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Incentive Relativity absolute value of an incentive when the incentive

occurs in the presence of expectancies of different
Carmen Torres1 and Mauricio R. Papini2 value.
Department of Psychology, University of Jaén, Incentive relativity is connected to a variety of
Jaén, Spain psychological processes, including expectancy,
Department of Psychology, Texas Christian motivation, emotion, and memory. To illustrate
University, Fort Worth, TX, USA its relevance, imagine living surrounded by peo-
ple who can only evaluate incentives by their
absolute value. In such a society, the same out-
Introduction: From Folk Psychology to come would have the same emotional impact
Experimental Research regardless of prior experience. Two people losing
a thousand dollars in a Las Vegas casino would
Helen saw a picture of an attractive man in an have a similar emotional response whether one of
online dating page and is happy that he accepted them is a successful lawyer in a Manhattan firm
to meet her in a coffee house. As he arrives, Helen and the other an unemployed worker. Incentive
feels disappointed because the picture posted relativity may allow the lawyer to remember the
online does not reflect the current looks of the casino experience as exciting, while the jobless
person. Is Helen’s disappointment caused by his worker would feel emotionally devastated. Simi-
current looks or by the expectation she developed larly, a wave of public protest against government
after seeing his picture? Tom used to like sweets, decisions can be described in terms of “relative
but after being treated for surgery-related pain, he deprivation,” that is, the experience of being
developed an opioid addiction. Now, whenever he deprived of something a person feels entitled to
is having ice cream all he can think of is going receive. Incentive relativity can also interfere with
home and taking a few pills. Has Tom lost his our ability to empathize with friends when we see
sweet tooth or does anticipating an opioid high their problem from our perspective, rather than
make him lose his appetite for that ice cream he theirs, or lead us to underestimate or overestimate
used to like so much? These two examples illus- our resources and abilities because we have inac-
trate the fact that in addition to its absolute value, curate expectations of what we can achieve. The
an incentive’s value may depend on how it com- pervasive influence of incentive relativity in daily
pares to other incentives that were expected to life makes it relevant to understand the conditions,
occur (as it happened to Helen) or are expected mechanisms, and neural machinery that make
to occur in the near future (as in Tom’s situation). such comparisons possible.
Incentive relativity refers to a distortion in the
# Springer International Publishing AG 2017
J. Vonk, T.K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1079-1
2 Incentive Relativity

Brief Historical and Terminological incentives in which one is always present and the
Background other may be present, remembered, or anticipated.
In successive contrast effects, the organism is
The role of incentives in animal learning has been exposed to a transition in incentive value from
a major topic of interest since the early twentieth higher to lower (successive negative contrast,
century (Flaherty 1996). Initially, the interest was SNC) or from lower to higher (successive positive
in comparing the effectiveness of rewards that contrast, SPC). Incentive has been used tradition-
differed either qualitatively or quantitatively in ally to refer to a reward expectancy, but here it is
their capacity to change behavior. Incentives used simply as a synonym of reward and appeti-
were conceptualized as the goal that aroused, tive reinforcer. Expectancy, in turn, refers to a
directed, and brought to a conclusion the behavior prediction of the impending presentation of an
of an animal. A major breakthrough came when incentive with specific properties. Typical incen-
Tolman (1932) demonstrated that animals form tives include sucrose, saccharin, food pellets, nat-
expectations of future events, rather than ural foods, drugs, and brain stimulation. The term
responding via stimulus-response associations, successive refers to the fact that there is usually a
as proposed by Thorndike (1911). Some years single transition in reward that occurs across ses-
earlier, O. L. Tinklepaugh, a graduate student in sions. Successive contrasts have been studied in
Tolman’s lab, reported that monkeys accepted a instrumental (iSNC, iSPC) and consummatory
piece of lettuce under a cup after seeing the exper- (cSNC, cSPC) situations. Instrumental responses
imenter depositing the lettuce there, but they are assessed before the animal comes into direct
refused to eat the lettuce after seeing the experi- contact with the incentive and are thus anticipa-
menter placing a piece of banana, their favorite tory. Typical measures involve errors, latency,
incentive, under the cup and even displayed speed, and response frequency. Consummatory
aggressive responses directed at the experimenter. responses involve interaction with the incentive,
Similar results were reported in analogous exper- usually in terms of consumption. Typical mea-
iments with rats exposed to a downshift from a sures include licking frequency, cumulative time
more preferred food to a less preferred, but accept- in contact with the reward, and fluid intake. In a
able food, or from a larger amount of food to a cSNC experiment, the effects of reward down-
smaller amount of food. In these experiments, the shifts are assessed in terms of consummatory
instrumental performance of downshifted animals behavior, typically after a downshift in sucrose
rapidly deteriorated in comparison to that of ani- concentration (e.g., a downshift from 32% to 4%
mals always receiving sunflower seeds – the sucrose). Such a downshift leads to a transient
unshifted control. Incentive relativity refers to suppression of consummatory behavior relative
the fact that the value of an available reward is to that of an unshifted 4% sucrose control. This
in some cases weighed against the value of model is playing a key role in our understanding
expected rewards. of incentive relativity processes and is covered
Incentive relativity effects were not compatible below in detail.
with then dominant learning theories (e.g., In addition to successive contrast, reward rela-
Thorndike 1911). As a result, this research had a tivity has also been studied in simultaneous and
long-lasting influence on the development of anticipatory contrast procedures (Flaherty 1996).
learning theory that reaches to our day, about a In simultaneous contrast situations, trials with
hundred years later. There are several procedures small or large rewards, each signaled by a dis-
designed to study incentive relativity and the ter- criminative stimulus, are mixed randomly within
minology requires clarification (see Table 1). The a session and the performance in either of these
term contrast refers to an apparent exaggeration of trials is compared to unshifted small and unshifted
reward differences brought about in animals large controls, respectively. The key outcome in
experiencing two rewards in a particular situation simultaneous contrast experiments is that animals
(Flaherty 1996). Contrast implies a comparison of receiving both reward magnitudes exhibit lower
Incentive Relativity 3

