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1. Among the weaknesses of the Filipino charactery, which applies to you?

 Among the weaknesses of the Filipino charactery, the one which applies to me
the most is the passivity and lack of initiative. I lack leadership tendencies and
always tend to slouch in a task or activity. I tend to wait for commands so I know
where should I start. This is always giving me a hard time as I feel that if I would
initiate, I’ll come out as bossy and needy to someone or a group of people.

2. What have you done to counteract such to become the moral person you are called to
 The things or initiatives that I did and doing is, whenever that a professor calls
for groupings in their subject, I try to initiate and assume the position of being a
leader. So far, it got me to good destinations. It is such a fulfilling feeling when
you are able to lead your group successfully and even got a good score. I plan to
do it very often, if given a chance to.



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