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From innermost core of your being, whom have you chosen - God (goodness) or not God (the evil).

true have you been to your fundamental option? Is your life one of communion with God or of isolation?

 What I have chosen, was God or Goodness. Was I true to what I have chosen back then?
Certainly not. As time passes, I learned that what was so called God I deemed to be, may not be
as it seems. I learned that, that divine being is not of purest nor the most righteous of all, just
like how his followers proclaimed he is. Because if he is that, his love shouldn’t be bounded, his
love should be endless, forgiving, and kind. But base on his followers, he is not. Religion abhors
people who don’t consider themselves as a man and a woman. Religion abhors people of
LGBTQ. Religious people abhor them because the bible says so, because their God says so. And
this is the reason why I left, why I do not believe in him anymore.
 Is my life one of communion with God or of Isolation? Of course, it is in isolation, and it is
because of the circumstances I stated above.



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