Incentive Relativity, Table 1 Incentive relativity pro- Incentive Relativity, Table 1 (continued)
cedures mentioned in this entry as typically studied in rats
Task and description
Task and description Simultaneous negative or positive contrast
Consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) Experimental condition: Responding for a small
Downshift condition: Exposure to a large reward reward in one stimulus condition and for a large reward in
followed after a few sessions by exposure to a small a different stimulus condition
reward Controls: Exposure to the small reward or to the large
Control: Always exposed to the small reward reward in both stimulus conditions in different control
Dependent variable: Reward consumption (fluid groups
intake, lick frequency) Dependent variable: Anticipatory behavior (running,
Effect: Downshifted animals consume less of the small lever pressing)
reward than unshifted controls Effects: Experimental animals respond less for the
Instrumental successive negative contrast (iSNC) small reward than small-reward controls (negative), but
Downshift condition: Exposure to a large reward more for the large reward than large-reward controls
followed after a few sessions by exposure to a small (positive)
reward Behavioral contrast
Control: Always exposed to the small reward Conditions: Receiving a large reward magnitude or
Dependent variable: Anticipatory behavior (running, high reward frequency under one stimulus and a small
lever pressing) magnitude or low frequency under another stimulus,
within a session (multiple schedules of reinforcement)
Effect: Downshifted animals respond less for the small
reward than unshifted controls Dependent variable: Response rate
Anticipatory negative contrast (ANC) Effect: Low responding for a small reward when the
previous or following component involves a large reward
Experimental condition: Exposure to a small reward
relative to responding for a low reward when the previous
followed every day after a short interval by exposure to a
or following component also involves a small reward
large reward (small➔large)
(negative). High responding for a large reward when the
Control: Exposure to the small reward followed every previous or following component involves a small
day after a short interval by exposure to a small reward reward relative to responding for a large reward when the
(small➔small) previous or following component also involves a large
Dependent variable: Consummatory behavior (fluid reward (positive)
intake, lick frequency)
Effect: Animals respond less to the small reward when
it is followed by the large reward than when it is followed performance for the small reward than animals
by the small reward that only receive the small reward (i.e., an instru-
Consummatory successive positive contrast (cSPC) mental simultaneous negative contrast effect).
Unshift condition: Exposure to a small reward Negative simultaneous contrast is also obtained
followed after a few sessions by exposure to a large
reward in consummatory procedures. For example, ani-
Control: Always exposed to the large reward mals exposed to repeated access to two sucrose
Dependent variable: Reward consumption (fluid solutions (32% and 4%) within the same session
intake, lick frequency) consumed more of the 32% and less of the 4%
Effect: Upshifted animals consume more of the large than unshifted controls exposed just to 32%
reward than unshifted controls sucrose or just to 4% sucrose, respectively.
Instrumental successive positive contrast (iSPC) In a similar procedure, often termed behavioral
Upshift condition: Exposure to a small reward
contrast, two or three reward schedules differing
followed after a few sessions by exposure to a large
reward in reward magnitude or frequency alternate within
Control: Always exposed to the large reward a session, each with its own discriminative stimu-
Dependent variable: Anticipatory behavior (running, lus. Performing an operant response (lever press,
lever pressing) nose poke) in each component is usually the key
Effect: Downshifted animals respond more for the response measure. In this case, the rate of
large reward than unshifted controls responding maintained by a constant schedule
(continued) during one stimulus is increased by reductions in
4 Incentive Relativity

