wire” them
together, as if you plugged an Ethernet cable in between the devices. This way devices
that normally cannot connect wirelessly can still be networked. For example, an Access
Point or Client can be connected to a Mesh node with an Ethernet cable.

Ad-hoc Network / Device Network : On some devices (e.g. laptops) some available
network connections are shown as computer to computer networks. These are networks
that may be ad-hoc mesh networks or point to point links between computers for small
file sharing. The term “ad-hoc” can also refer to unplanned, decentralized network
Antenna : Converts electrical signals to radio waves. It is normally connected to a radio
transmitter or radio receiver, and is the interface between the electrical signals in the
radio, and the movement of the signals through the air.
AP (Access Point) : A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired
network using Wi-Fi or related standards Client Device : The device with a wifi radio that
you use to connect to a wireless access point, e.g. a computer, cell phone or tablet
Ethernet : A type of networking protocol - it defines the types of cables and connections
that are used to wire computers, switches, and routers together. Most often Ethernet
cabling is Category 5 or 6, made up of twisted pair wiring similar to phone cables.
PoE (Power over Ethernet) : describes systems which pass electrical power along with
data on Ethernet cabling.
Node : An individual device in a mesh network.

Vangie Biel (August 05, 2005). Types of Internet Communications

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Module 9 Find, evaluates, and use online information resources

This module is assessing data sources, Print and Internet sources fluctuate broadly in
their position, exactness, objectivity, cash, and inclusion. Clients must have the option to
basically assess the fittingness of a wide range of data sources preceding depending on the

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Find current news and weather information on the Web
2. Describe how to cite Web resources
3. Describe how copyrights affect your use of resources you find on the Web
4. Find graphics and multimedia resources on the Web

The Internet, especially the World Wide Web, has surpassed most libraries in
the quantity of information it makes available. However, the Web has not surpassed
libraries in the overall quality of information it makes available. Traditionally, a main
component of library collections has been print (paper) materials. Today, however,
many online resources are being added to supplement collections, replace printed
(paper) items, or improve access. Although online sources are accessible via the
Internet, many originated in paper form and follow the same publication criteria.
Therefore the quality of print and online information sources are similar and will be
considered the same in this discussion. A look at a few characteristics of print and
Internet sources will identify major quality distinctions between print and Internet
information sources.

Print Sources vs. World Wide Web

Print Sources

 Quality standards of printed materials are controlled through a system of checks

and balances imposed by peer review, editors, publishers, and librarians, all of
whom manage and control access to printed information. This assures that
published materials have been through some form of critical review and evaluation,
preventing informal, poorly designed, difficult-to-use and otherwise problematic
materials from getting into the hands of users.
 In academic and other research libraries, most books and periodicals are a product
of the scholarly communication system. This system ensures that authors present
information in an orderly and logical manner appropriate to the topic.
 Printed information in books and periodicals follows established linear formats for
logical and effective organization.
 Materials in printed form are stable. Once in print, information remains fixed for all
time. New editions and revisions often are published, but these are separate and
distinct physical entities that can be placed side by side with the originals.

World Wide Web

 On the web, anyone can, with no supervision or review at all, put up a web page.

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 On the Web, there is no systematic monitoring of much of what appears, except, of

course, for articles published in the online forms of otherwise reputable scholarly
journals and books. Biases, hidden agendas, distorted perspectives, commercial
promotions, inaccuracies, and so on are not monitored.
 There is no standard format for web sites and documents. Web pages exhibit fewer
clues regarding their origins and authoritativeness than print sources. Important
information, such as dates, author(s), and references are not always easy to locate.
While a reader can easily note this information in a book or periodical article, the
web user must often search through several pages, if the information is provided at
 Internet sources are also not stable. Web documents can be changed easily. And
once changed, the original is gone forever unless a specific effort is made to
preserve it. In fact, many Web documents are intentionally designed to change as
necessary, and with automatic changes as with manual changes, the original
 Web resources use hypertext links and need not be organized in any linear fashion.
One can easily be led astray and distracted from the topic at hand. But, of course,
one can also be led to additional information of value.
 The changing nature of the web and web documents create major problems with
the stability of information and with links between different units of information.
Dead or broken and links on the Web are common and others just disappear or are
not updated.

Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC

1. Authority
o Who is the author or creator (who is responsible for the intellectual content) and
what are his or her credentials? Is there any indication of the author's education,
other publications, professional affiliations or experience?
o Is there a note or paragraph in the back of the book or on the jacket (cover, jewel
case, or supplementary brochure) describing the author's credentials?
o Is the author's e-mail address, postal address or phone number provided?
o Has the author been cited in other bibliographies?
o Sometimes information about an author is available in sources other than the
document at hand. Instructors assigning research topics might focus on a particular
author. Many authors can be looked up in such resources as:
 Who's Who in America
 Current Biography
 The International Who's Who
 Who's Who in Science and Engineering
 American Men & Women of Science
 Who's Who in the World
 Dictionary of Scientific Biography
 Look for additional information in directories of Professional Associations
or Biography Index (FirstSearch)
2. Accuracy/Quality
o Is the information provided specific?

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o For research on any topic dealing with things and events in the real world, accuracy
is, obviously, of highest importance. Data and information must be based on
observations, measurements, analyses, interpretations and conclusions. In the arts
and humanities, where imagination is the primary creative force, accuracy is still
important in recording names, dates and places from which creative works, ideas,
and opinions originated.
o In all cases, all information should be verifiable. Are conclusions based on
research or actual figures that can be checked in other sources?
o Are methods of scientific research explained in such a way that it could be
o Are sources of information listed in foot/end notes, bibliographies, or lists of
references? How reliable are the cited sources?
o Are critical reviews available (for books, films, literature, music, art)? Check
resources such as:
 Humanities Full-Text, Social Sciences Full-Text, MLA Bibliography, Reader's Guide
to Periodical Literature
 Academic Search Premier
 Gale Literature Resource Center
3. Objectivity
o Authors often have their own agendas, for example to sell products, influence
legislation or capture converts. There probably is no absolute objectivity upon which
everyone could agree. When using any information resource, you must decide
whether the information is sufficiently objective for your purpose or whether it is
biased. Of course a highly biased presentation can be included in scholarly
research as long as that bias is described and weighed against alternative views or
o Is there any advertising or solicitation for donations associated with the source?
This financial support may skew the subject coverage by the publication.
o Does the author provide more than one point of view?
o Does the writing use inflammatory or biased language?
4. Currency
o Currency is especially important in the sciences where new developments occur
o In the arts and humanities, currency needs to be judged as appropriate. In some
cases, a study written years ago may be essential to understanding.
o Consider whether or not the timeliness of the information will affect its usefulness.
o In all cases, there should be some indication of the date of the material. If research
results are given, consider not only the date of the publication but also when the
research was actually conducted.
5. Coverage
o Decide whether the information source adequately covers the topic. Documents
may cover only part of the topic, and you may need more sources to have a more
thorough understanding.
o Consider how coverage from one source compares with coverage by other sources.
o Look for a statement describing the purpose or coverage of the source and consider
if the information is in-depth enough for your needs.

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o Does the information source leave questions unanswered (ask the "five W's and H"
to check: who, what, when, where, why and how)?

Amos Kingatua (Sept 2018). How to Use FTP to Transfer Files Between Servers and
Local Machines.

