Dec2019-Q No6

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ne Fas 18 (Son 15 Poe 16 1 PPS We BWusteate the provision kept tousatde eotablishig plocecluLe. to idlentify & Catng ef, Guitical egusprnent’ unalet (9H eel, Enlist the shipbaa items | opttalion subjects 10 Inyetclioa & tt unde 1SM codeo Hous the last ei critics! eguipmest & syoeme ole made. & on whet facts they ae dependent. CAITICAL ECUPMENT Caiteal eqpipment coan eqpipment uhase. sudden faihie will wad to a potential hagoraloue ajtuction an accialeat hae oy caus ony tb petsonnel / Loss sh Lfel Damage to maritine envudmect | plaberty Cortical equipments | Syste a > Emergncy Fite pump > Incinerator 7 Emaigeny GenereoL > ows 2 Emer Aa Compromo > SDMCES for ener > Liftbolt engine = acy —> ME Loce! Manov, Conte) _s Fire detection & alarra sysor 2 ME cle OMD ~~ BR compronvt. > Fined fre tigyry aagstn — Kw Band radar eeeeTaG'S) — Ecps | As per sm Code Section 10.3 “IDENTIFICATIONS OF CRITICAL EauwMe she company ohould wiablish ploudue vo tts SMS te ident 3 tecmical” d the sudds i 4 (QSderif{icalion 4 spipboard opuation unhicr ore vital te the soko & eniyomest protection . (b) Taentificalion of niok. aopec: olasieg cuitical shipboard operation. (© Root cawe. Analysio in way f Vere Miss/ Neeident pnvestiya > aohen critical Pyucpmert has been identied ck become essertich te establish sofeguarslo te erane ther fonetionk seliabiltg The SMS ohould provide rmeaoue tach wll enoue sebability of critical equipment & vyphr. Thien Case wrclude the * tog 4 Standey equipmerk 2 system udich ase not corbnoupe 52. The sus wert caftical epuipment must haue- proceduto 4 — taenk}y critical epaipmert i al a enh anal use. al tenet Ve anangement on sudden failure - Enowe that thae WE mminunn deh oh ppole for critiont equipment: / _ Enon neaunolaney olen critical opaction- 6) “the lat of Clitteal eguipment . 6) 7 eae, ment can vaiy accausting 40 chile tgbe BD) Vewel opeatic Guideline should be maole ini y uhich may te oe fe aitteal epipres (2) opetedion et pro ceolute (2) Changeover. of, eguiipmec on a tmely basis ie age a af Stendby nen Preveni¥Ve maintenana schedule ao pet mai q B) List ch critical equipment should be te S uledeted ushen needed od a le RITICAL EQUIPMENT PERIODIC et "REVIEW N pDewrt Evawaw Sine RE ane on T st oF eames Caupnent ae pi R — 1 [SaFeavaevs & MEASURES To PROMOTE Re LA BiLiTY IDENTIFICATION OF CRITICAL EQUIPMENT (CRITICAL ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE) (1) Critical equipment & technical agslem can be. identified bby Critical ancoment proceduie. (2) Im trid procecine the Conseqvence value and 4oiluse probality are detttmiad. (3) Convequence valve. dependo on follows factor. Gia SAFETY + IMPACT of Pailse of equipment on personnel 2a 24. No tg units Neat miss — LUO Serious Injury a sunt Death — Sovris A numerical vale 2 amiyresl to the. con peg venee & thin volue keefe on maiaig depending Upon the. devenity | Ce (Q) ENu/ RONMENT = Impact of failure af equipment on envitomert =No HAZARD / SPILL = O UNITS = MiNox, SPILL = IS UNTS — MAJOR SPILL = 25o0mrTS (2) Buisness & OPERATIOMAL IMPACT : impact of foiluie. 4 eguipmeat an ofpeccion? ouch 20 Loading / Didchayng ete <9: No opaation Impact = OUTS IMMEDIATE = OPN, |MPACT = IS UWITS ee Cost mame on recovers ober Apilue oh equifement, duch oof dijdode etpente / ete Repair Cost < £5000 —> turk 5000 $ > COST FlOv0a $ — 2VN'T (PROP ETY_: IMPACT OA PROPERTY Darn eg. Les at Steorig gint- Tetal Con Ge auece - = (69, 2G} value CosT > #19009 WONT FALLURE PROBABILITY > ———— G1) EanemMent REALITY — stave hav nelioble the epipment co or what are Coe ce failure. a 2-4, Unik te fal for nert eye — luni a ve “tases te fol within Gmoath —~ louaick (2) UTILIZATION RELIABILITY => State hows fr the. eguipment wih be uti liged eg. Stendey | Inactive — ton, — [wtenmeticat cpa coh'on, — DOT — Comtineuz opetction — Hunik (3) SEeRvice Et posukeé +> ee el etpssed to 29. Moosiag equipment CAF) —— LONIT Mooring eqpilpmect (ESD) — HONIT FAILURE PROBABILITY — =(or ey RITICAL SCORE = CONSEQUENCE UALVE x FAILURE — PROBABILITY -Cnifical Score for every equipmest will be caleuladed -4 critical Scate > 250 OMIT ) then the equipmest censideted to be critical Conseguence oF fale hold be anened tn most oppropuate Condition (@) Steering geot pile osdile exter / a pok 1G Faille aorig Dischorging ete, Fanure “PROBABILITY ConSEQuence VALVE

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