the reinforcement rate during an alternative com- plotted against the absolute postshift concentra-
ponent of the schedule (Flaherty 1996). tion or against the difference between the preshift
Incentive relativity may also influence behav- minus postshift concentrations, the functions for
ior in an anticipatory manner (see below). Rats these three groups diverged significantly. How-
exposed to two palatable solutions in sequence ever, when consummatory behavior was plotted
may suppress intake of the first solution (e.g., against the ratio of postshift/preshift concentra-
0.15% saccharin, 4% sucrose) if the second solu- tions, the three functions overlapped and all dif-
tion is preferred (e.g., 32% sucrose). ferences disappeared (see Fig. 1). Therefore,
In the rest of this entry, we will focus on two consummatory behavior during a downshift epi-
incentive relativity paradigms extensively ana- sode was determined by a ratio invariance rule
lyzed from a psychobiological perspective: suc- akin to Weber’s law for sensory comparisons.
cessive and anticipatory contrast, especially as A second experiment using the conventional
they are studied in consummatory situations cSNC preparation confirmed these results, except
involving reward downshifts. References to when the postshift solutions were either too high
other procedures may be brought to bear on spe- (above 16% sucrose) or too low (below 2%
cific issues. This concentration reflects contempo- sucrose). This ratio invariance rule also applies
rary interests in these forms of contrast, in their iSNC (Pellegrini and Papini 2007). Rats
similarities and differences, and in their useful- reinforced for running with either 32 or 16 pellets
ness as models for the study of psychological exhibited overlapping postshift performance after
pain, conflict, and addictive behavior. a downshift to four or two pellets, respectively.
Interestingly, ratio invariance was strong far from
the goal, but it was less clearly observed close to
Consummatory Successive Negative the goal compartment of the runway. Using a rat
Contrast (cSNC) autoshaping preparation with sucrose solutions as
the reward, Pellegrini and Papini (2007) repli-
Basic behavioral phenomena associated to cSNC cated the absence of iSNC when sucrose solutions
have been extensively reviewed in readily avail- are used as the reinforcer (see Flaherty 1996), but
able articles (Flaherty 1996; Ortega et al. 2017; still observed ratio invariance after reward
Papini et al. 2015; Torres and Papini 2016). Here downshifts.
we will center on four factors: detection, motiva- Little is known about the neural basis of ratio
tion, emotion, and memory. invariance in the SNC situation, but the hypothe-
sis that opioid receptors are involved has received
Detection some support (Ortega et al. 2017). In one experi-
Rats trained in a runway to collect various num- ment, independent groups were exposed to the
bers of food pellets and then downshifted to one following downshifts: 32-to-6% and 16-to-3%
pellet exhibit an iSNC effect directly proportional sucrose (ratio: 0.19), and 32-to-12% and 16-to-
to the size of the disparity between pre- and post- 6% sucrose (ratio: 0.38). Treatment with nalox-
shift magnitudes. What is the rule regulating the one, a nonselective opioid receptor antagonist,
detection of such reward disparity? To uncover before the first downshift session shifted the
the detection rule, Papini and Pellegrini (2006) behavioral response from a ratio-based to a
gave three groups of rats access to either 16%, difference-based rule: the suppression was maxi-
24%, or 32% sucrose in four trials per day. Every mal for animals exposed to the 32-to-6% sucrose
other day, the second or third trial in the session downshift, which experienced a 26% drop in
involved an occasional downshift. For each sucrose concentration, and minimal for animals
group, six concentrations were used in downshift exposed to the 16-to-6% sucrose downshift,
trials chosen so as to generate the same postshift/ which were subject to a 10% reduction in sucrose
preshift ratios (8-to-1). When the cumulative time concentration. Antagonist drugs, like naloxone,
in contact with the sipper tube for each group was do not generate action potentials; rather, they
Incentive Relativity 5

prevent endogenous opioids to act on the receptor.

Therefore, this naloxone effect on cSNC implies
that endogenous opioids must be released during
an experience of reward devaluation. Although
the brain site of this effect is not known, one
prime candidate is the amygdala (see below).

Behavior in a situation involving reward shifts
also depends on internal factors. A major internal
factor in situations involving access to food is the
extent of food deprivation (Flaherty 1996). In the
cSNC situation, for example, nondeprived ani-
mals usually drink less 32% sucrose than 4%
sucrose, a fact that complicates the analysis of
postshift performance. Nondeprived animals also
respond differently to reward downshift relative to
deprived animals, showing an extended cSNC
effect. This extended cSNC effect may be related
to a reduced need for calories in nondeprived rats,
provided that a downshift from 32% sucrose to
0.15% saccharin, which lacks caloric content, also
leads to an extended cSNC effect. Similarly,
inducing a need for sugar with exogenous insulin
eliminates the cSNC effect based on sucrose
The value of a reward also seems to depend on
the internal state of the animal at the time the
reward is consumed. Cuenya et al. (2015) fed
animals with food pellets either before or after a
session involving access to sucrose solutions dur-
ing ten preshift sessions in a cSNC situation.
Presession feeding should have devalued the
sucrose solution, whereas postsession feeding
should have had at best a modest effect on sucrose
consumption. All animals experienced presession
feeding before each postshift session, when the

