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Second year student

Group #2

Ann Doycheva

English Instructor

N. M. Mikava

Odessa 2018
(By Roald Dahl)

My impression of the story was, at first, very pleasant because we saw the young
handsome man who was looking for himself in a new town. We were observing how Billy, the
main character, was looking for the place to stay at night and he found it. It was so strange but
comfortable place for the protagonist. But then I began to realize that the Landlady that Billy had
met would be cause of his death.
Something I want to remember from the story is this fact that the Landlady loved all her
pets and didn’t want them to disappear forever.
I learned from this story that the first impression is always deceptive and we should think
a lot of time before making a decision, and I wanted to share with my group mates with these
The landlady’s behavior surprised me most of all, her reaction on Billy’s behavior and
My favorite quote from this story is: “Each word was like a large black eye staring at him
through the glass, holding him, compelling him, forcing him to stay where he was and not to
walk away from that house…” I’ve chosen this one because it shows us how the author uses the
personification to depict feelings of the protagonist.
The title of the story made me to think about old, lonely woman who wanted someone to
visit her.
Something I really disliked about “The Landlady” was ending of the story. I can’t even
say that it was ending. And I have some questions connected with it: why the author didn’t give
us clear ending? What should we think about Billy’s fate? Would he survive?
(By Roald Dahl)

My initial impression of the story was good enough. At the beginning we saw a pregnant
woman, with pacification on her face, who was waiting for her husband. But when the husband
came home we could feel the tightness in the air.
I wanted to remember from the story the tender-eyed Mary Maloney who loved Patrick
Maloney with her whole heart.
I learned from this story that we should always stay clear-headed, to be able to evaluate
the situation and to make the right decision.
Sudden murder surprised me and disappointed me at the same time. I didn’t realize how it
happened. If somebody betrayed you it doesn’t mean that you have to kill this betrayer. You
should give him/her a chance to explain his/her actions and let them go, or you can try to forgive
them, if it’s possible.
My favorite quote from the “Lamb to the Slaughter” is: “And I know it’s kind of a bad
time to be telling you, but there simply wasn’t any other way. Of course I’ll give you money and
see you’re looked after. But there needn’t really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn’t be
very good for my job.” This quote shows us that Patrick really realized what he had done but,
nevertheless, he was ready to help Mary and their future baby. But the other hand, we could see
that Patrick was also capon, he didn’t want to lose his work.
The title of the story didn’t tell me anything. I didn’t understand the initial idea of the
I disliked a lot of things in this story, but I really disliked that the author “killed” again.
What was the main idea? It’s still unclear for me even after all the discussions.
(By Roald Dahl)

My initial reaction of the story was pleasant. I liked how Roald Dahl described the
narrator and his feelings.
Something I want to remember from the story is how the author is talking about the new
car of the storyteller. We can feel his “big love” to his car, and it seems to me that it looks like a
real person. Also we can see how the narrator values and takes care of his own.
I learned from the story that we should always be humane, to be ready to help at any
moment, how the narrator’s done: he stopped for the hitchhiker because he used to be one and
knew how difficult it could be.
The hitchhiker’s occupation and his actions surprised me most of all. At first, the author
veils the true nature of the narrator’s companion, but then all the secrets are revealed and we
learn what the hitchhiker does – he’s a pickpocket.
I wanted to read more about the hitchhikers and their lifestyle. I think these persons are
always looking for themselves in such a way. So, it would be useful and interesting information
for me.
I genuinely laughed when the hitchhiker during the conversation pulled secretly from the
narrator stuff by stuff.
My favorite quote from “The Hitchhiker” is: “I don't like that word," he answered. "It's a
coarse and vulgar word. Pickpockets are coarse and vulgar people who only do easy little
amateur jobs. They lift money from blind old ladies." "What do you call yourself, then?" "Me?
I'm a fingersmith. I'm a professional fingersmith.”
The title of the story made me think about the person who wants to rich a certain place
for something. And also I thought about the destiny of the hitchhiker.
I disliked the manner of policeman’s behavior. The policemen should set an example for
everyone, but here we can see the other side of the people with power in their hands.
I have only two questions which are connected with the hitchhiker: what made him take
the thief’s path? Would he fling up his design?
(By Roald Dahl)

My initial impression of the story was anxious. We were observing how Mrs. Foster was
in a hurry because she was afraid to miss her flight to Paris where her daughter was living with
her family. Mrs. Foster was always afraid of being late, even if she had enough time.
I want to remember from the story Mr. Foster’s tranquility. He was always calm and
knew that he was powerless against his wife’s fears.
I learned from the story that we have to keep calm in stress situations because our panic
can “destroy” our plans. Also I want to share with my group mates that we should take care of
our loved ones, not to leave them in difficult situations; we have to try to be by their side, to
support each other.
I was disappointed when Mrs. Foster left her husband in the house. She heard that the
elevator had stuck, but she didn’t hurry to help Mr. Foster as she was so busy with her worries.
I knew what might happen to Mr. Foster. When my guess was confirmed, but the author
didn’t write directly about it, tears unconsciously began to flow down my cheeks. But the saddest
thing was that Mrs. Foster continued to remain cool and indifference.
My favorite quote from “The Way Up to Heaven” is: “And now, lately, she had come
more and more to feel that she did not really wish to live out her days in a place where she could
not be near these children, and have them visit her, and take them out for walks, and buy them
presents, and watch them grow. She knew, of course, that it was wrong and in a way disloyal to
have thoughts like these while her husband was still alive.”
I really disliked from the entire story cruelty of Mrs. Foster and her selfishness.
Here I want to ask Mrs. Foster about her actions, her feelings to Mr. Foster, about
negative features of her husband and her motives.
(By Arthur Conan Doyle)