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Module 11 Use FTP and other services to transfer and store data

This module is about FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. A protocol is a system of rules that
networked computers use to communicate with one another. FTP is a client-server protocol
that may be used to transfer files between computers on the internet. The client asks for the
files and the server provides them.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe what FTP is and how it works
2. Demonstrate how to use an FTP client program and Web browser to transfer files
3. Demonstrate navigation of an FTP site using a Web browser
4. Demonstrate how to compress and decompress files and how to check them for viruses
5. Download an FTP client program using a Web browser
6. Install and use a compression program
7. Trace the connection between your computer and a remote computer
8. Explain the important storage options that are available on the Internet
9. List and describe emerging technologies for collaborative authoring on the Web

How to Use FTP to Transfer Files between Servers and Local Machines
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a set of rules that computers on a network use to
communicate with one another. The tool allows users to transfer files over networks
such as the internet.

To transfer files using FTP, you require to an FTP server, a user account, and an FTP
client or application. Generally, most FTP servers require a username and a password
in order to make a connection. However, some servers may allow users to connect as
anonymous users with no username or password

The common methods of making an FTP connection are;

1. Username and password Login: This is a restrictive method where only users
with an account can access the server. This is common when there is a need for
users to upload or download files to and from the server.
2. Username only: Some sites only require a username to access. However, this will
only allow downloads and not uploads
3. Anonymous FTP access: This does not require the user to enter a username or
password and is the easiest. The access is usually for sites where users can only
download files such as forms, software, and others.

Creating FTP User Accounts

1. Log in to the domain cPanel
2. Navigate to Files and click FTP accounts

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3. Type in the username and password for your new account in the Log
In and Password boxes. If you have several domains in your cPanel account,
ensure that you select the correct one where you want the FTP account
4. Type in a directory if you want different one from the default
5. Specify the disk space if you want something different from the default 2000MB.
You can either type in the disk space, or select unlimited at the Quota section at
the bottom.
6. Click Create FTP Account

Once the process is complete, you will see a screen that shows the login names, path,
and quota. To see the details for each FTP account, click Configure FTP client. This will
show you the FTP username, server, and port.

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Different Methods of Using FTP to Transfer FIles

The three common methods are
 Web browser: Does not require a client and works directly from the browser, most
used for downloading files from the server.
 Command line FTP: All major operating systems have FTP client’s functionality
available as a command line.
 A GUI FTP client: These are usually easy-to-use third party application that allows
users to connect and transfer files over FTP.

Connecting to an FTP Server on a Web Browser

The web browser method works the same way as a website. However, instead of typing
the HTTP at the address bar, you replace it with FTP.
With the browser access, you do not need a client. You simply type the FTP server at
the address bar in this format: or

Connect to an FTP server with a username and password on a web browser

1. Open the browser (in our case we will use Firefox)
2. Type the FTP address of the server you wish to access. The syntax for FTP
addresses is or
3. Dismiss the error dialogs the server returns if necessary.
4. Type the FTP username and password in the Log On As dialog prompt
5. Click OK or Log In to access the server (depending on the type of browser)

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You can also access the server by typing in your FTP username in the browser’s
address bar. This will give you a password required box where you will type your
password and proceed

Add FTP Credentials in the Browser Address Bar

Instead of waiting for the logon dialog box, you can enter the username and password
in the address bar. This will open the FTP server without prompting for a password.
1. Open the web browser
2. In the address bar, type

This allows you to open the FTP server and download files.
Command Line FTP
To use the command line FTP, open the DOS Prompt in Windows or Terminal in Linux
and Mac.
In windows 7, click start and type command at the search programs and files. Click the
Command Prompt. Alternatively, click start, programs and then
the Accessories where you will find the Command Prompt.

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1. Type the command ftp at the> at the C:> prompt.
2. Enter your username and password.

Alternatively, type FTP and press Enter at the command prompt in Windows. From
here, use the open command to connect to the server.
1. ftp>

Once you login, it takes you to the default directory. You can move to the one where
you want to copy files to, and open it using the command.
1. ftp>cd directory_name

To upload files to the active folder of the remote machine or server, use the command in
the format
1. ftp> put filename+extension

For example ftp> put readme.txt will upload the file readme.txt from your local folder to
the remote server.
1. ftp> mput *.xlsx , uploads all excel files.

You can also use send instead of put.

Similarly uses get to download single files and mget for multiple
1. ftp> get readme.txt
2. ftp> mget *.pdf

Using an FTP Client to Transfer Files over FTP Connections

Moving files is much easier when using an FTP client and you may consider one if you
require regular access to the FTP servers. Using these allows you to easily upload,
download or transfer files much easier than a command line or web browser. For the
purpose of this article, we will look at two FTP clients for Windows
Winscp FTP Client for Windows
1. Download and install theWinSCP client here
2. Open the application
3. Type your FTP server name in the format

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4. Type your Host name in the format

5. Select port 21
6. Click Login
7. Click Save if you do not want the server to keep on asking you to log in every time.

You may choose Anonymous login if the server allows it.

A screen with two panes opens up after log successful logon. By default, the left-hand
pane is the local drive while the right is the root directory of the remote FTP location.

To upload files
1. Select the files on the left-hand pane. You can select one or more files or folders
using the control and shift buttons.
2. Click the Upload drop-down button to choose whether you just want to upload
normally, in the background or and whether to transfer the files and then delete from the
source location.

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To download files from the server,

1. Select folder or files on the right-hand pane
2. Click download (use the drop-down arrow to select the option)
Alternatively, transfer and then right-click, it gives the same options as clicking on the
drop-down button.

Use FTP Rush to Transfer Files Between Two Servers

The FTP Rush works almost the same way as the WinSCP. However, it has the option
of transferring files between two remote servers.
1. Download the FTP Rushhere
2. Install the application on your Windows computer
3. Open the application.

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By default FTP Rush displays a local directory on the left pane and the remote on the
right pane. However, you can switch these the way you want them as well as connect to
two remote servers. If you want two remote servers, click on the computer /server on
the icons bar under the name Local.

4. To connect to remote machine, click on the (2) Remote bar.

5. At the top of the page, enter the Host name, port, FTP Username and Password,
and the Path. Click the quick connect button just before the Host, or
press Enter key to connect. Alternatively, click on the drop-down button between
the connect button and Host to open Quick Connect dialog box. Enter the details
FTP details and click OK to connect.

Alternatively, click the connect/disconnect icon and enter the details.

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To copy files between different computers or server, go to the correct pane select the
files you want to upload to download and then click the Transfer button (Green arrow).
Right-clicking on the highlighted files will also give you the Transfer and other options
such as Delete, Make directory, Advanced Transfer, etc.
 To upload files, select the files from your Local pane and click the transfer arrow.
 To download files from the server to local, select the files in the Remote pane and
click transfer arrow.

To transfer files between two remote servers,

1. Go to the Local drive pane and click the icon to switch to remote.

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2. Enter the FTP username and password for the second website and click OK.
3. Once you establish a connection to each server, select and transfer the files you
want to copy to the other server.

FTP is a file transmission protocol that allows users to transfer files between servers or
computers. To perform a transfer, upload or download, a user requires a network
connection, an FTP server, and an account.
To access the FTP server, a user can use the inbuilt tools such as the command line
which is available in all major operating systems, a web browser, or a free or premium
third-party FTP client or application. Each of these has its benefits and limitations as
well as different level of ease-of-use.
The command line can be a challenge for users who are not conversant while a browser
access may have its limits. The FTP clients are much easier to use suitable for users
who are not comfortable with the command lines.