Incentive Relativity, Fig. 1 (continued) solution to the

same test solution (e.g., 16-to-8% vs. 32-to-8% sucrose).
Incentive Relativity, Fig. 1 Groups exposed to 32%, However, when the same results were plotted as a function
24%, or 16% sucrose (called “training solutions”) were of the test/training ratio, the functions overlapped and
occasionally downshifted to a series of sucrose concentra- differences were not observed. Such overlap suggests that
tions between 1.5% and 24% sucrose (called “test solu- the degree of consummatory suppression during a down-
tions”). When the results were plotted as a function of the shift depends on the proportion between the two solutions,
test solution top) or the training minus test difference rather than their absolute values or their difference. Results
(middle), there were significant differences between groups from Papini and Pellegrini (Learning and Motivation,
receiving reward downshifts from different training 2006, Fig. 2, reproduced with permission from Elsevier)
6 Incentive Relativity

concentration of the sucrose solution was that evokes a clear connection with emotion is
devalued from 32% to 4%. Whereas animals that the extensive overlapping between incentive rela-
had experienced postsession feeding during pre- tivity and physical pain, leading to the notion that
shift sessions exhibited a cSNC effect, those that reward loss and devaluation can be conceptual-
had experienced presession feeding failed to show ized as psychological pain (Papini et al. 2015). In
evidence of a cSNC effect. The implication is that accordance with this view, opioid and cannabi-
presession feeding had devalued the 32% sucrose noid agonists reduce the cSNC effect, whereas
such that a downshift to 4% sucrose was not opioid antagonists enhance it (Ortega et al.
experienced as particularly significant. Overall, 2017). Another source of evidence involves the
these data suggest that the value of the 32% bidirectional interacting relationships between
sucrose reward depends not only on its absolute reward relativity and sensitivity to peripheral
properties but also on the internal state of the pain. Animals exposed to a 32-to-4% sucrose
animal at the time of its consumption. devaluation exhibit reduced sensitivity to physical
pain in a variety of situations. By contrast, expo-
Emotion sure to peripheral pain and restraint stress enhance
Since the early demonstrations of incentive rela- the size of the cSNC effect (Papini et al. 2015).
tivity, interpretations have favored either emo- The attenuating effect on cSNC of anxiolytics
tional or cognitive mechanisms to account for provides a third source of evidence that reward
the response to reward downshift. There is no relativity is accompanied by negative emotion.
question that reward downshift provokes an Flaherty (1996) reviews extensive evidence that
increase in search behaviors that seem appropriate benzodiazepine anxiolytics (e.g., chlordiazepox-
to either find the missing resource or switch to ide, midazolam) and ethanol reduce the cSNC
another source of reward (Flaherty 1996). For effect during the second downshift session but
example, when trained in a small conditioning have no measurable effect during the first down-
box, rats subjected to a 32-to-4% sucrose down- shift session. If the typical 5-min session is sub-
shift exhibit increased activity and rearing behav- stantially lengthened or several cycles of reward
ior and when trained in a radial arm maze, devaluation are administered, then the cSNC
exploratory behavior in nonbaited arms increases effect is reduced by anxiolytics during the initial
during postshift trials. While emotional and cog- downshift session. Thus, some experience with
nitive changes are not necessarily incompatible, reward devaluation is needed before anxiolytics
there is evidence that search behavior is not nec- can act, a fact that prompted Flaherty (1996) to
essary for a cSNC effect to occur. Lopez Seal et al. propose a multistage model of cSNC. According
(2013) trained rats to voluntarily enter a tube to to this model, negative emotion arises when the
collect sucrose solutions. Once inside, animals animal enters into an approach-avoidance conflict
were unable to turn around but could either lick stage, with the anxiolytics then reducing avoid-
or not at the sipper tube dispensing the solution. ance and ameliorating the cSNC effect.
Under conditions that prevented full-blown Compelling evidence that reward relativity
search behavior, rats still exhibited a cSNC effect. induces negative emotion comes from a phenom-
The implication is that incentive relativity is enon traditionally known as escape from frustra-
accompanied by a negative emotional response tion. In this situation, rats are confined to a
that inhibits or redirects approach to the site pre- location where they have access to a large reward
viously associated with a highly valuable reward. for several sessions. On one session, they encoun-
In fact, unexpected reward omissions and ter no reward (extinction) and then, after a few
devaluations are known to induce changes asso- seconds, a door that had been closed is opened.
ciated with negative emotion, including distress These animals exit the extinction location faster
vocalizations, odor emissions, stress hormones, than controls that had never received a reward in
and aggressive behaviors, among others (see that box. This effect is eliminated by opioid block-
Papini and Dudley 1997). An additional aspect age with naloxone (Papini et al. 2015).
Incentive Relativity 7