Arthur Conan Doyle is excellent writer. His works are so amazing and fantastic! I’m in
love with Sherlock Holmes. That’s why I was so happy when we were offered to read “The
Greek Interpreter”.
Well, my initial impression was wonderful. From the beginning I began to plunge into
details. I was ready to live out that piece of Sherlock’s life about what the author was going to
tell us.
I want to remember that Dr. Watson was always with Holmes and here we could see
again their adventures. But also we met another interesting character – Mycroft Holmes,
Sherlock’s elder brother. The world has seen the genesis of the tandem of Holmes brothers.
I learned from this story that relatives have to be together to achieve their common goals,
to be able to give useful advices, and to be responsible for each other.
I think Paul Kratides surprised me most of all. He was so strong-willed; he was unbroken
and protected his sister, Sophy, as much as he could.
After reading “The Greek Interpreter” I wanted to reread all the stories about Sherlock
Holmes and his adventures.
The sudden death of Paul Kratides brought tears to my eyes. I was waiting for family
reunification, but destiny was unshakable.
My favorite quote from “The Greek Interpreter” is: “My dear Watson," said [Sherlock
Holmes], "I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all
things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure
from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.”
I would like to know about the future of Sophy Kratides. Will she be happy? Will she
meet well-thought-of young man?
I hope that fate will have mercy on the poor girl and will give her a chance to live
happily, erasing memories of troublesome times.
(By Oscar Wilde)

I first encountered the works of Oscar Wilde this year and I did not know what to expect.
But then I began to read “The Selfish Giant” and realized that it would be fascinating journey
into the world of magic and fairy tales.
I want to remember how the kids were having fun and were enjoying life. It brings back
memories of my happy and carefree childhood.
I learned from the story that we shouldn’t be selfish, we have to give an opportunity to
others to be happy even if we don’t feel good at the moment. Also I want to share with my group
mates that we should be hospitable, amiable and then everyone will reach out to us.
The description of the garden surprised me most of all. We could see the wonderful
ability of Oscar Wilde to convey indescribable beauty of nature. We saw spring garden and
imagined warm days and blooming trees. We saw winter garden and felt cold and emptiness in
the Giant’s soul.
I was happy with children, we were laughing, were eating ripe fruit, we were singing in
the garden.
Tragic fate of the Giant brought tears to my eyes. But at the end of the story we saw that
the Giant had atoned his sins. So we know that he’s in a better world.
My favorite quote from “The Selfish Giant” is: “And the child smiled on the Giant, and
said to him, 'You let me play once in your garden, today you shall come with me to my garden,
which is Paradise.” Here we can see the moment of Giant’s sedation.
The title of the story told me about fairy being who had some problems connected with
relations with surrounded world.
I disliked that Oscar Wilde had decided to end existence of the protagonist. I think he has
merited to be with these children for some time and to show them another, good and generous,
side of himself.
(By Oscar Wilde)

I would like to start with the title of the story. I thought that it would be a fairy tale about
celebration, about the day full of fun, happiness and life. And Oscar Wilde showed the happiest
birthday of the princess Infanta, the daughter of the King of Spain. It was her twelfth birthday
and the whole kingdom and all of servants were prepared for the young girl’s special day.
Suddenly an ugly little dwarf appeared in front of us. He was one of the Infanta’s
presents. And I want to remember his look to Infanta full of sincere and true love.
We all know the proverb “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. In this case it’s connected
both with Infanta and poor dwarf. We saw the external beauty of Infanta and inner beauty of the
I surprised by depiction of dwarf’s behavior. He was like a naïve child. His face
irradiated goodness, happiness and love.
Tears began to flow down my cheeks when the dwarf saw his reflection in the mirror. I
thought that my heart was broken like dwarf’s heart.
I really disliked that the author didn’t show Infanta her mistakes.
The Birthday of the Infanta shows how society sets standard of what is beautiful and what
is monstrous. Even thought the dwarf contains all the qualities that we would consider to make a
good and kind hearted person, he is treated as a freak and is put on exhibition to be laugh at. In
the final moments of his life even he asks why he was made so ugly and even goes as far as
asking why his own father did not take his life when he saw how ugly he was. In complete
contract the ugly hearted and evil spirited princess is seen as the embodiment of beauty and all
that is good, while she is really a mean and spoiled creature who only cares about her own
satisfaction. Her words at the end show her interest is in solely her own entertainment.
Oscar Wilde is known for his simple fairy tales that hold so much meaning and real
life value. I really appreciated this work and I think The Birthday of the Infanta seems like a
great fairytale for people of all ages to read and learn.
(By W. Somerset Maugham)

To tell the truth, I didn’t understand about what I had to read. I understood that events
took place in the church. But the church was supporting thing which helped the protagonist to
realize himself in this cruel world. So, that’s why my initial impression was multiple-valued.
I want to remember that Albert Edward Foreman, the verger, was unshakable, patient and
attentive while he was being criticized. It serves a good life lesson. And also I want to share with
my group mates that sometimes we shouldn’t pay much attention to external criticism.
The fact that the verger was without being able to read or to write surprised me most of
all. It was really unexpected because of occupation of Albert Edward Foreman. But,
nevertheless, he proved that he was worthy to be successful. He achieved his goals without that
skills, his intelligence helped him.
After that I wanted to find and to read more information about real people who didn’t
have reading or writing skills but became successful persons.
I liked some quotes from “The Verger” which gave me answers. “I think a lot of these
young fellows waste a rare lot of time reading when they might be doing something useful.”
“Strange ‘ow things come to you when you least expect it.”
I really disliked vicar’s behavior and I was disappointed with it. I understand everything
but we have to stay human in any case.
So I have some questions. Why the vicar and the general deprived Edward of the right to
work in the church? What would have happened if that brilliant idea hadn’t flashed through his

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