Amos Kingatua (Sept 2018). How to Use FTP to Transfer Files Between Servers and
Local Machines.

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Module 13 Use mailing lists, newsgroups, and newsfeeds

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Learn about different types of mailing lists.
2. Locate mailing lists on the Web.
3. Join and leave a mailing list.
4. Learn how to post messages to a mailing list.
5. Retrieve and read a mailing lists archived files.
6. Learn about Usenet newsgroups.
7. Configure a news account using an e-mail program.
8. Subscribe and unsubscribe to a newsgroup.
9. Learn how to reply to and post articles to Usenet newsgroups.
10. Learn about Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
11. Search for newsfeeds on specific topics.
12. Search for aggregators.
13. Learn about podcasting.
14. Explore different sources of podcasts.
15. Search a podcast for specific content.

What Is a Mailing List?

 A popular way of sharing information is to join, or subscribe to, a mailing list.
 A mailing list is a list of names and e-mail addresses for a group of people who
share a common interest in a subject or topic and exchange information by
subscribing to the list.
 Discussion groups are another name for the groups represented in a mailing list.
 You send your information and opinions to a mailing list by posting (or sending)
an e-mail message to the list.
 When you post a message to a mailing list, the e-mail list software running on the
server automatically forwards your message to every e-mail address on the
mailing list.
 The server that runs the e-mail list software is sometimes called a list server
because it runs the list.
 Mailing list messages : e-mail messages that express ideas or ask questions that
each member of the mailing list receives.
 Commands : messages that request the list server to take a prescribed action.
 List address ( list name ): the address to which you send messages and replies.
 Administrative address : the e-mail address to which you send commands, such
as the address that you use to subscribe to a list.

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Information Flow in a Mailing List

Common Mailing List Commands

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Moderated and Unmoderated Lists

 List moderator : person who moderates a mailing list to ensure that the list
always receives and sends appropriate and relevant information to its members.
 Moderated list : a mailing list for which a list moderator is responsible for
discarding any messages that are inappropriate for or irrelevant to the list’s
 Unmoderated list : a mailing list for which no one moderates the list and postings
are sent to list members automatically.
 Closed list :
 a mailing list in which membership is not automatic.
 list administrator , a person assigned to oversee one or more mailing lists,
can either reject or accept your request to become a member.
 the list administrator might reject your membership request if the list has too
many members or if you are not part of the group’s specified community.
 Most lists are open lists that automatically accept all members, in which case the
list has no administrator.

Warnings About Mailing Lists

 You might receive many e-mail messages every day from the list server. If you
subscribe to several mailing lists, you might find that the mail volume is more
than you can read.
 New list members sometimes repeat questions and comments that have been
previously posted in the mailing list. You should lurk when you first join a mailing
 You expose yourself to potential privacy problems because the message you
send contains your name and e-mail address.
 Consider deleting your signature from e-mail messages you post to the mailing
list and using a free e-mail account address for your subscriptions.
 Many unmoderated mailing lists receive postings from people who discuss topics
outside the scope of the list or post spam messages that contain advertisements
for unrelated products and services.

Searching for Existing Mailing Lists

 The Internet provides access to thousands of mailing lists on many different
 You can use your Web browser to search sites of mailing lists based on
keywords or categories that you provide.
 There are several ―lists of lists‖ sites that you can visit to start your search.
 Topica is a Web site that identifies and hosts mailing lists by category and name.

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Topica home page

Searching for Existing Mailing Lists

 Different mailing-list sites store information about different lists.
 You can also find information about mailing lists by using an Internet search
 When a mailing list includes a link to a Web site, it is a good idea to visit the
sponsor’s Web site to learn more about the kind of information it will provide.

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Subscribing to a Mailing List

 There are two ways to subscribe to a mailing list:
 Send an e-mail message to the list server with a request to join the list’s
 Visit the mailing list sponsor’s Web site and use a form to enter your name
and e-mail address.
 If you subscribe to a closed list, the list’s administrator must approve your
 If you subscribe to an open list, your acceptance is automatic as long as you
have formatted the request properly.
 Some mailing lists provide an option for receiving message digests , in which
several postings are grouped into a single e-mail message to help reduce the
number of messages you receive from the list.
 Some lists let you temporarily stop receiving messages and resume service at
a later date (during vacations, etc.).
 The clerical functions of a list server are automated and they respond to
requests in preprogrammed ways.
 When you subscribe to a mailing list, the list server confirms the e-mail
address you typed with the header that is included with your e-mail message.
 Some list servers also request your first and last names in the subscribe
command so they can add your name to the membership log.
 When you subscribe to a mailing list, be sure to check the documentation you
find and follow the instructions carefully.
 If you submit an incorrect subscription request, the list server returns a
message with information about why it could not process it.
 On high-volume lists, the list server might send you a confirmation message
that you must return so it can confirm your e-mail address before you are
officially added to the list.
 You will receive a message confirming your membership in the list once the list
server has accepted and processed your subscription request.
 You should keep the confirmation message in a safe place because it contains
valuable information about how to leave the mailing list, special features of the
list, and other list details.

Posting a Message to a Mailing List

 People interact with mailing lists by posting messages.
 When you post a message, the list server receives the message, sends it to
the list moderator for approval (if necessary), and then forwards the message
to every e-mail address on the mailing list.
 Messages that you post should be consistent with the list members’ interests.
 Create a new message in your e-mail program.
 Type the list address in the To field.
 If necessary, type Cc and Bcc address and a subject.
 Type your message in the message area. Make sure that your message is
consistent with the list’s guidelines for submitting messages and that your
question or comment is relevant.

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 Send the message.

Reading a Mailing List’s Archived Files

 Many list servers file every message received by the list in an archive ,
although the list server might delete the messages periodically to recover disk
 You may send a request for the messages from a particular time frame or
send a command to search the archive for messages on a particular topic.
 You must retrieve or locate a list of available archive filenames and data.
 You then request the list server to send you or display one or more of the
named files.

Identifying a Mailing List’s Members

 Some mailing lists support a command that lets you receive information about
the people subscribed to a mailing list.
 The administrator who controls the list, known as the list owner , has the
option of making the mailing list members’ information available when you use
the review or who command.
 When you belong to a mailing list, your name and e-mail address are available
and can be listed by any list member who sends the review or who command
to a list server that is configured to reveal members by name and e-mail
 If you want to be a member of a LISTSERV or ListProc list, but do not want
other members to have access to your name and e-mail address, you can
conceal your membership from the list’s members (but not the owner).
 In a LISTSERV or ListProc mailing list, create a new e-mail message, and type
the list’s administrative address in the To field. Leave the Cc, Bcc, and Subject
fields blank.
 In the message area, type the set listname conceal command if you are
subscribed to a LISTSERV list, or type the set listname conceal yes command
if you are subscribed to a ListProc list, replacing the list’s name for listname .
 If necessary, delete your signature, and then send the message.
 If you decide that you want your name to appear again, follow the same steps
but substitute nonconceal in place of conceal in the LISTSERV command and
yes in place of no in the ListProc command.

Leaving a Mailing List

 When you leave a mailing list, also referred to as dropping the mailing list or
unsubscribing from the mailing list, you will stop receiving messages.
 You send your unsubscribe message to the list’s administrative address and
include the unsubscribe (or signoff ) command, followed by the list’s name.
 Before dropping a mailing list, check the mailing list’s confirmation message to
determine the proper command to use.

