Activity (Quinajon)

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Analyze one local/regional/national or global issue relevant to values education.

Propose one
solution to solve or address the concern.

In the Philippines, it is challenging to instill positive principles because the system is flawed and
biased in the other direction. The adage "You cannot offer what you do not have" says a lot about
the nation's educational system and even more so about its moral foundation. Even though
Filipinos tend to be more religious and frequently base their beliefs on their religion (whether it
be Christianity or Islam), the culture in the Philippines nearly always upholds a form of
systematic hypocrisy.

How then can we resolve this issue. Breaking out from this generational condition and stopping
it from within are the only solutions. It is the way it is because the previous generation exposed
and raised these people in a similar environment during their formative years. Although it still
requires a lot of self-awareness, persistent intentional effort, and the determination to do so, it is
possible to evolve out of obsolete values.

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