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1. Explain Parallel Processing. What is scope of parallel processing in today's environment ? (10 marks) 2. Define 8X3=24 marks UMA (Uniform memory access) model NUMA(Non-Uniform memory access) model Distributed Memory model 3. Difference between sequential algorithm and parallel algorithm with example. (8 marks) 4. What is the limitations of Memory system performance? (10 marks) 5. Explain the dichotomy of Parallel Computing Platforms . (10 marks) 6. Briefly explain:- Implicit parallelism:Trends in Microprocessor Architecture. (10 marks)

1. Define multiprocessor architecture and desirable characteristics of Multiprocessor. (15marks) 2. Define Pipelining and classification of pipeline processors. (10 marks) 3. Define (8X3=24 marks) P-RAM Crossbar switch Array Processors 4. What is cache coherence issue in multiprocessor? 8 marks 5. Explain:7X3=21 marks 1. Recursive decomposition 2. Data-decomposition 3. Exploratory decomposition 4. Speculative decomposition 6. Given a task that can be divided into m sub tasks, each requiring one unit of time, how much time is required for an m-stages pipeline to process n tasks. 7 marks 7. Explain techniques that can be used to reduce the interaction overheads . (10 marks)

1. What is Parallel Programming Models ? Discuss different models of Parallel Programming Models. (15 marks) 2. Explain the Principles of Message-Passing Programming . (10 marks) 3. Define 8X2=(16 marks) 1. Blocking Message Passing Operations

2. Non-Blocking Message Passing Operations 4. Explain the Message Passing Interface(MPI). (10 marks) 5. Briefly explain the Cannon's Matrix-Matrix Multiplication . (10 marks) 6. Briefly explain the different set of functions for performing many commonly used collective communication operations (15 marks)

1. Define the term Data Dependency. what are the different types of dependencies? (12 marks) 2. How the dependencies can be removed from programs so that the program is amenable from parallel execution ? (10 marks)

1. Define Mutual Exclusion Synchronization Process creation and Destruction 10X3=30 marks

1. Explain Thread Management. 2. Define Mutual Exclusion primitives with suitable example. 3. Explain: Mutual Exclusion for Shared Variables Condition Variables for Synchronization 4. How to Control Thread and Synchronization Attributes ? (12 marks) (15 marks) (10 marks) 8X2=(16 marks)


1. Briefly compare shared memory programming and message passing paradigms on the basis of data sharing and synchronization. (10 marks) 2. Describe in detail the programming model for asynchronous message passing system. (10 marks) 3. Discuss guidelines for distributed programming. (5 marks) 4. Discuss PVM in detail with its architecture. (10 marks) 5. Briefly describe dynamic process groups. (5 marks) 6. Briefly discuss the race condition in the message passing parallel programs. (8 marks)

1. 2. 3. 4. Explain parameter passing in detail with an example. (10 marks) Discuss the semantics in the presence of failures. (5 marks) Explain java remote invocation. (10 marks) Explain DCE in detail. (20 marks)

1. Write the general code for histogram computation. Improve the code to get speedup through parallel updation of the histogram. (15 marks) 2. What do you mean by Parallel Reduction? (5 marks) 3. Give a brief comparison of matrix multiplication algorithm for Loosely coupled multiprocessors and Tightly coupled multiprocessors. (10 marks) 4. Explain in brief (any four) : a. The odd even transposition sort b. The parallel tree-sort algorithm c. Block sorting algorithm d. Parallel Quick sort e. Enumeration algorithm for sorting

1. Write a short note on Fortran 90 with a sample program. (10 marks) 2. Write a short note on nCube with a sample program. (10 marks)

3. Write a short note on Occam with a sample program. (10 marks) 4. Write a short note on C-Linda with a sample program. (10 marks)

1. Explain the classification of debugging techniques. (5 marks) 2. Explain the debugging technique, Controlled execution, with the help of Space-time diagram. (10 marks) 3. Differentiate between Controlled execution and Econtrolled execution. (10 marks) 4. What do you understand by debugging shared memory. Expplain in detail. (10 marks)

1. Explain Data Flow Computing with the help of an example. (10 marks) 2. Explain static and dynamic dataflow graphs. Explain in brief the general model of a dynamic dataflow machine. (10 marks) 3. Explain Systolic architecture. (10 marks)

1. Why distributed databases are needed? What are the different ways to distribute databases ? (10 marks) 2. Which are the different scenarios encountered in shared memory access? Briefly explain ACIDS. (5 marks) 3. Explain the concurrency control can be achieved? (10 marks) 4. Explain the general architecture of DDBMS. (10 marks).

1. Briefly explain DOS and its need. What were the limitations of Network Operating System. (15 marks) 2. What are the goals of DOS ? What were its design issues ? Explain the basic model of AMOEBA. (15 marks)

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