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Usenet Newsgroups
 Usenet was founded in 1979 at Duke University as a way of collecting
information and storing that information by topic category.
 The topic categories on Usenet originally were called newsgroups or forums .
 Another popular term used is Internet Discussion Group .
 Each site that participates in Usenet has the option of selecting which
newsgroups it will carry.

Usenet Newsgroups
 Distributed database : stored in multiple physical locations, with portions of the
database replicated in different locations.
 Newsgroups are similar to mailing lists in that they accept messages from
users and make them generally available to other users.
 Newsgroups store articles on a server as articles or postings that are sorted by
 Newsgroups are more suitable for discussions of broad topics that might
interest a large audience because they do not require a list server to send a
separate e-mail message to each potential article.
 When users read Usenet articles to which they would like to respond, they can
reply to those articles.
 Some newsgroups have a moderator who reviews all postings before they
appear in the newsgroup.
 News server : the server that stores a newsgroup.
 The collection of news servers connected to the Internet make up Usenet.
 There is no central control authority.
 When a user posts an article to a Usenet newsgroup, it is routed to the news
server designated to maintain that newsgroup.
 News servers connect to other news servers periodically and compare a list of
the articles that each is currently storing.
 Each newsgroup article has a unique identification number that makes this
comparison possible.
 This store-and-forward process is called obtaining a newsfeed .
 Each news server site employs a news administrator , who specifies which
other news servers will be newsfeed providers and newsfeed recipients.
 Most newsfeeds occur over the Internet using the Network News Transfer
Protocol (NNTP) .
 Organizations that operate news servers include most ISPs, universities, large
businesses, government units, and other entities connected to the Internet.
 Newsgroups are organized into topical hierarchies in which each newsgroup
has a unique name that shows its position and classification in the hierarchy.
 Top-level hierarchies are shown as the first part of a newsgroup’s name and
then the subcategories follow. The names are separated by periods.
 The original Usenet News Service included eight main top-level categories—
including one miscellaneous category.

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Usenet Newsgroups

Portion of the Hierarchical Structure of the biz Category

Web Access to Newsgroups

 Newsreaders : programs designed for the sole purpose of communicating with
news server computers.
 Most e-mail programs include newsreader features.
 The most recent improvement in Usenet accessibility has been the increase in
the number of Web sites that archive newsgroup articles.
 is one of many Internet Web sites that maintains a comprehensive list
of Usenet newsgroups in its databases.
 The Google Groups directory is an advertiser-supported Web site that offers
many useful tools for accessing Usenet newsgroups.
 Google Groups does not delete newsgroup articles.

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 Google Groups has stored over 800 million newsgroup articles dating from
1981 in its database.
 The Google Groups site has a search engine that allows you to query its
newsgroup article database by subject, newsgroup name, or article author.

Web Access to Newsgroups

Using a Newsreader
 The Google Groups Web site includes a built-in newsreader that you can use
to view articles.
 Outlook Express includes a built-in newsreader that you can access from
Internet Explorer or by starting Outlook Express.
 To create a news account in Outlook Express:
 click Tools on the menu bar, click Accounts , and then click the News tab
and use the Add button to add a news account.
 If you haven’t used the newsreader, the Internet Connection Wizard might
start and request your name, e-mail address, and the address of your
news server
 The address of the news server for your ISP is usually the word ―news‖ or
―news-server‖ followed by a period and your host name.
 The Newsgroup Subscriptions dialog box lets you view all the newsgroups on
your news server, only those to which you have subscribed, or new
 The tabs in the Newsgroup Subscriptions dialog box let you control which
newsgroups you are viewing.
 You can use the Display newsgroups which contain text box in the newsgroup
Subscriptions dialog box to search for a newsgroup by name.

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Using a Newsreader

 To read an article, click the message header in the message list.

 To reply to an article, click the message header in the message list of the
article to which you would like to reply, and then click the Reply Group button
to reply to the group or click the Reply button to reply privately to the author of
the original article.
 To post a new article, click the New Post button on the toolbar to open the
New Message window, where you can type a subject and the content of a new
 To send the article to the newsgroup, click the Send button.
 To unsubscribe from a newsgroup
 right-click the newsgroup[ in the Folders pane, and then click Unsubscribe
on the shortcut menu
 click the OK button in the confirming dialog box
 To delete your news account:
 right-click your news account in the Folders pane, and then click Remove
Account on the shortcut menu
 click the Yes button in the confirming dialog box

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

 Really Simple Syndication ( RSS ): an XML file format that makes it possible to
share updates (such as headlines and other Web site content) via a newsfeed
 Newsfeed : a file containing summaries of stories and news from a Web log
(blog) or Web site.
 RSS was designed for sharing news headlines and content.
 Now, RSS is also used by organizations and individuals that create and
maintain blogs as a way to publish content.

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 Newsgroups and mailing lists are viewed as push technology , which sends
content to subscribers.
 RSS is pull technology because subscribers ―pull‖ content to their computers
when they want to do so.
 To subscribe to a newsfeed, you need to install a program called an
aggregator on your computer or mobile device.
 The Opera Web browser and the Thunderbird e-mail client have built-in
aggregator programs.
 You can also download an aggregator from the Internet.
 Web sites that provide newsfeeds using RSS display a small, orange or
blue ―RSS‖ icon that you can click to subscribe to the newsfeed.
 If you have an aggregator on your computer, clicking the RSS icon might
load the newsfeed and give you the option of subscribing to it.
 Other aggregators might require you to right-click the RSS icon, copy the
shortcut it contains, and then paste it into your browser’s Address bar or
into the aggregator to subscribe to the newsfeed.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

 iPod : a very small and lightweight portable media player that first became
popular because it can store and play hundreds of songs which are
downloadable from the Internet at a minimal cost.
 When the MP3 file format became popular in the early 1990s, many people
began purchasing MP3 players, which are portable devices that play MP3
 Podcasting : lets a user subscribe to an audio feed, usually stored in the MP3
file format, and then listen to it at the user’s convenience on an MP3 device,

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which might include the user’s computer or a portable device such as an MP3
 Podcast :
 a subscription audio broadcast that is created and stored in a digital format
on the Internet.
 ―podcast ‖ is a combination of the words ―iPod‖ and ―broadcasting‖
 any digital audio device or computer with the necessary software can
receive a podcast
 Podcatching software : the aggregator used for podcasts.
 Most podcasting software is platform independent, meaning that it works
on any MP3 compatible device.
 The audio feed in a podcast contains an enclosure, which is the audio file from
the server, and this audio file contains the podcast.
 Subscribing to a podcast:
 your computer will download the program automatically on the schedule
you select
 If you subscribe using podcatching software on your portable media
player, it will download and store the radio address when you sync your
 Podcasting’s original use was to make it easy for people to create and
broadcast their own radio shows.
 are used by the media to interview politicians and professors on specific
subjects, by colleges and universities in distance learning classes, and by
movie studios to promote new movie releases.

