Drop Ship Demo GOP Instructions v2

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Setups required in VCP (GOP) for Drop-Ship Demo Flow

Prerequisites for GOP:

 Item is setup in PIM

 ASL for Item/Supplier is setup in Procurement (Purchasing  Supply Base  Manage Approved
Supplier List Entries)

STEP 1: Once the above have been setup, run Collections (with the above entities enabled) – ESS “Collect
Planning Data”, as shown below:

Please ensure that the Collections filters are set before collecting the above data. Do this through the
button “Select Collection Filters”, and populate the “Organization Filter for Product Master Data”

Once the above data is collected, setup the GOP specific data as below:
Note: Assumes that items have been created in PIM, the supplier is enabled to Buy the item through the
Approved Supplier List and have been collected into VCP through Task.

STEP 2: Create an ATP Rule using the task “Manage ATP Rules”

For the dropship demo flow, assign a ‘Lead Time Based’ ATP rule with a user defined lead time of 14

Assign the ATP Rule to the Item and organization relevant for the demo

STEP 3: Using the setup task “Manage Sourcing Rules” create a sourcing rule having a warehouse with
rank 1 and supplier as rank 2. Be sure to specify the supplier site source system as GPR.
STEP 4: Assign Sourcing Rule

The above sourcing rule needs to be assigned to the drop-ship item – this is done using the task
“Manage Assignment Sets”. Note that in a single environment; only one assignment set can be used by
GOP. In IT2, it is “AYY-OP-ASET”. Assignment of the sourcing rule to the drop-ship item must be done for
this assignment set only.

Assign the sourcing rule created in the previous step to the drop-ship item. For example, in the screen
shot below, the “AMPRRRDSSC” is assigned to the item AM66331DS.
STEP 5: Once the sourcing rule has been assigned to the item through the assignment set, you must
restart the GOP engine through the ESS “Refresh and Start the Order Promising Server”.

Ensure that the required data attributes are selected (Items, Suppliers, Sourcing, Customers, etc)

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