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Republic of the Philippines


Sudapin, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato

Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies

BSE 2F Students Sheila Mae V. De Los Santos

Jonalyn P. Villamor
Maiz B. Tayabas
Subject SSE 221- Integrative Methods in Teaching Social Science Discipline in
Basic Education
Program/Year/Section BSE 2F
Date and Time of Teaching March 27, 2023 (Monday)

Course Description SSE 221-The course provides the students the basic concepts and
practice of integrative teaching which is grounded in disciplines that
value questions, investigations, and a desire to better understand the
world and its people. The course will focus on connecting skills and
knowledge from multiple sources and experiences; understanding issues
and utilizing diverse and even opposing perspectives.
Course Outcomes SSE 221-At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
a. Identify the different methods in the course of teaching Social
Science Disciplines;
b. Discuss the different integrative methods in teaching Social Science
Disciplines; and
c. Apply the different skills and methods in teaching Social Sciences
Intended Learning At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
Outcome/s a. appreciate the purpose of cognitive psychology in methods of
Include the code teaching by giving real-life situations.

CHAPTER 4: Methods of Teaching
4.1 Cognitive Learning
RESOURCES Manila Paper
Like and Dislike emoticons
A. References SocStEd 221- Integrative Methods in Teaching Social Science Disciplines
in Basic Education Curriculum Module
1. Teacher’s Guide 2. Learner’s 3. Textbook
pages Material pages pages
4. Additional Materials
from the Learning
Resource portal
B. Other Learning

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Preliminary Prayer (1min)
Activity - Let us start with a prayer. May I request Mr/Ms Let us bow down our heads
(5-6 mins) (student) to lead the prayer? and put ourselves in the
presence of the Lord. Our
Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
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your kingdom come,

your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we
forgive those who sin against
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours,
now and forever. Amen.
Greetings (10 seconds)
- Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!
- Please be seated
Checking of Attendance (1min)
-Mr Secretary, kindly provide a 1 sheet of paper for your Yes, Ma’am.
attendance, write your name with fixed signature.

Setting of Classroom Standards (1min)

- Before we start our class discussion let us read

and understand our classroom standards

(the students will read the

classroom standards)
Be positive
and try your

R Respect everyone and everything

T Understand and demonstrate
Be creative and


S Clean up after yourself and help others - Yes po ma’am!

Follow direction to stay on target.

- Are we clear?
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Passing or Checking of Assignments (1min)

- Do you have an assignment class? - None, Ma’am

1. Reviewing
previous - Now let us have a very quick recall of what was being - Ma’am, Last time we
lesson or discussed last time. Let’s call on Ms. / Mr.? discussed about the
presenting Educational Media used in
the new teaching Social Sciences
REVIEW (1mins) - Thank you (name of the student)

2. Presenting The teacher will let the students share his/her thoughts
illustrative about the question:
instances of
the lesson As a student, what are your own ways to learn?
MOTIVATION (students raising their
(5mins) hands)

Yes (name of the student) - For me po ma’am, as a

student I have
different ways to learn
po, but studying with
groups po ma’am
really helps me a lot
because I tend to
retain more
Okay. Thank you very much(name of the student). information.

Other hands?
Yes (name of the hands) - For me po ma’am, I
learned to learn when
studying alone po
because it gives me a
freedom and allows
me to spend more
time to really
understand the topic
that I am studying po.

Okay. Thank you very much (name of the student)

- Thank you Ma’am
Great job class!

Based from your thoughts what do you think will be our

topic for today?
- Our topic for today po
is about Cognitive
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learning po.

-You have guessed it right, very good.

- Thank you po ma’am.

3. Establishing Teacher presents the objectives to the students.

a purpose
for the Our topic today is all about Cognitive Learning and this (the student will read the
lesson will be our objectives for our lesson that we need to objectives)
PRESENTATION achieve later on. Mr. (name of the student) at the back
OF OBJECTIVES please read the following objectives.
At the end of the discussion, the students are expected
a. distinguish the implications of the
cognitive learning process concept,
specifically cognitive psychology, in
teaching social science disciplines.
b. perform a brief role play on the
significance of cognitive psychology as a
teaching principle in the social science
discipline; and
c. appreciate the purpose of cognitive
learning as a principle of teaching by giving
real-life examples.
4. Discussing The teacher will divide the class equally into two groups.
the new
and - We will be having a group activity and I will group
practicing you into two groups.
new skills
#1 - How many of you are here in this classroom?
ACTIVITY 1 - 30 po kami lahat
(5mins) - Since you are 30 in this classroom, each group ma’am.
will consist of 15 members.