Extensive research with inbred Roman high- during preshift sessions (32%) to the new value
(RHA-I) and low- (RLA-I) avoidance strains also (4%). Because this memory encodes information
provides evidence consistent with a relationship of the new reward, it could be called allocentric
between reward downshift and negative emotion memory – a memory of the environmental change.
(Torres and Sabariego 2014). RLA-I rats, which Allocentric memory would reduce and eventually
exhibit high anxiety levels in a variety of situa- eliminate the negative discrepancy. Fourth, during
tions, also show a longer cSNC, a greater iSNC, downshift sessions, there is the inevitable pairing
and a faster extinction after reward omission. between negative emotion and 4% sucrose,
Interestingly, RLA-I increased ethanol consump- which, although less than expected, it is still
tion and preference immediately after experienc- rewarding, especially for a food-deprived animal.
ing appetitive extinction, a result interpreted in Such pairings would result in a
terms of emotional self-medication. Outbred counterconditioned memory of negative emotion,
Wistar rats also showed increased consumption a process that would attenuate rejection and pro-
and preference for ethanol and the anxiolytic mote approach to the downshifted solution
chlordiazepoxide immediately after experiencing (Amsel 1992). Therefore, allocentric memory
a 32-to-4% sucrose devaluation (Torres and and counterconditioning should both contribute
Papini 2016). to the recovery of consummatory behavior to the
Finally, evidence suggesting a link between level of unshifted controls.
reward relativity and negative emotion comes Research has attempted to provide evidence for
from the effects of neural manipulations on these memory processes in experiments with a
cSNC. For example, transient lidocaine inactiva- variety of designs, for example, by varying the
tion of the centromedial amygdala impairs the retention interval between the last preshift session
cSNC effect, increased activity in the open field, and the first postshift session. Flaherty (1996,
and had no effect on ANC (Kawasaki et al. 2015). pp. 40–42) summarized several studies with reten-
Several studies further show that corticomedial tion intervals ranging between 1 and 32 days,
amygdala lesions, diazepam infusions into the suggesting that between 10 and 17 days, the
central amygdala, lesions of the insular cortex, cSNC effect is attenuated by the interval. He
lesions of the ventrolateral orbital cortex, and suggested that long retention intervals weaken
lesions of the anterior cingulate cortex modulate the memory of the preshift solution, thus attenu-
the cSNC effect (Ortega et al. 2017; Papini ating contrast.
et al. 2015). Theoretically egocentric and allocentric mem-
ories are formed somewhat simultaneously during
Memory the initial downshift session. Whereas the former
Adjustment to the cSNC situation implicates sev- encourages behavioral suppression, the latter pro-
eral memory processes (Papini 2003). First, the mpts the animal to consume the downshifted
animal learns to expect access to 32% sucrose reward. Therefore, the cSNC effect should be
during the initial ten sessions. This expectancy prolonged either by enhancing egocentric mem-
memory is required to account for the rejection ory or by interfering with allocentric memory,
of the 4% sucrose on session 11, once the animal whereas the cSNC effect should be reduced either
has detected the negative discrepancy between by interfering with egocentric memory or by
obtained and expected rewards. Second, if the enhancing allocentric memory. Following this
initial downshift event is sufficiently aversive, an rationale, memory enhancers such as corticoste-
emotional memory may be encoded. Because this rone (a stress hormone) and D-cycloserine
memory includes aspects of the animal’s own (an NMDA-receptor partial agonist) administered
emotional reaction to the downshift, it is called immediately after the first downshift session
egocentric memory. Third, every time the animal prolong the cSNC effect in subsequent sessions
tastes the downshifted solution a process of mem- (see Papini et al. 2015). It is hypothesized that
ory update would adjust the expectancy learned corticosterone and D-cycloserine enhanced the
8 Incentive Relativity

