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Traveller House Rules

updated 12/7/2022 DAY MONTH

Damage: 1 I
If one stat hits 0, the target is prone. Two, unconscious. Three: dead. 29 II
Must be applied to END first, then at 0 overruns to STR or DEX (Rad Damage may also be 57 III
applied to INT). Damage must be applied in the total rolled (ie 8 points of damage can’t be 85 IV
spread 4 to STR and 4 to DEX). 113 V
INT damage may not be healed by First Aid care.
141 VI
Healing – First Aid heals using the task-check table, not the straight effect roll
169 VII
Grappling: 197 VIII
Dodging: If the defender doesn’t want to be grappled in the first place, they may React with 225 IX
a DODGE (giving the attacker a -2 on this first contest only) – if the defender wins this first 253 X
opposed roll, no Grapple occurs. The defender does not get to pick a special grapple effect 281 XI
in any case. (this is the tradeoff for the -2). 309 XII
Once grappled, as no other actions are possible, a combatant may not dodge subsequent 337 XIII
grapple attacks. 365 HOLIDAY
A grapple round is ‘won’ (and get to do the special effect) if one combatant
- Succeeds (ie 8+), AND
- Beats the opponent’s roll by at least +2
Otherwise, for each round of grappling winning an opposed roll means you get a +1 (cumulative) advantage on
your next grapple vs that opponent.
Multiple Grapplers: each combatant rolls once, Melee(unarmed), STR or DEX, and DM -(the number of
opponents) on their roll. This roll is compared to each opponent’s roll in turn, effects are applied simultaneously.

Normal ‘spot something’ checks are typically an INT check, with no -3 for unskilled.
Adding Recon/Investigate skill to the roll allows the GM to give you more second-order insights.
(Example: A normal observation check would let you see the guard standing in the shadows. Recon would let
you recognize that he’s nervous, is checking his pockets, and seems ancy.)

Parent Skills/Specializations:
Any specialization skill gained automatically confers its parent skill at 0; ie Melee(Blade) 1 means the character
also automatically has Melee(unspecified) 0.
This DOES NOT apply to augment chips. Augment: Archaeology 1 would NOT grant Science(0).

Firing into Melee: -2 for normal, -4 for grapple; if (that) is the miss, then shot hits random target.

Underwater Firing:
Slug: adjacent only
Slug special CAV-X ammo: x5 cost, range is /10 or 60m at most.
Laser: at TL12 range x2, otherwise /10

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