New Perspective on The Internet Fifth Edition – Comprehensive, (2005) Update Tutorial

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Module 15 Create HTML documents and enhance them with browser extensions

HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define HTML and understand how it works
2. Examine the tools used to create HTML documents
3. Describe tags, attributes, and anchors
4. Create an HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Example Explained
The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
The <head> element contains meta information about the document
The <title> element specifies a title for the document
The <body> element contains the visible page content
The <h1> element defines a large heading
The <p> element defines a paragraph

HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets:
<tagname>content goes here...</tagname>
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p>
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
 The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before
the tag name

Web Browsers
The purpose of a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML
documents and display them.
The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how to
display the document:

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HTML Page Structure

Below is a visualization of an HTML page structure:
<title>Page title</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>

The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration represents the document type, and helps browsers to
display web pages correctly.
It must only appear once, at the top of the page (before any HTML tags).
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not case sensitive.
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration for HTML5 is:
<!DOCTYPE html>

HTML Versions
Since the early days of the web, there have been many versions of HTML:
Version Year
HTML 1991
HTML 2.0 1995
HTML 3.2 1997
HTML 4.01 1999
XHTML 2000
HTML5 2014

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HTML Editors
Write HTML Using Notepad or TextEdit
Web pages can be created and modified by using professional HTML editors.
However, for learning HTML we recommend a simple text editor like Notepad (PC) or
TextEdit (Mac).
We believe using a simple text editor is a good way to learn HTML.
Follow the steps below to create your first web page with Notepad or TextEdit.

Step 1: Open Notepad (PC)

Windows 8 or later:
Open the Start Screen (the window symbol at the bottom left on your screen).
Type Notepad.
Windows 7 or earlier:
Open Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad

Step 1: Open TextEdit (Mac)

Open Finder > Applications > TextEdit
Also change some preferences to get the application to save files
correctly. In Preferences > Format > choose "Plain Text"
Then under "Open and Save", check the box that says "Display HTML files as HTML
code instead of formatted text".
Then open a new document to place the code.

Step 2: Write Some HTML

Write or copy some HTML into Notepad.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Step 3: Save the HTML Page

Save the file on your computer. Select File > Save as in the Notepad menu.

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Name the file "index.htm" and set the encoding to UTF-8 (which is the preferred
encoding for HTML files).

You can use either .htm or .html as file extension. There is no difference, it is up to you.

Step 4: View the HTML Page in Your Browser

Open the saved HTML file in your favorite browser (double click on the file, or right-click
- and choose "Open with").
The result will look much like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

HTML Basic Examples

HTML Documents
All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.

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The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>.
The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


HTML Headings
HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
<h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important heading:

<h1>This is heading 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading 3</h3>

HTML Paragraphs
HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag:
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>

HTML Links
HTML links are defined with the <a> tag:

<a href="">This is a link</a>
The link's destination is specified in the href attribute.
Attributes are used to provide additional information about HTML elements.
You will learn more about attributes in a later chapter.

HTML Images
HTML images are defined with the <img> tag.
The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are provided as attributes:

<img src="myimg.jpg" alt="" width="104" height="142">

HTML Buttons
HTML buttons are defined with the <button> tag:

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<button>Click me</button>

HTML Lists
HTML lists are defined with the <ul> (unordered/bullet list) or
the <ol> (ordered/numbered list) tag, followed by <li> tags (list items):


HTML Elements
HTML Elements
An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and an end tag, with the content
inserted in between:
<tagname>Content goes here...</tagname>

The HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag:
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
Start tag Element content End tag
<h1> My First Heading </h1>
<p> My first paragraph. </p>
HTML elements with no content are called empty elements. Empty elements do not
have an end tag, such as the <br> element (which indicates a line break).

Nested HTML Elements

HTML elements can be nested (elements can contain elements).
All HTML documents consist of nested HTML elements.
This example contains four HTML elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

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Example Explained
The <html> element defines the whole document.
It has a start tag <html> and an end tag </html>.
Inside the <html> element is the <body> element.
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

The <body> element defines the document body.

It has a start tag <body> and an end tag </body>.
Inside the <body> element is two other HTML elements: <h1> and <p>.

<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>

The <h1> element defines a heading.

It has a start tag <h1> and an end tag </h1>.

The element content is: My First Heading.

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

The <p> element defines a paragraph.

It has a start tag <p> and an end tag </p>.

The element content is: My first paragraph.

<p>My first paragraph.</p>

Do Not Forget the End Tag

Some HTML elements will display correctly, even if you forget the end tag:

<p>This is a paragraph
<p>This is a paragraph

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Empty HTML Elements

HTML elements with no content are called empty elements.
<br> is an empty element without a closing tag (the <br> tag defines a line break):
<p>This is a <br> paragraph with a line break.</p>

Empty elements can be "closed" in the opening tag like this: <br />.
HTML5 does not require empty elements to be closed. But if you want stricter validation,
or if you need to make your document readable by XML parsers, you must close all
HTML elements properly.

HTML Is Not Case Sensitive

HTML tags are not case sensitive: <P> means the same as <p>.
The HTML5 standard does not require lowercase tags, but
W3C recommends lowercase in HTML, and demands lowercase for stricter document
types like XHTML.

HTML Attributes
 All HTML elements can have attributes
 Attributes provide additional information about an element
 Attributes are always specified in the start tag
 Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name="value"

The href Attribute

HTML links are defined with the <a> tag. The link address is specified in
the href attribute:

<a href="">This is a link</a>

The src Attribute

HTML images are defined with the <img> tag.
The filename of the image source is specified in the src attribute:

Example <img src="img_girl.jpg">

The width and height Attributes

HTML images also have width and height attributes, which specifies the width and
height of the image:

Example <img src="img_girl.jpg" width="500" height="600">

The width and height are specified in pixels by default; so width="500" means 500 pixels

The alt Attribute

The alt attribute specifies an alternative text to be used, if an image cannot be

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The value of the alt attribute can be read by screen readers. This way, someone
"listening" to the webpage, e.g. a vision impaired person, can "hear" the element.

<img src="img_girl.jpg" alt="Girl with a jacket">
The alt attribute is also useful if the image cannot be displayed (e.g. if it does not exist):

See what happens if we try to display an image that does not exist:
<img src="img_typo.jpg" alt="Girl with a jacket">

The style Attribute

The style attribute is used to specify the styling of an element, like color, font, size etc.

Example <p style="color:red">This is a paragraph.</p>

The lang Attribute

The language of the document can be declared in the <html> tag.
The language is declared with the lang attribute.

Declaring a language is important for accessibility applications (screen readers) and

search engines:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">

The first two letters specify the language (en). If there is a dialect, add two more letters

The title Attribute

Here, a title attribute is added to the <p> element. The value of the title attribute will be
displayed as a tooltip when you mouse over the paragraph:

Example <p title="I'm a tooltip">

This is a paragraph.

We Suggest: Use Lowercase Attributes

The HTML5 standard does not require lowercase attribute names.
The title attribute can be written with uppercase or lowercase like title or TITLE.

We Suggest: Quote Attribute Values

The HTML5 standard does not require quotes around attribute values.
The href attribute, demonstrated above, can be written without quotes:

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Bad <a href=https://www.>

Good <a href="https://www.">

Example <p title=About mymail >

Single or Double Quotes?

Double quotes around attribute values are the most common in HTML, but single
quotes can also be used.
In some situations, when the attribute value itself contains double quotes, it is
necessary to use single quotes: <p title='John "ShotGun" Nelson'>

Or vice versa: <p title="John 'ShotGun' Nelson">

HTML Attributes
Attribute Description
alt Specifies an alternative text for an image, when the image cannot be displayed
disabled Specifies that an input element should be disabled
href Specifies the URL (web address) for a link
id Specifies a unique id for an element
src Specifies the URL (web address) for an image
style Specifies an inline CSS style for an element
title Specifies extra information about an element (displayed as a tool tip)


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Module 17 List and describe security threats and countermeasures

Security Threats and Countermeasures

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe the basics of security: secrecy, integrity, and necessity
2. Describe Web client threats and countermeasures
3. Describe online communication channel threats and countermeasures
4. Describe Web server threats and countermeasures

Threats to Information Security

In Information Security threats can be many like Software attacks, theft of intellectual
property, identity theft, theft of equipment or information, sabotage, and information
Threat can be anything that can take advantage of a vulnerability to breach
security and negatively alter, erase, harm object or objects of interest.