reactivation of the egocentric memory of the fact, if one alters slightly the procedure to produce
reward devaluation. Posttraining administration ANC, the opposite result (referred to as positive
of benzodiazepine anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide induction) may occur. For example, if rats are
also extends cSNC. Because chlordiazepoxide trained to press a lever to obtain a low-valued
has a memory-interfering effect, these results food reward, the rate of responding for this reward
were interpreted in terms of disruption of allo- increases if a high-valued food reward is available
centric memory. within the session. For example, animals decrease
Counterconditioned memory can be studied by their consumption of a 1% sucrose when the solu-
assessing transsituational transfer effects. Amsel tion is followed by access to a 32% sucrose, but
(1992) argued that partial reinforcement training the same animals increase their rate of operant
counterconditions a frustration response that lever pressing for a 1% sucrose if a 32% sucrose
increases persistence during extinction. Further- or food pellet is upcoming (King et al. 2002).
more, the reactivation of frustration in other situ- When ANC is obtained, the most common
ations would induce persistence even in the interpretation assumes that it represents Pavlovian
absence of partial reinforcement training. Consis- conditioning in which the initial substance func-
tent with this view, partial reinforcement training tions as a CS and the second one as a US. After
during preshift trials (random mixture of 32% several pairings, the CS would enter into an asso-
sucrose and water sessions) attenuates the cSNC ciation with the US, enabling the animals to learn
effect after a 32-to-4% sucrose downshift. In addi- predictive relationships and reducing the hedonic
tion, anxiety-prone rats (RLA-I) trained in the value of the first solution (Flaherty 1996). How-
cSNC situation later exhibit a reduced iSNC effect ever, alternative explanations based on the insen-
and, vice versa, first trained in iSNC later reduced sitivity of ANC to devaluation of the preferred
the cSNC effect. Interestingly, such transfer substance have also been proposed. For example,
effects were not observed in the RHA-I strain Onishi and Xavier (2011) argued that ANC
(Cuenya et al. 2015). Thus, it appears that recov- depends on two memory processes: (1) the mem-
ery from one situation involving incentive relativ- ory of the relative value of the first solution (which
ity and negative emotion may attenuate the impact is daily updated on the basis of gustatory and/or
of an analogous manipulation under different post-ingestive comparison of the first and second
conditions. solutions) and (2) the memory of past pairings.

Anticipatory Negative Contrast (ANC) Many studies focusing on the factors influencing
the detection of disparities between rewards sug-
ANC was first observed in the course of a study gest that the ANC effect depends on the absolute
investigating whether conditioning could affect and relative incentive value of the first and second
the glucoregulatory system. Animals were rewards, their hedonic/nutritional properties, and
exposed to pairings of saccharin as the condi- the temporal interval between reward presenta-
tioned stimulus (CS) and sucrose as the uncondi- tions. The first evidence of this phenomenon
tioned stimulus (US). As a consequence of such involved the use of a 0.15% saccharin solution
pairings, the intake of saccharin was reduced available for 3 min and followed after an inter-
when it served as a predictor of sucrose, solution interval of 5 min by a 32% sucrose solu-
suggesting that incentives can influence behavior tion for 5 min. Control groups received either 2%
in an anticipatory manner (Flaherty 1996). The sucrose as the second solution or only the 0.15%
occurrence of ANC is paradoxical with respect saccharin. After 12 sessions, groups receiving
to a simple application of the law of effect and saccharin only or saccharin followed by 2%
from a reinforcement perspective: following a sucrose showed a more accelerated lick function
behavior with a preferred substance should as compared with animals receiving 0.15%–32%
increase, not decrease, the initial behavior. In pairings. This result was interpreted on the basis of
Incentive Relativity 9