- This will be the group 1 (pointing to the right

side) and this will be the group 2 (pointing to the
left side). I will give each group a like and dislike
emoticon to answer the 5 questions. What you
need to do is to show the like sign if the
statement is correct and dislike if the statement
is wrong.

- Are we clear?

- Okay, good. Let’s start now.

- Yes po Ma’am
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1. The teacher should consider the ages of the students

in presenting a lesson. (Answer: LIKE)
(the students will participate in
2. The teacher may present a new task even if the the activity)
students are not ready. (Answer: DISLIKE)
3. Teachers must not also consider situational factors-
home and classroom environment, basic needs and
personal factors. (Anwer: DISLIKE)
4. Learning should be goal-directed and focused.
(Answer: LIKE)
5. Asking students to reflect on their experience still part
of cognitive learning?(Answer: LIKE)

5. Discussing Teacher gives activity 2 -3 (optional) Student’s Response

concept and
new skills #
6. Developing Teacher’s question Student’s Response
(guides - We already know what is cognitive right? It’s
formative related to thinking and it also means relating to
assessment) the mental process involved in knowing, learning,
ANALYSIS and understanding things.
(4 mins)
- And when we talk about Psychology, it is the
scientific study of mind and behavior.

- But what if we combine the two terms, it will

become Cognitive Psychology. The question is:
What comes to your mind when you hear
Cognitive Psychology?

- May I hear the idea of Mr/Mrs (name of the - It is the branch of

student) psychology dedicated
to studying how
people think
concerned with our
inner mental
- Okay. Great idea (name of the student) thank processes.

- Also Cognitive learning allows learners to gain a

deeper and a more comprehensive - Building cognitive
understanding. So, how does cognitive learning learning skills teaches
improves comprehension? us how to learn more
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effectively, we
students tend to
create larger picture
to every topic and we
try to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar
words and concepts in
the text before and
while reading in order
to begin interpreting
information in a text
- Very good (name of the student), thank you so much! more successfully po

- Why does cognitive learning beneficial to students?

- It is beneficial because it
helps us to have a
deeper understanding
of topics and stronger
learning skills, we can
approach schoolwork
with enthusiasm and

- Can you share your experiences where cognitive

learning help you in your studies?
- Actually, cognitive
learning help me in my
studies everday and
everytime po ma’am
especially when making
school activities that is
related to what I’ve
done before. Having a
deep understanding of a
subject improves your
ability to relate new
- Very good (name of the student) thank you so much!
knowledge with
previous experiences or
- Because of that give yourselves a rain clap. If you are
not familiar to it just follow me first.

(the teacher will demonstrate the creative clap hands

to the students and after the demonstration the
teacher let the students demonstrate the creative clap

7. Making
(The teacher will do presentation)
ons and Cognitive Learning
about the - We talked about cognitive learning a while ago - Yes po ma’am.
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(15mins) - The cognitive learning is an active style of learning
that focuses on helping you learn how to
maximize your brain's potential. It makes it easier
for you to connect new information with existing
ideas hence deepening your memory and
retention capacity. (Student’s participates)
- This type of learning has certain 10 implications
for teachers today.
 Learning by doing is a good advice.
- The American philosopher, John Dewey, first
popularized learning by doing. For Dewey, this
meant a heavy emphasis on student
engagement. This approach upended the
traditional notion that learning happens through
lectures and rote memorization. But teachers
should also understand that the pupils/students
learn by direct and indirect means.
 One learns to do what one does. What learners
already know influences what and how they
 The reinforcement of learning should be
relative to the learners’ needs and abilities.
 The teacher must consider the learners’ stage of
development and their previous learning.
 The students self-concept and beliefs about
their abilities are
extremely important.
 Teachers should provide opportunities for
meaningful and appropriate practices.
 Transfer of learning to new situations can be
horizontal (across subject matter) or vertical
(increased complexity of the same subject).
 Learning should be goal-directed and focused.
 Positive feedbacks, realistic praise, and
encouragement are motivating in the teaching-
learning process.
 Metacognition is an advanced cognitive process
whereby learners acquire specific learning
strategies and also sense when they are not