Software attacks mean attack by Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses etc. Many users
believe that malware, virus, worms, bots are all same things. But they are not same,
only similarity is that they all are malicious software that behaves differently.
Malware is a combination of 2 terms- Malicious and Software. So Malware basically
means malicious software that can be an intrusive program code or a anything that is
designed to perform malicious operations on system.

Malware can be divided in 2 categories:

1. Infection Methods
2. Malware Actions

Malware on the basis of Infection Method are following:

1. Virus – They have the ability to replicate themselves by hooking them to the program
on the host computer like songs, videos etc and then they travel all over the Internet.
There Creeper Virus was first detected on ARPANET. Examples include File Virus,
Macro Virus, Boot Sector Virus, Stealth Virus etc.
2. Worms – Worms are also self replicating in nature but they don‘t hook themselves to
the program on host computer. Biggest difference between virus and worms is that
worms are network aware. They can easily travel from one computer to another if
network is available and on the target machine they will not do much harm, they will
for example consume hard disk space thus slowing down the computer.
3. Trojan – The Concept of Trojan is completely different from the viruses and worms.
The name Trojan derived from the ‗Trojan Horse‘ tale in Greek mythology, which
explains how the Greeks were able to enter the fortified city of Troy by hiding their
soldiers in a big wooden horse given to the Trojans as a gift. The Trojans were very
fond of horses and trusted the gift blindly. In the night, the soldiers emerged and
attacked the city from the inside.

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Their purpose is to conceal themselves inside the software that seem legitimate and
when that software is executed they will do their task of either stealing information or
any other purpose for which they are designed.

They often provide backdoor gateway for malicious programs or malevolent users to
enter your system and steal your valuable data without your knowledge and
permission. Examples include FTP Trojans, Proxy Trojans, Remote Access Trojans
4. Bots – can be seen as advanced form of worms. They are automated processes that
are designed to interact over the internet without the need of human interaction.
They can be good or bad. Malicious bot can infect one host and after infecting will
create connection to the central server which will provide commands to all infected
hosts attached to that network called Botnet.

Malware on the basis of Actions:

1. Adware – Adware is not exactly malicious but they do breach privacy of the users.
They display ads on computer‘s desktop or inside individual programs. They come
attached with free to use software, thus main source of revenue for such developers.
They monitor your interests and display relevant ads. An attacker can embed
malicious code inside the software and adware can monitor your system activities
and can even compromise your machine.
2. Spyware – It is a program or we can say software that monitors your activities on
computer and reveal collected information to interested party. Spyware are generally
dropped by Trojans, viruses or worms. Once dropped they installs themselves and
sits silently to avoid detection.

One of the most common examples of spyware is KEYLOGGER. The basic job of
keylogger is to record user keystrokes with timestamp. Thus capturing interesting
information like username, passwords, credit card details etc.
3. Ransomware – It is type of malware that will either encrypt your files or will lock your
computer making it inaccessible either partially or wholly. Then a screen will be
displayed asking for money i.e. ransom in exchange.
4. Scareware – It masquerades as a tool to help fix your system but when the software
is executed it will infect your system or completely destroy it. The software will
display a message to frighten you and force to take some action like pay them to fix
your system.
5. Rootkits – are designed to gain root access or we can say administrative privileges
in the user system. Once gained the root access, the exploiter can do anything from
stealing private files to private data.
6. Zombies – They work similar to Spyware. Infection mechanism is same but they
don‘t spy and steal information rather they wait for the command from hackers.
 Theft of intellectual property means violation of intellectual property rights like
copyrights, patents etc.
 Identity theft means to act someone else to obtain person‘s personal information or to
access vital information they have like accessing the computer or social media
account of a person by login into the account by using their login credentials.

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 Theft of equipment and information is increasing these days due to the mobile nature
of devices and increasing information capacity.
 Sabotage means destroying company‘s website to cause loss of confidence on part
of its customer.
 Information extortion means theft of company‘s property or information to receive
payment in exchange. For example ransomware may lock victims file making them
inaccessible thus forcing victim to make payment in exchange. Only after payment
victim‘s files will be unlocked.

These are the old generation attacks that continue these days also with advancement
every year. Apart from these there are many other threats. Below is the brief description
of these new generation threats.
 Technology with weak security – With the advancement in technology, with every
passing day a new gadget is being released in the market. But very few are fully
secured and follows Information Security principles. Since the market is very
competitive Security factor is compromised to make device more up to date. This
leads to theft of data/ information from the devices
 Social media attacks – In this cyber criminals identify and infect a cluster of
websites that persons of a particular organisation visit, to steal information.
 Mobile Malware –There is a saying when there is a connectivity to Internet there will
be danger to Security. Same goes to Mobile phones where gaming applications are
designed to lure customer to download the game and unintentionally they will install
malware or virus in the device.
 Outdated Security Software – With new threats emerging everyday, updation in
security software is a pre requisite to have a fully secured environment.
 Corporate data on personal devices – These days every organization follows a
rule BYOD. BYOD means Bring your own device like Laptops, Tablets to the
workplace. Clearly BYOD pose a serious threat to security of data but due to
productivity issues organizations are arguing to adopt this.
 Social Engineering – is the art of manipulating people so that they give up their
confidential information like bank account details, password etc. These criminals can
trick you into giving your private and confidential information or they will gain your
trust to get access to your computer to install a malicious software- that will give
them control of your computer. For example email or message from your friend, that
was probably not sent by your friend. Criminal can access your friends device and
then by accessing the contact list he can send infected email and message to all
contacts. Since the message/ email is from a known person recipient will definately
check the link or attachment in the message, thus unintentionally infecting the

Wondering if your devices are vulnerable?

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Security threats are no longer limited to personal computers, servers or networks.

Printing devices — even basic laser printers — need countermeasures against a
diverse range of threats. As multifunction printers have evolved into true information
terminals, they have become core IT assets in their own right. The computing capability
of what have been traditionally categorized as ―Printer/Copiers‖ has grown, but so too
have potential threats.

Simply hoping you don‘t get hit is not the answer. Superior technology, commitment and
know-how are essential. As a forerunner in the field of security countermeasures of
multifunction printers, Ricoh addresses every conceivable security threat:

Unsecured firmware and other malware

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If a multifucntion printer's or printer‘s built-in software — also known as firmware — is

altered or compromised, that device can then be used as a method of intrusion into the
corporate network, as a means to damage the device or as a platform for other
malicious purposes. Ricoh-designed devices are built using a Ricoh-only Trusted
Platform Module (TPM) and are designed to not boot up if the firmware has been
In addition to the firmware, many multifunction printers support the installation of
applications which, if allowed to run, could allow an attacker access to the device. To
protect against malicious code, Ricoh's multifunction products will only allow an
application to be installed if it incldues a valid Ricoh digital signature.