the greater hedonic value of 32% sucrose solution In addition to their gustatory/hedonic proper-
compared to the 0.15% saccharin (see Flaherty ties, differences in nutricaloric load between
1996). However, the question remained whether rewards may also influence the ANC effect in a
this phenomenon was anticipatory (i.e., based on complex manner. Moss et al. (2002) systemati-
the anticipation of the impending sucrose) or suc- cally studied the relative contributions of
cessive (triggered by the comparison between the hedonic/gustatory properties and nutricaloric
current 0.15% saccharin and the 32% sucrose loads to the ANC, by replacing the first 0.15%
presented as the second reward on the previous saccharin solution with soy milk. Soy milk has a
day). Several experiments discarded the latter greater hedonic value than sucrose (16%), but
interpretation. First, increasing the inter-solution similar nutritive properties. According to the
interval from 5 to 30 min significantly reduced the hedonic disparity hypothesis, ANC should have
suppressive effect of 32% sucrose on saccharin been found when using sucrose-soy milk pairings,
intake. Additional support for a within-day anter- but not soy milk-sucrose pairings. Contrary to
ograde process was reported by Flaherty and what was expected, the sucrose-soy milk
Rowan (1985), who conducted a within-subjects sequence failed to produce ANC, whereas the
study in which both the contrast (0.15%–32%) soy milk-sucrose sequence did yield a reliable
and the control (0.15%–0.15%) conditions were suppression of soy milk intake, showing a direct
presented to the same subject in alternation across function of the sucrose concentration. Taken
days. The rationale behind this experimental together, these results reveal the complexity of
design was as follows. If contrast is based on the the factors taking part in the detection of reward
32% sucrose presented on the previous day, then disparity in the ANC paradigm.
lick rates for the initial 0.15% saccharin solution
should be lower on days when the animals Motivation
received the 0.15%–0.15%, provided that these Apart from the hedonic properties, the rewards,
days always follow a 32% sucrose trial. By con- their caloric value, and the temporal presentation
trast, if a within-day anticipation is involved in pattern, ANC is also modulated by motivational
ANC, then the lick rate for the 0.15% solution factors (see Flaherty 1996). Some studies have
should be lower when the 0.15% saccharin pre- explored how food deprivation influences ani-
dicts 32% sucrose. The results indicated that rats mal’s behavior in anticipatory situations. In
licked less for the 0.15% saccharin on food-deprived animals, ANC was obtained when
0.15%–32% days than on 0.15%–0.15% days. 2% or 4% sucrose preceded by 15 s, but not by
The differences between trials appeared regardless 5 min, access to 32% sucrose. In nondeprived
of the inter-solution interval (15 s vs. 1 min) and animals, the reduced intake of either 2% or 4%
even after reversing the cue-solution pairings. sucrose appeared whenever these rewards were
Once it was demonstrated that ANC depends presented 5 min before 32% sucrose. Interest-
on anterograde mechanisms, subsequent experi- ingly, the influence of the deprivation condition
ments showed that variations in either the first or was not observed when saccharin-sucrose
the second reward influence the size of the effect pairings were used, suggesting that the caloric
(see Flaherty 1996). For example, when the initial value becomes important with long inter-solution
substance has low hedonic value relative to the intervals under conditions of food deprivation.
second one (e.g., water or an empty tube followed The level of deprivation has also been investi-
by 32% sucrose), positive induction is observed. gated by Weatherly et al. (2005), who found that
Increasing the hedonic value of the first solution deprivation promoted positive induction, rather
resulted in ANC, rather than positive induction. than ANC. Induction was observed when subjects
The greater the hedonic value of the first solution, were food deprived and exposed twice a day to
the sooner and the larger the ANC. However, 1% sucrose (3 min) followed (after 0, 15, or 60 s)
when other reward combinations are used the by a 3 min access to 32% sucrose. However,
results are far from conclusive. nondeprived animals did not show either a reliable
10 Incentive Relativity

positive induction or an ANC effect. The authors Emotion

concluded that although induction was never While hedonic devaluation provides a parsimoni-
observed when subjects were not food deprived, ous explanation of ANC, alternative mechanisms
eliminating food deprivation was not sufficient to have also been proposed. One possibility is that
produce contrast. the presentation of a low reward after being paired
A different approach to address the issue of with a high reward triggers negative emotion
how motivation impacts ANC involves using (Flaherty 1996). While there is evidence for such
rewards with high incentive value, such as abuse a mechanism in other forms of contrast (as in
drugs. The model was initially based on the fre- SNC, see above), three sources speak against
quent observation that rats avoid the intake of a this possibility in the case of ANC (Flaherty
gustatory CS such as saccharin after it has been 1996; Papini et al. 2015). First, anxiolytics (such
paired with and aversive US (e.g., the toxin lith- as chlordiazepoxide, cyproheptadine, buspirone,
ium chloride). Drugs of abuse (e.g., cocaine, mor- and testosterone) fail to affect ANC. Similarly, the
phine, heroine) also suppress saccharin intake administration of drugs known to enhance aver-
following repeated pairings. Based on its similar- sive memories of reward downshift events (such
ity with conditioned taste aversion procedures, as corticosterone), do not influence ANC. The
this effect was initially interpreted as indicative pharmacological manipulation of opioid receptors
that abuse drugs have both reinforcing and aver- (known to be involved in psychological pain) also
sive properties. However, the suppressive effects shows negative results when applied to the ANC
of drugs of abuse differ in many ways from those effect (Katsuura and Taha 2014).
of aversive stimuli, leading to an interpretation of Second, lesion studies involving brain regions
this phenomenon based on reward comparison: known to regulate negative emotions fail to alter
Rats would decrease saccharin because its value ANC. Unlike cSNC, neither electrolytic lesions of
is outweighed by that of a highly reinforcing the central nucleus of the amygdala (see Flaherty
psychoactive drug (Grigson 1997). 1996), nor the transient inactivation of the
As opposed to ANC tests, in which free access centromedial region of the amygdala induced by
to both rewards is the standard procedure, drug- lidocaine microinfusions affected ANC
induced suppression of CS intake usually (Kawasaki et al. 2015).
involves forced administration of the Third, studies based on comparisons between
US. Despite such differences, the suppressive strains of rats that differ in emotional reactivity are
effects of abuse drugs and sucrose on CS intake not conclusive with respect to ANC. Maudsley
share a number of similarities: (a) both depend on reactive (MR) and Maudsley nonreactive
the nature of the gustatory CS; (b) both are atten- (MNRA) rats showed little difference in ANC
uated by food deprivation; (c) both are greater in when licking frequency was used as dependent
selected rats highly reactive to abuse drugs (Lewis variable. However, whereas MNRA rats exhibited
rats); (d) both are increased in rats exposed to longer latencies to lick 0.15% saccharin when this
chronic morphine; and (e) both are disrupted by solution was followed by 32% sucrose, a positive
lesions of the gustatory cortex and gustatory thal- induction effect was found in the MR strain
amus (Grigson 2008). Overall, the data suggest (Flaherty 1996). Regarding the extensively
that both behavioral phenomena are related to phenotyped RHA-I and RLA-I rats in anxiety
mechanisms of anticipated reward comparison tasks, no differences in ANC were found (Torres
and devaluation. Supporting this contention, and Sabariego 2014).
recent results showed that a reduction in CS intake Taken together, these data suggest that ANC
induced by a single saccharin-morphine pairing is situations may not involve negative emotion.
accompanied by a marked blunting of the nucleus However, this conclusion should be taken with
accumbens dopamine response to the saccharin caution. For example, Gómez et al. (2000)
reward cue (Grigson and Hajnal 2007). explored whether individual differences in sac-
charin intake suppression induced by morphine
Incentive Relativity 11