8. Finding Teacher gives task to students

applications - You are with your group already, right?
of concepts - Yes po Ma’am
and skills in
daily living
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APPLICATION - We will be having a group activity again, out of

(5-6mins) the ten types of learning that we have already
discussed, choose one of the ten options and then
role play. I will only give you 3 minutes to prepare
and 3 minutes to present.

- Please be guided with our criteria with the total of

30 points.
- Yes po Ma’am
- Are we clear?

- Okay. Timer starts now.

Excellent Good Needs
(8-10) (5-7) improvement
(1- 4)

Content Indicates a Good Presentation is

clear understandi off topic.
understanding ng of topic.
of topic.

Time Group has Group has Group has not

Management demonstrated demonstrat demonstrated
all the needed ed the all the task/s
information task/s but and needed
within the not all the information
given time. needed within a given
information time.
within the
given time.
Cooperation All members Some One person
cooperate in members does all the
presenting and cooperate work.
contribute in
ideas. presenting
After the performance and the justification of the students'
score, the teacher will ask the students questions based on the
role play activity.

- Based on the role play activity that you just did a while - I realized that the 10
ago. May I ask (name of the student) implications is
What did you learned or realized from your role play? important to consider
for the students’
learning process

- Can you share your reflections about the role play you
- The role play made me
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want to be fully
prepared in teaching, it
made me realize that to
become a teacher has
really a lot to consider
especially when it
comes to the learning
process of every

9. Evaluation
of Learning Direction: Distinguish the implications of the cognitive
EVALUATION (4- learning process concept, specifically cognitive
5 mins) psychology, in teaching social science disciplines. Match - Okay po Ma’am
the following situations and statements in Column A with
there corresponding implications in Column B. Write the
letter of the correct answer before each number.s
Situations and implications of the
statements cognitive learning
_____1.Students learn by A. Principle of readiness
direct and indirect.
(answer: E)
_____2. After the class, B. horizontal & vertical
Teacher Jax evaluates who
will need an additional
learning on the subject.
(answer: I)
_____3. Teacher Sky uses C. Metacognition
different ways of learning to
engage her students in her
(answer: G)
_____4. Teachers must assist D. Students’ self-
the learners to become task concept and beliefs
oriented, purposive and
efficient in their use of time
for learning and studying.
(answer: F)
_____5. It is an advanced E. Learning by doing
cognitive process where by
learners acquire specific
learning strategies and also
sense when they are not
(answer: C)
_____6. Positive feedbacks, F. Learning should be
realistic praise, and goal-directed and
encouragement. focused
(answer: H)
_____7. Transfer of learning G. Opportunities for
to new situations can be? meaningful practices
(answer: B)
_____8. Teacher Hades H. Teaching-learning
points out that the personal process
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factors of his students can

affect their learning process.
(answer: D)
_____9. Teacher Rina I. Reinforcement for
considers the ages of her learning needs and
students when determining abilities.
the proper lesson for them.
(answer: A)
_____10. What learners J. One learns to do what
already know influences one does.
what and how they learn.
(answer: J)

10. Additional The teacher will give an assignment to the students.

activities for
application - Kindly write your assignment on your notebook or - Okay po Ma’am.
or take a picture on it.
ASSIGNMENT - Assignment:
(1 min) As a potential educator, why is it necessary to
understand how students absorb information?
Write your answers in a ½ sheet of paper.

- Thank you and Good bye, class! - Thank you po. Good
bye, Ma’am!

Note: The next meeting will be the continuation of this topic. (March 29, 2023)

A. No. of students who B. No. of students who C. Did the remedial lessons D. No. of students who
earned 80% in the require additional activities work? No. of students who continue to require
evaluation: for remediation who scored have caught up the lesson: remediation:
below 80%:

E. Which of the teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use or discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Corrected by:

BSE 2F Students Cooperating Teacher
Date: March 27, 2023 Date:

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