Malicious access via networks

In an increasingly connected modern world, the number of possible points of entry for a
malicious attacker also increase. While multifunction printers can be discovered over
the network, features such as user authentication and filtering help reduce the risk of
information leaks via networks by preventing an intruder from accessing internal

Malicious access via networks

In an increasingly connected modern world, the number of possible points of entry for a
malicious attacker also increase. While multifunction printers can be discovered over
the network, features such as user authentication and filtering help reduce the risk of
information leaks via networks by preventing an intruder from accessing internal

Improper access through fax telephone lines

Enabling a device‘s fax feature may mean connecting it to the outside via a telephone
line — which means that blocking potential unauthorized access via the fax line is
critical. Ricoh embedded software is designed to only process appropriate types of data
(i.e. fax data) and send that data directly to the proper functions within the device.
Because only fax data can be received from the fax line, the potential for unauthorized
access from the fax line to the network or to programs inside the device is eliminated.
The tapping and alteration of information over the network

Multifunction printers exchange critical information with computers and servers over
networks. If left unprotected, this information is at risk of alteration by those with
malicious intent who would tap into the network. Ricoh multifunction printers and

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technologies offer features that can help protect against unauthorized access via

Unauthorized access via a device’s operation panel

Multifunction printers in an office environment are exposed to security risks of

unauthorized access to information via the operator panel. Many cases of information
leaks are reportedly committed by insiders. To reduce these risks, Ricoh's multifunction
printers include user authentication features so that specific access privileges can be
set up for individual users. It is important to properly manage and run devices without
letting users access the information and functions they do not need.

Information leaks from HDD storage media

Multifunction printers have a built-in storage device, such as a hard disk drive, for strong
information such as address books and documents. The hard disk drive may also
contain temporary copies of information scheduled for transmission, reception and
printing. Using Ricoh's data encryption and data overwrite features can reduce the risks
of information leakage, even if the storage device were physically removed from the

Information leaks via hard copy

A document left on the tray of a multifunction printer could be read or taken by anyone.
Whether it was taken deliberately or accidentally, this is an information leakage risk. To
help protect your information, Ricoh multifunction products include user authentication
and locked printing features.

Security policy breaches due to carelessness

Information could be leaked by accidentally sendng a fax to an incorrect address, or

making too many copies of a document and leaving them behind. Ricoh's multifunction
printers feature functions that can help minimize the risk of information leaks due to


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Module 19 Describe the important features of electronic commerce

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. List and briefly describe some important sites that conduct electronic commerce
2. Describe the basics of electronic commerce

Important Features of E-commerce

E-commerce is a business model or a larger business model that allows companies or
individuals through the electronic network and is usually the type of business segments
in the internet. It may also refer to the process of creating, marketing, servicing and
paying for services and goods. Businesses, governments and the public can participate
in eCommerce transactions.

E-commerce has the following features:

Individual Communication: Communication is individualized and interaction is with

carefully selected individual customer. E-name is used for this purpose. More important
is fact that you treat communication as one of the crucial building blocks of a successful
e-commerce business.

Data Depository: Internet is a central depository of huge amounts of data. It can be

accessed all over the world through search engines. Websites contain information and
they can be downloaded as needed. In order to determine if the quality of data is high,
look for four elements: accuracy, consistency, granularity, and robustness.

E-mail and Electronic Platforms: E-mail and computer faxing is used for speedy
transfer of messages to conduct business. Electronic platforms can be :
 EDI : Electronic data interchange for placing orders to suppliers. It is business to
business exchange of data.
 ATM : Automatic teller machine to facilitate receiving digital cash. Smart cards
are used to make payments.
 Computers : They receive orders from customers.

On-line Selling: E-commerce uses on-line selling. It has revolutionized selling through
E-tailing, specially for:
 Airlines tickets and hotel bookings.
 Shares and financial services
 Cars and other vehicles
 Computer hardware and software
 Books and music
 Consumer electronics
 Fashion goods

Relationship Marketing: E-commerce builds long-term mutually satisfying relations.

This leads to life time loyal customers. Relationship marketing is all about keeping
existing customers happy, rather than constantly focusing on attracting new customers.

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The relations are based on superior customer value and satisfaction. Long term profits
are made by lifetime customer loyalty.
In fact, servicing and selling to existing customers is viewed to be just as important to
long term success as attracting new customers. This can be difficult for many
companies to get right, especially large companies that contain dedicated sales
departments where the culture is always to focus on getting new sales.


The accomplishment of an online business site doesn't exclusively rely upon the nature
of its items, there are a scope of different components having an effect on everything.
Two of the most significant are the way the site is showcased and how it is planned.

There are sure highlights that can help make a web based business site more easy to
use to clients and simple to oversee from the point of view of the proprietors. Yet, when
structuring a webpage, it tends to be precarious to represent all these basic internet
business site highlights and elaborate components. Fortunately, our internet business
web composition group are here to enable you to out!

The infographic underneath shows 72 key highlights that any fruitful internet business
webpage must have. On the off chance that you are structuring another internet
business webpage or overhauling a current one, odds are you'll discover this
infographic extremely valuable.

Home, Header & Footer Features List

1. Top level domain with HTTPs

An ecommerce site must have a top level domain with a secured connection. If your site
exclusively serves a certain country, then use a country code domain.

2. Business logo
Place your business logo at a prominent position of the header. Preferably near the left.

3. User-friendly navigation
A clear navigation bar improves the UX of your site – mandatory for every page.

4. Wishlist
Sometimes, a customer may be interested in a product but decide to buy it later. Or a
customer may find a product interesting and want to check that later for more details. A
wishlist allows them to store a list of these products so that they can easily find them
next time they visit your site.

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5. Customer login
Your site should definitely let the customers register and login. It’s best to place this on
the top bar for easy access.

6. Store finder
If your ecommerce site has physical stores or pick-up points, a store locator at the top
bar can make them easy for your customers to find.

7. Language options
If your ecommerce site has multiple versions for different regions, then you can include
language options to let users switch between different languages/regions.

8. Shopping cart
Obviously, the shopping cart is an integral part of any ecommerce site. The best
position to place it is the upper right corner.

9. Search bar
If you optimise your search bar properly, it can become a powerful tool for conversions.

10. Phone number

Whether it be enquiring about a particular product or clarifying business hours,
customers may need to call you for various reasons. Mentioning the contact number at
the top makes this easy for them.

11. Highlighted UVP

Why should a customer buy from you and not your competitors? Use Unique Value
Propositions or UVPs mentions those things about your business that make it special.

12. Risk reducers

Include a few good risk reducers, such as free shipping and return offers at this point to
attract your potential customers.

13. Loyalty program

Mention things like reward points and other special offers for your long time customers.
Include a link that takes them to more a more detailed offer page.

Related article: Setting up A Loyalty Program: What You Should Remember

14. CTA to push people to product collections and important sales pages
Include important product categories and relevant Call To Action buttons here. You may
also provide links to sales and special offers pages.

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15. Featured products or Best selling products or New arrivals

You may manually add featured products or automate the process to show a list of best
selling products here.

16. Personalised items

You can show potential customers items based on their search or purchasing history.
This is a very effective way to increase sales.

17. Text content

Including some description about your business is important from an SEO perspective.
Also, a potential new customer will be able to quickly know about you from this.

18. FAQ, returns and exchanges, store locator, shipping information, order
tracking etc.
These pages are important for your customers. So provide links to them at the footer
with a title, something like Customer care can be appropriate.

19. Contact us
It’s good to provide several ways to contact your business. Phone, email and inquiry
form submission are three common ones.

20. Newsletter signup

As a modern ecommerce site, you should have a newsletter signup form that collects
your customers’ email addresses. You can send them special offers and inform new
product arrivals.

