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Filipino trait What is positive about What is negative about What should be done
it it to make it a positive
1.Being hospitable This trait shows that This trait can Be still mindful of
you value your guests sometimes be abuse people.
and that they are especially of people
welcome in your home. you barely knew
2.Very polite (po at This trait shows how There is nothing
opo) that you are respectful negative about this none
and you honor trait.
3. Bayanihan It shows that you value Sometimes people will
your friends and be very dependent on Learn the limits of one
neighbors and you help one another and another. No when it is
them especially in forgets to be on their needed and when it is
times of need. own. not.
4. Being very There is nothing This makes people very
superstitious positive about being fearful resulting to Don’t believe too much
superstitious. paranoia and anxiety. in superstitions.
Evaluate and access if it
has a factual basis.
5. Strong family ties It shows how strong It can sometimes choke Learn what boundaries
your family bond is and the family members is and know your
shows what family considering different position.
means to you circumstances like
force marriage. Some
are force into
marriages just for the
sake of their family.



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