correlated with circulating corticosterone levels. Conclusions

Greater suppression of CS intake was associated
with higher corticosterone levels. In the same The scenarios proposed at the start of this entry on
vein, McFalls et al. (2016) found that those ani- incentive relativity illustrated daily life situations
mals exhibiting greater levels of saccharin intake that are simulated in the lab with animal models.
suppression showed increased mRNA expression Thus, Helen’s disappointment when her date did
for elements of the stress/CRF signaling pathway not resemble what she had seen in a picture is an
within the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, example of SNC. High expectations based on
and ventral tegmental area. prior experience led to negative emotion, just as
expecting 32% sucrose induces frustration when a
rat encounters 4% sucrose instead. Tom’s problem
was akin to ANC. His taste for sweets was
Since its discovery, the ANC effect was thought to
reduced when they were paired with opioids,
be due to Pavlovian associations and anterograde
much like anticipating 32% sucrose reduces
memory processes, both involving the anticipa-
intake of the lesser-valued 0.15% saccharin. The
tion of the highly preferred sucrose reward when
study of incentive relativity offers an inroad to
the less preferred saccharin solution is presented.
understand these distortions of reward value.
A few studies have addressed the neurobiological
The study of incentive relativity is providing
basis of the memory processes that support ANC.
some insights into several issues of basic and
Electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus
translational importance. Something these effects
impaired ANC but had no influence on simulta-
have in common is their connection to a wide
neous contrast (Reilly et al. 2004). These results
range of psychological processes, despite being
suggest a role of the gustatory thalamus in the
produced by seemingly simple situations. Three
comparison between the value of an available
areas are highlighted here.
reward and the memory of a preferred reward
First, SNC effects, both instrumental and con-
that is anticipated in the near future.
summatory, have been studied more extensively
The gustatory insular cortex has also been
from comparative and developmental perspec-
involved in reward anticipation. Kesner and Gil-
tives. The SNC effect is not a general phenome-
bert (2007) found that quinolinic acid lesions of
non among vertebrates. It has been reported in
the agranular insular cortex disrupted ANC in rats
several species of mammals (e.g., rats, mice, mon-
receiving 2%–32% sucrose pairings in their home
keys, dogs, and opossums), but it has failed to
cages. The fact that animals did not show any
occur in studies with pigeons, reptiles, amphib-
deficit in the discrimination between both solu-
ians, and fish (Papini 2003). Similarly, the iSNC
tions (as shown by preference testing) suggests
effect emerges around 24 days of age in rats, in
that the gustatory insular cortex may be involved
correlation with the maturation of the hippocam-
in memory and reward anticipation. Finally, ANC
pal formation (Amsel 1992). There are no similar
has been proposed not to depend on anticipation
comparative data on the ANC effect.
of the second reward since it is insensitive to the
Second, the SNC has become a model to study
devaluation of the second reward (Onishi and
the consequences of negative emotions. The main
Xavier 2011). According to this view, the relative
idea is that the reduction of an incentive is analo-
incentive value of the first solution would be
gous to an experience involving loss. Experiments
estimated on the basis of the memory of past
show that such experiences may distort sensitivity
pairings, as well as on daily updating based on
to peripheral pain, are influenced by manipula-
both gustatory and/or post-ingestive comparisons
tions of pain-related systems in the brain (e.g.,
between solutions.
opioid and cannabinoid receptors), are modulated
by tranquilizers, and are affected by lesions in
brain sites known to be connected to emotional
responses (Papini et al. 2015). These studies have
12 Incentive Relativity

implications for an understanding of how an expe- with elevated corticosterone levels. Brain Research,
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Disease Models, 5, 227–233.
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