21. Payment system icons

It’s customary to include payment system icons at the bottom of the page. This lets your
customers quickly know which payment systems you accept.

22. Social Media links

Providing links to your social media accounts at the bottom of the page lets your
customers stay connected with your brand.

23. Link to about pages

Here you may include a link to your more detailed About us page including affiliate,
press and career pages.

24. Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Sitemap

These standard documents and the sitemap can be placed at the bottom of the page.

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25. Live Chat

Live chat is common on many ecommerce sites nowadays. But to implement and
maintain a proper live chat option requires careful planning and resources.

Product Category Page Features List

26. Consistent image size

The product images in a category page should have a consistent size. It’s not just about
the resolution, they should have a similar amount of whitespace at the borders too.

27. Breadcrumb navigation

Breadcrumb navigation helps the visitors to easily browse through product categories.
You can include it right below the main navigation bar.

28. Show the number of products displaying in the page

Generally, a page can’t show all the products that there are under a certain category.
But every page should show the customers the total number of products and the range
that they are viewing.

29. Product filtering and sorting

Product filtering allows customers to filter products based on different attributes. For
example, a clothing store may use gender, size, colour etc. as its filtering options. The
sorting allows viewing products on ascending or descending order of price and arrival.

Related article: 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Web Design Company

30. Page description field

At this part, include a short general description of the category. This is mostly for the
search engines.

Product Page Features List

31. Product title

This is simply the name of the product. The name of each product should definitely be
unique, but maybe with different colours and sizes, if applicable.

32. Good quality of images with zoom in functionality

At the product pages, there should be high-quality images that can be zoomed in to
view particular parts of the product.

33. Pricing information with potential sales or discounts

Apart from mentioning the product price, it’s a good idea to mention if there’s any
discount or promotional offers. The common practice is to strike through the previous
price and write the new price with the discount percentage in brackets.

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34. A field to change purchase quantities

Just below the product price, there should be an option to change the product quantity.
That way, the customers can easily select the number of items they want to buy.

35. Product variables (if necessary)

Some variables like colour and size of a physical product should be selectable right
from the product page.

36. Add to cart button

The Add to Cart button should be prominently displayed beside the product image.

37. Trust signal around “Add to Cart” button

It’s a very good idea to mention a few trust signals near the add to cart button. This
influences the subconscious of the customers on making the purchasing decision.

38. Add to Wish List and Compare button on each product page
Wish list enables the customers to store a product if they want to buy that later. A
compare feature can also be very useful for them.

39. Social share buttons for each ecommerce product

Let your customers share their favourite products. Adding social share (and send link
via email) buttons is a really great way to reach more people.

40. Product description

Product descriptions and specifications are absolutely essential parts of the page. Try to
include all the essential information a customer may look for.

42. Consumer reviews on products

This part will let the customers read, rate and give reviews to products. As we have
shown, the average rating and number of reviews should also be shown right below the
product name above.

43. Related products

Include a list of related products at the bottom of the page. This may prompt the
customer to find the product that he/she wants.

Customer Checkout, Shopping Cart and Wishlist

44. Accept all payment methods

Your ecommerce site should accept most of the payment methods that are popular
among your customers.

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45. Cart details

Mention all details regarding what the customer has in the cart. It should definitely the
product name, price and quantity of individual products.

46. Final price

Obviously, after mentioning the price of each individual products your checkout page
should also mention the total price. Don’t forget to mention the individual amounts of
discount, shipping cost and tax.

Related: 6 Tips for Ecommerce Price Optimisation

47. Shipping method (offer low shipping cost)

Your customers will find multiple shipping options very convenient. There should be at
least one low-cost shipping option.

48. Billing address and shipping address

It’s common to have two address fields. One for billing address and another for shipping
address. For many customers these two are different.

49. Security seals

Show security seals near the field where the customers enter their credit card
information. These security seals or trust badges help to convince your customers about
the security of your site and the payment process.

50. Include an area to punch in promo codes

Your business may occasionally provide promo codes to customers. This field is where
customers may apply the promo codes to get discounts or other privileges.

51. Have an option to change the quantity or remove items

Also, provide option to edit and remove items from the checkout page. Note that there
should be an option to save the cart for placing the final order later.

52. Allow items to be saved for later

If for any reason a customer doesn’t want to go through the payment process at this
stage, provide them with a way to store their cart in case they want to come back later.

Ecommerce Blog Features List

53. Sidebar: blog search, categories, popular posts

The sidebar of your blog page should have a search bar, a list of categories (organising
the blog posts) and a list of most popular posts.

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54. Social share buttons

Let your readers share the posts they like using social share buttons.

Back-end Features List

55. Dashboard/reporting tools

The dashboard should allow you to view all ecommerce metrics in a summarised way. It
should be customised to meet your specific business needs.

56. Administrator management

Usually, a website will have a number of managers. You as the owner should be able to
decide who can access which part.

57. Customer management

Managing customer orders and their account information is a mandatory feature. It’s
better to store customer’s search history too. That may help you to provide personalised
offers to frequent visitors.

58. Store management

Product specifications, like – categories, colours, descriptions, sizes etc should be very
easily editable from the backend of your site without assistance from a developer. You
should also be able to select the featured products.

59. Content management

The pages of your site, their layouts, your blog and other contents of your site should be
manageable from the backend without any manual change in the code of the site.

60. Order and shipping management

At any certain time, an ecommerce site will obviously have lots of orders in the process
at different stages. It also needs to handle different shipment processes. All of these
should be easily manageable from backend.

61. Payment, taxes and location management

Your site’s backend platform should be easily able to manage different payment
processes, calculate and apply taxes, and determine the price structure based on

62. SEO management

Aspects of SEO, like URL editing, title tag, meta description management etc are
common parts of an ecommerce backend platform.

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63. Email marketing integration

Usually, backend management platforms can have email marketing features integrated
into it. Sorting and storing customer emails and sending personalised mails are very
useful to increase conversions.

64. Discount and promotion management

Applying varying discounts and introducing different promotional offers becomes a lot
more hassle free if your backend provides these facilities.

65. Root file upload

Uploading files directly to the root of your site may often be needed. And your backend
should make the process simple.

66. Tracking code integration

You should have the ability to upload files like robots.txt, tracking codes and other third
party verification codes without help from a developer.

67. Responsive design

It should go without saying that designing responsive website is a mandatory skill for
any Melbourne web design company. Regardless of device size, your site should be
flexible enough to provide the best user experience.

68. Browser compatibility

Make sure your site is properly rendered in all major browsers.

69. Fast loading

Page loading speed is a crucial factor both from the perspective of user experience and
SEO. Customers will definitely leave a site if it takes more time to load.

70. For digital downloads, explain how they receive products

If your ecommerce site is selling products as digital downloads, explain to your
customers how they are going to receive the product (i.e direct download, email etc).

71. Multilevel security

Security is always one of the most important aspects of any ecommerce business. Apart
from SSL certificates and PCI compliance, your site should have a strong firewall and
layers of security on login and contact forms.

72. Automatic site backup

Your site should be automatically backed up to prevent any accidental mishap. For an
ecommerce site, it’s very important to always remain live.

Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

Mail and Web Services P a g e | 10

So these were the most important features of an ecommerce site. Of course, depending
on your business type and products you may modify these features or add other ones.
Nevertheless, this infographic will give you an essential overview of things that a
standard ecommerce site should have.


Jennifer Roxas-Magbanlac, MIT

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