Grade 8 3RD Quarter Reviewer in Pe and Health

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DG 2
K 5
JX 8
QZ 10


Bingo - 7 letters played earning a bonus of 50 points

Blocking - stopping the opponent from making a large score
Challenge - an opponent calls when a play is not acceptable (losing one turn if the word is not acceptable)
Count tiles - 1) before a game begins to ensure there are 100 tiles 2)near the end to know how many tiles remain to be played
Double-double - two double-word scores
End-game - less than 7 tiles left from the bag
Hook letter - a letter that will spell a new word
Pass - player may pass his turn by not exchanging tiles and not making a play on the board
Scrabble - 2-4 players score points forming words
Tiles - flat thin piece marked with characters


Staunton - English master, modern design of chess pieces

London Tourney - 1851, 1st international chess tournament
Adolf Anderssen - unofficial best chess player who won the London Tourney
Paul Morphy- first great American-born chess player
1866 - first official championship chess tournament with sand clocks
Steinitz- Bohemian Jew who won in the 1st official championship

The King - most important chess piece, one of the weakest, only moves one square in any direction
The Queen - most powerful piece, moves in any one straight direction
The Rook - moves forward, backward and to the sides in any squares of the said direction
The Bishop - diagonal move, starts on one color and must stay on one color
The Knight - L shape move
The Pawn - moves forward, captures diagonally


Castling - a move of the king and / or either a rook of the same color along a player’s first row
Check - places the opposing king under an immediate threat
Checkmate - king is threatened with capture having no move to avoid the threat
Chess - a board game of 2 players, each beginning with 16 pieces
Draw - nobody ends a winner
En Passant - a special pawn capture
Promotion - special ability of a pawn where it reaches the last row of the other side of the board


Dominoes (or dominos)

- the collective gaming pieces making up a domino set (sometimes called a deck or pack) or to the subcategory of tile games
played with domino pieces.
- any rectangle formed from joining two congruent squares edge to edge.
- A domino set may consist of different numbers of tiles and dots.
The traditional Sino-European domino set consists of 28 dominoes. The totals for all common domino sets are presented in the
following table:
Domino Set. Number of Tiles. Number of Dots
Double Six (6-6) 28 168
Double Nine (9-9l 55 495
Double Twelve (12-12) 91 1092
Double Fifteen (15-15) 136 2040

Dominoes are called "bones" because the earliest domino tiles were made from animal bones or ivory. Dominoes are also called
"tiles," "stones," "men," "tickets," or "spinners."
Each end is marked with a number of spots (also called pips) or is blank. The word "pip" commonly means a "spot or a "speck".
Evidence shows that tile games have been found in China as early as 1120 CE. Some historians credit Keung Tai Kung in the
twelfth century BE for creating them. On the other hand, the Chu Sz Yam (Investigations on the Traditions of All Things) stated
that domino was invented by a statesman in 1120 CE.
The word "domino" is most likely derived from the Latin, dominus (i.e., the master of the house). The vocative domine became
the Scottish and English dominie (i.e., schoolmaster). The word "domino" is French for a black and white hood worn by Christian
priests in winter which is probably where the name of the game is derived from.

Bar - refers to the middle line dividing the two squares of a domino tile
Blocked game - occurs when neither player has tiles that they cannot play
Bones - also known as the domino tiles
Bone yard - refers to the stock of domino pieces.
Dominoes - generally refers to the collective gaming pieces making up a domino set (sometimes called a deck or pack) or to the
subcategory of tile games played with domino pieces.
Dots - refers to the spots of a bone.
Draw game - a domino game in which a player having no playable piece forced to draw from the stock until he or she gets one.



Factors that influence disease transmission

1. Environmental factors
2. Socio-economic factors
Types of Pathogen Nature
Bacteria -one-celled microscopic organisms
-saprophytes (bacteria that digest non-living food materials)
-host (plant or animal that the parasite feeds on)
 Toxin bacteria - produce a certain food poison called
botulism (living in the soil, can cause lockjaw,tetanus,
 Resident bacteria - live in the human mouth, intestines
and skin
Rickettsiae Organisms that are considered intermediate, that is,
somewhere between a virus and a bacterium
Viruses Small,simple-like form from one half to 100 size of a bacteria
Fungi Organisms that cannot make their own food
Protozoa Single-celled organisms that are larger than bacteria and have
a more complex cellular structure
Parasitic worms A worm is classified as parasite

Mode of transmission
Contact transmission - kissing,handshakes with a sick person, sleeping with someone with lice
Food-borne / water-borne transmission
Vector- borne transmission - mosquito bites, insect bites
Droplet transmission - coughing, sneezing
Air-borne transmission

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