Lesson Plan

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School : SMP Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau

Subject : English
Grade/ Semester : Seventh/ First
Main Material : Thanking dan Apologizing
Skill : Speaking
Time Alocation : Second Meeting (1 x 2 HL)
Academic Year : 2022/2023

A. Core Competencies
CC 1 : Respect and obey religion rules wich is believed.

CC 2 : Show honesty, discipline, responsibility, politeness, self-esteem, in interacting

effectively with social live and enviormant.
CC 3 : Comprehend knowledge factual, concept, and procedure based on curiosity about
science, technology or culture related to fenomenon.
CC 4 : Try manage and resend (used, classify, arrange, modify, and make) at abstract
(writing, reading, counting, drawing, composing) based on material at school.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators

No. Basic Competencies Indicators
1. 1.1 Grateful for the opportunity to - Enthusiastic in carrying out every
learn English as the language activity in learning English.
of instruction for international - Serious in carrying out every activity in
communication, which is learning English.
manifested in the spirit of
2. 2.1 Demonstrate polite and caring - Say thank you to teachers and
behavior in carrying out classmates using English
interpersonal communication - Apologizing to teachers and friends
with teachers and friends. using English.
- Respond to expressions of
apologizing and thanking friends
using English.

Comprehend social functions, - Identify the social function of

3 3.1
text structure, and linguistic expressing thank you and its
elements in greetings, goodbyes, response.
thanks, and apologies. - Identify the social function of the
expression of apologizing and its
- Identify the structure of the
conversational text that uses
expressions of thanks and
- Identify the structure of the
conversational text that uses the
expression of apologizing and its

4 4.1 Compose simple spoken texts to - Complete the text of the

say and respond to thanks and conversation involving the
apologies by paying attention to expression of gratitude.
social functions, text structure, - Complete the text of the
and linguistic elements that are conversation that involves the
correct and in context. expression of apologizing.
- Have a conversation that involves
expressing than you.
- Have a conversation that involves
the expression of apologizing..

C. Learning Objectives

- Students are able to say thank you in front of the class using English
- Students are able the expression of apologizing in front of the class using English
- Students are able to respond to expressions of thanking in English
- Students are able to respond to expressions of apologies in English
- Students are able to compose verbal expressions of thanks and apologies and their responses
- Students are able to pronounce expressions of thanking and their responses with correct
pronunciation and intonation
D. Learning Materials

Illustrated spoken text 1

Spoken text 2

Spoken text 3
Spoken text 4

a. Thanking
Task 1 Task 2

b. Apologizing
Task 1

Fungsi Sosial

Maintain interpersonal relationships with teachers and friends.

The linguistic elements of greeting and farewell expressions, namely:


Thank you You are welcome

Thank you so/very much My pleasure
Thanks Don’t mention it
Never mind


I am sorry It’s okay

I am really That’s fine
sorry I Never mind
I do apologize
Speech/pronunciation, word stress, and intonation of vocabulary (in the form of
words/phrases/sentences) are related to the theme.


a. Expressions of asking for help and their response

The expression asking for help is used as an introduction before the use of the expression
of thanks.
The expression of gratitude used is:
- Can you help me…
- Can you please…
- Would you…
The response expression used is:

- Alright!
- Okay!
- Sure!

E. Learning Method

Scientific Approach
Communicative Approach
Strategy: observation, modeling, work in pairs/groups, practice
F. Media, Tools, and Learning Resources
a. Media
i. Spoken text for expressions of thanks and apologies.
ii. Image of thank you and appologize.
iii. Dialog card, contains 4 gap conversations.
b. Tools/Materials
c. Learning Resources Ministry of Education and Culture 2014. English “When English Rings
the Bell” SMP/MTs Class VII. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture.
G. Learning Activities
a. Introduction (10 minutes)
1) The teacher enters the class and says greetings
2) The teacher asks the class leader to lead the prayer
3) The teacher is absent
4) The teacher greets students / asks students how they are and invites
students to remember the material that has been studied previously and
ask a few questions
5) The teacher slightly mentions the material that will be studied today.
b. Core (60 minutes)
1) Students are directed to observe the sample text about Thanking & Apologizing in the
2) The teacher explains the example text
3) The teacher writes on the blackboard some expressions that can be used to thank and
apologize in English and explain them
4) Students say, read or imitate the expression "thank you and apologize" in English
exemplified by the teacher
5) Students practice the example of the dialogue with their seatmates, in pairs
6) Students fill in the gaps in the conversational text related to the material
7) Students are asked to make a simple text about thanking & Apologizing with their partner
8) Students practice the dialogue they have made in front of the class with their partner
9) The teacher gives appreciation for each child who practices the dialogue in front of the
class and provides input if any
c. Closing (10 Minutes)
1) The teacher invites students to ask questions related to the material
2) The teacher asks students about the material that has just been taught
3) The teacher gives assignments to students and/or explains the plan for upcoming learning
activities at the next meeting
4) The teacher closes the class by greeting.
H. Rating
a. Spiritual Attitude Competence
i. Assessment Techniques: Observation and Self-Assessment
ii. Instrument Form: Observation Sheet and Self-Assessment Sheet
iii. grille :

No. Value Item Indicator Number

nt Items
1. Be grateful Enthusiastic in carrying out every 1
activity in learning
Serious in carrying out every 1
activity in language learning
iv. Instruments: see Appendix 1A and Appendix 1B.
v. Scoring Instructions: see Appendix 3.

b.Social Attitude Competence

i. Assessment Techniques: Observation and Self-Assessment
ii. Instrument Form: Observation Sheet and Assessment Sheet Self
iii. grille :

No. Value Indicators Number

Item of
1. polite Thanking teachers and friends using 1
English who
Apologize to teachers and students 1
using poor English
2. Care Answering or explaining questions from 1
friends who do not understand the context/
greetings and goodbyes and their responses
Answering the thank you teacher and 1
friends using good English
thank you
Answering teacher and friend apologies 1
using good English
thank you

iv. Instruments: see Appendix 2A and Appendix 2B.

v. Scoring Instructions: see Appendix 3.

c. Knowledge Competence
i. Assessment Technique: Written Test
ii. Instrument Form: Complete the gap text.
iii. grille :

Indicator Number Number of

s of Instrument
Questions Items
Students write conversations with 4 4
their classmates, involving
expressions of gratitude and

iv. Instruments: see Appendix 4A.

v. Scoring Instructions: see Appendix 4B.
d. Skill Competence

1. Speaking Skills Practice Test

2. Assessment Technique: Speaking Practice Test
3. Instrument Form: Practice the conversation.
4. grille :

N Indicators Number
o. of
Students in pairs write down conversations in English 1
that involve elements of expressing gratitude and
apologizing and then practice them in front of the class.
a. Instruments: see Appendix 5A and Appendix 5B.
b. Scoring Instructions: see Appendix 5C..

Lubuklinggau, 10 Agustus 2014

Guru Pembimbing Mahasiswa,

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