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Republic of the Philippines

The National Center for
Teacher Education
The Multicultural
Education Hub
Prosperidad, Agusan Del


What is the climax of the story? Describe and justify your answer in 10 sentences only.
Cite the chapter and the page.

The climax of the novel “A Time to Kill” occurs on page 65 of chapter 12 "A Crazy
World". The climax came during Carl Lee's trial, just as the jury found him not guilty of all
charges. A series of events occur until he meets with the news that Ellen Rourke has been
captured by Klan, and busses into a second trial that does not go as planned. This is also the
point where you begin to think Jake will lose the case when the testifying psychiatrist reveals
that he has no credible expertise and a history of statutory rape charges, but all claims are
false. At this point, everyone has given up hope for this case, and no one knows what will
happen in the next trial. This chapter was the climax since all the problems and challenges of
the character arise. Especially for Mr. Brigans, who moved from one issue to the next.
This is where the excitement, intensity, and key points of the novel occur because it
gives the reader an idea, but an empty conclusion to speculate about what happens in the next
chapter after everything is revealed and things don't go as planned. Jake, Carl Lee, and all
black people are starting to lose hope, the most heartbreaking part of the story, so the climax
came in chapter 12. As we all know, this is Carl Lee's Alongside the fight for the welfare of
our daughters, it is also the fight for the rights of black people and to give them a sense of
belonging to the community. Therefore, it concludes that Chapter 12 is the novel's climax
because it clarified the problems that would affect the mental state, decisions, and plans for
the final trial.

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